

   I awoke startled hearing a low growl above my head. I peered up and in my breath quickly meeting the eyes of a large wolf. It snarled back at me in response and swooped it's large black head down snapping it's jaw shut on the trunk I rolled away from. The large wolf was flanked with eleven other wolves equally as terrifying. I swung my backpack over my head and pushed my arms through the straps, running away frantically checking behind to see the gap between life and death shrinking rapidly. I cried out hearing the ravenous howls of my predators. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one reach forward to snap at my neck but was suddenly throttled back by a large branch slamming into it's chest. The wolf whimpered in pain as it collided with one of it's companions that snarled back in response. 
   The opening to the forest was nearing and the wolves began to slow down. I leapt out of the woods panting hysterically. My head whipped in all directions the feeling of being hunted still heavy on my mind. A relived gust of air pushed it's way out of my lungs seeing that I was no longer being followed. The sound of my thudding heart was pounding in my ears as I trudged over to the gas station to get some food to hush my gurgling stomach. The bells tied to the door handle jingled announcing my entrance. I walked cautiously around the mini market aisles glancing every now and again at the worker who was doing his best not to fall asleep. My eyes darted around the store as I tried to stuff a bag of potato chips into my backpack, my actions were halted sensing a pair of eyes boring into the back of my head. I held my breath nervously turning around facing a tall intimidating man that was staring at the bag of chips my hand gripped tightly onto.
   My mouth opened and closed trying to form an explanation but came short as he started to drag me by the wrist to the counter. I stared wide eyed at him as he strolled through the aisles picking up various snacks whistling quietly to himself. He walked back up to the register, arms full of food. He spilled the contents onto the counter and pulled out money from his back pocket handing it to the worker. He grabbed the bag filled with food and handed it over to me still not saying a word. I accepted the bag bowing humbly at his kind action. 
   We walked out of the small market, the cool breeze began to pick up turning into a bitter wind. 
"You don't have anywhere to go, do you?" He asked a bit harshly. 
   I opened my mouth to tell him he was wrong but stopped, I really didn't have anywhere to go.  I swallowed a bit of my pride and replied with a small "no". I felt mesmerized staring into his dark eyes, the black irises drew me in, a sense of vulnerability sinking over me. My admiration for his dark orbs was suddenly clouded with the face of the wolf that woke me up in the forest. I blinked a couple of times clearing the images that weaved through my mind. He looked irritably at me, I realized he'd been talking and was waiting for my answer.
   "Could you repeat that?" I asked apologetically. 
   "I have an empty room if you don't mind spiders and a few rowdy guys." He offered a slight curve on a corner of his mouth. 
   "No thank you." I answered slightly put off by his attitude.
   He shrugged his shoulders hinting that I was making a mistake and his heel to leave. I stared at his figure as he made his way into the forest and scoffed. Plopping down onto the curb I pulled out the bag of chips and began to nibble on them, a weird feeling began to settle over me as the sun settled itself behind the trees. The wind whistled a low tune as it blew past my ear. I pulled my knees to my chest warily glancing around. There's no way I could survive on my own out here. I stood up and walked slowly to the edge of the forest hoping the man didn't get too far just yet.
   I was positive I'd never be able to find the house the man was talking about when it became evident that I'd passed the same tree four times already. I sunk to the ground a wet hopelessness began to drip out of my eyes as I curled into a ball and rocked back and forth trying to stay calm. My wails became louder as my reality sunk in, I was desperately lost and alone. A small low growl startled me out of my wailing. I looked up slowly, eyes blurry with tears, meeting eyes with a large grey wolf. I held my breath terrified. The wolf came toward me slowly, I ducked my head into my arms and couldn't hold back the sobs that racked my body. I was going to die. I felt the wolf a mere six inches away from my neck and cringed waiting for my throat to be ripped open. When nothing happened I opened my eyes confused, the wolf sat there staring curiously at me. I took in a shaky breath looking over the wolf, it's eye's were strikingly human.
   "H-hello." I breathed out steadily.

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 4: I've been so excited for this story! I'm glad you updated, I really love this story! ^^
Chapter 2: How come the chapters has no name?
xforeverwithyou #3
This is really good~
Celinko #4
Chapter 1: update ^____^
Chapter 1: I like this so far c:
danger093 #6
Chapter 1: Updateeee!