Story 3 : The Debut day has comee !

♥♥ Our Life As An Idols ♥♥

~~ At YEAH's Waiting Room ~~

“All Done ! haha, i’m proud to be your coordi ! you all look awesome !” The Coordi Slapped Kyung’s Shoulder.

“aaish ! Apayo !It’s Hurt ! You don’t have to slapped me like that !” Kyung Rubbed her shoulder.

“I believe your Clothes will be a trend !, uwaah !! Jeongmal Haengbokhaeyo ! aigoo !” the Hyper Coordi Unni held her chest and smiling nonstop, yes, i think she went crazy because it’s YEAH’s Debut Day.

“Aigoo, Unnie, Calm down will you ? you scaared me with your laugh !” Yoorin looked at the coordi with a weird look.

“wae ? now, let’s take a selca together ! i want to post it in Me2day ! kaja !” She pulled YEAH Member’s Together and took a couple shoot with them and upload it in Me2day and its saying. ‘Cool and Cute girls ! but that’s not our Girl group theme ~, YEAH ! Hwaiting ! aja aja !’

“ Eonni, have you add my account ?” Sora looked behind the coordi’s shoulder.

“uh-um, i’ve already add it”

Then they all turn to look at the mirror, sanryenn was the first one to spoke.

“*Sigh* aigoo, this clothes is so awesome, i think we’ll be a new fashion icon !” Sanryenn looked amazed.

Sanryenn’s clothes :

“I Love the Shoes ! They’re Cool, tottaly cool !” Lucy Looked down at her shoes, admire its coolness.

Lucy’s Clothes :

“I Love This Vest ! Ayy, it’s so cool !” Sora said and looked at her vest and bracelets

Sora’s clothes :

“My clothes are so simple but it’s so cool ! and the high-top sneakers just so C.O.O.L !” Yoorin jumped a little and touched the sneakers. “It’s DC !” She amazed.

Yoorin’s Clothes :

“Whoa Whoa, Is This Balmain’s Harem Cargo Pants ? waa~ And This is DC ! The Hat is cool too !” Kyung held her hat and fixed her gloves.


Kyung’s Clothes :

Naegaen I Belong To You ~

Mameul arajwo I belong to you ~

Sanryenn’s Phone ringing and buzzed, then sanryenn looked around to found her Phone is on the table, and looked at caller ID,

‘Deungie oppa’

“yobosaeyo ? Oppa ?”

“Sannie-ah, You borrowed my headphone right ?”


“I Want YOU to bring MY headphone back RIGHT NOW, i’ll wait in the MBLAQ’s Waiting room arachi ? okay ? Annyeong ! Goodbye Adios !” then cheondoong hung up.

“but-,yobosaeyo ? Yah oppa ya ! aishh !” Sanryenn Looked at her phone with frustrated look in her face.

“What’s Wrong ? Wae Geurae ?” Sora said.

“Issh ! My Brother wants me to give him back his headphone that i borrowed from him last month, i said i’ll return it when i got the new one !" Sanryenn Took the headphone and turn to look at Lucy,

“Lucy-ah, Do you want accompany me to MBLAQ’s Waiting room ? Pleaseee ?” Sanryenn Said, With her angelic face.

“Sannie-ah, even you showed me your angel side, i can’t F(x) here too, krystal alreadry asked me to meet her and talk about Jung’s Sisters thing.”  Sanryenn looked dissapointed to heard Lucy’s words.

Just then, a light bulb popped in beside her head.

“Yoorin-ah, where are you ?” she called for Yoorin

“Yoorin already went to MBLAQ’s waiting room to meet Joon when you’re talking with Lucy.” Kyung said while eating her potato chips.

“Unnie-ah,can you accompany me to MBLAQ’s Waiting room ? Peurisseu ?” Sanryenn said in her pure korean accent.

“Unnie ? you called me unnie ? Ok if tose meanies didn’t planned something that made me pissed off again, Come on !” Kyung mentally smirked because she knew why sanryenn Asked her to accompany her to MBLAQ’s Waiting room.

*Just wait and see... i know you liked each other kkkk ~ *

Knock Knock

“Come In !, oh, Sannie-ah ! Why are you here ?” Joon said

“Ah, Joon Oppa, Where’s My Brother ?” Sanryenn looked down, realized that Mir stared at her.

*Oh.My.God, Isn’t that Sanryenn ? She’s Pretty ! no, amazing ! aigoo, Cheolyong-ah ! wake up ! Deung Hyung maybe will killed me later.* Mir Shook His Head.

“Yah, Cheolyong-ah, What are you staring at ?” Kyung Waved a hand in front of Mir’s face and tried to followed his gaze.

Then, Kyung took a water and splashed it to Mir.

“Ige Mwoya ?! What the Hell is this ?Yah ! don’t you dare ! Yah ! Park Joo Kyung !”

“Not My feult that you didn’t pay attention to me when i called you, bleeh, Mehrong !” Kyung Sticked her tongue out.

“Geez, How old are they ? i think a 5 years old kid trapped in the 20 years old person !” Seungho Shook his head.

“She’s more hyper at dorm, even she can drink 8 bottles of a mineral water in a minutes !” Yoorin Exclaimed.

But Sanryenn looked jealous because the one who being chased by Mir isn’t her, but without she realize, Kyung was staring at her, noticed that she getting jealous.

*aah, i know, they’re liked eact other but too shy to tell, i have a plan for that, just see...* Kyung smirked evilly, while she running around, and smiled a devil smile. without realize The Rest Of MBLAQ,Yoorin and Sanryenn Watched her Weirdly, because her smirk isn’t normal, Yoorin and Joon Knew that Kyung will made another plan.

*Aigoo,Unnie/This kid, I Know She was going to do something later.* they both shook their head.

“Hyun,Go Get her and make her and Cheolyong running around, it’s annoying !” Cheondeung said.

“Ok,It’s Easy thing !” G.O Walked to Kyung and catch her, hold both side of her shoulders

“Kyung, are you... Ok ? should i pinched your cheeks to make you go back to normal ?” G.O Whispered loudly in Kyung’s Ear, which made her Kicked him and run away.


“aigoo, why must he did that ?! aig- Ah !” Kyung cutted off by bumped to someone.

“Yah, watch where you going !” The boy stand up and offered a hand for Kyung, but she stand up by herself and looke dto the boy’s hand and give him a Cold look.

“Ani, I don’t need it, gomawo.” Kyung said, walking away.

"Aish ! You're the one who bumped into me !" Kikwang Catch and spunned Kyung around.

"Then ?" Kyung raised her eyebrow. "You must apologized to me !" kikwang said. "aniyo, You're the one who bumpred into me when i was standing over there trying to catch a breath and you're running towards me and bumped into me! and now you wanted me to apolize ? Hell no !" Kyung almost yelled because annoyed.

"You're the one who bumped into me !" kikwang  fight back.

"No, You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !"

"You !!!!!" at the end, both of them yelled.

"aigoo, what is that- Yah !, kikwang ah ! why the hell are you shout ?" Yoseob popped out from nowhere while covered his ears.

"Shut Up !" Kikwang and Kyung Said to Yoseob.

"Yah, Is that the way you talk to your hyung ? ah, how funny !" Yoseob let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Aish ! Shut up you little chubby cheeks thing !" Kyung said  Yelled to yoseob

"aigoo, Miss, you don't have to yell, i already deaf !" Yoseob covered his ears, anticipated that if one of them started to yell again.

"ahh ! i'm going !" Kyung Walked away.

"Yah ! Yah ! YAAAAAAAAH !" Kikwang shouted but, too late !

Kyung already entered the YEAH's Waitiing room.

"Aissh !"


Hello ! It's me Hyesung !

Updated agaiin ! hehehe ~

Nice chapter or bad chapter ?

:) :L :D

_Hyesungiee05_ <3

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
It's ok ^^ good luck!
Aww..that's fine unnie!~ FIGHTING!!!! And senior year is the most important and emotional year of HS!! :)
Ah! The guy's picture. I wonder who he was. I love how our members can be so violent sometimes XDD. I'm glad we won though, in your face other rookies!!<br />
Just kidding~ Must remain humble.<br />
The haunted house story was funny though. She was completely oblivious the whole time. O.o
Chukkahae for winning~! :D
I'm Not telling youuu ~<br />
*Evil Smirk*<br />
kkkkkk ~
I'm in L.O.V.E with the outfits! <3