Oh deer


   A pale yellow light streaming in from the hallway distracted me out of my slumber. I blinked a few times not recognizing my surroundings. I sat up slowly, the past events trickling it's way back into my consciousness. I lifted my legs and threw them over the side of the bed. As quietly as I could I stood up and tiptoed over to the open door. I poked my head out into the hallway checking left and right to see if anyone was coming. I stepped out into the hallway and quietly made my way down the stairs checking behind me at every small noise. 
   I descended down into a small room that looked to be the kitchen. Cobwebs and dust covered most of the room hinting that this room wasn't often in use. I pulled open the fridge door peeking inside only to be met with a dark rat glaring up at me with chipped teeth. It scuttled out of the fridge and onto the kitchen floor, stepping back in avoidance of the rat I stepped on someone's foot. I whirled around in surprise, swallowing a nervous lump that was gathering in my throat I opened my mouth to speak.
   "I'm sor- how long have you been standing there for?" I asked sure of myself that he wasn't there when I first entered the room. 
   "Not long." He responded with a slight smirk on the corner his mouth.
   I chewed on my lip thoughtfully piecing my request together in my head.
   "I'm guessing you want food." He stated raising his eyebrows expectantly. 
   I answered with a quick nod.
   "Close your eyes." He commanded crossing his arms.
   "What? No." I answered curtly furrowing my eyebrows at the odd command.
   "I'm not going to do anything to you," he said with an eye roll, "close your eyes." 
   I studied his face for a few more seconds before shutting my eyes. 
   "How long do I have to close them for?" 
   I stood waiting for an answer.
   "Seriously, can I open my eyes yet?" 
   Only the sound of the rats paws moving across the kitchen floor made any sort of response.
   I opened my eyes curiously, he was gone.
   "Is this some kind of joke?" I called out irritably.
   I crossed my arms over my chest annoyed.
   "Well fine." I huffed leaving the kitchen.
   The next room I entered was spacious and lined with books. My heart began to fill up with a sense of comfort at the sight of the filled shelves. I made my way over to one of the cases and pulled out a familiar looking book. The scent upon opening the book filled my senses and brought me back to when I was hidden away in my uncle's attic. 
   I peered through the small hole in the door blocking me off from the rest of my uncle's house. I jiggled the doorknob testing whether I was successful in picking the lock. The door swung open with an eery creak. I hopped down the stairs with light footwork. I became paranoid that the sound of my racing heartbeat would give away my plan. I took a deep breath in and let a shaky breath out as my foot made contact with the last step. I glanced from left to right and back again before tiptoeing over to my uncle's library. I shut the door behind me as slowly and silently as I could. I found my uncle's step ladder and wheeled it over to one of the shelves. I reached for one of the books and pulled it out off of the shelf stepping down from the ladder. I sat down in the corner of the room and began to read as I did every night after my uncle had fallen asleep.
   "What are you doing?" 
   I jumped about a foot in the air startled back into reality. The book fell to the floor with a soft thud. My mouth hung open as I desperately tried to find my words. 
   "I uh, I went exploring." I answered pinching my lips together, a habit I picked up whenever my uncle caught me when I had escaped the attic. 
   "Don't do that anymore." He answered with an odd look playing with his features.
   "Why not?" I asked cocking my head to the side.
   "If you want to make it easier on yourself and all of us you should stay in one place." 
   "Why?" I asked stepping towards him. 
   He towered over me, I stared up at him questioningly. He made a sort of scoffing noise before turning on his heel walking back towards the kitchen. 
   "Your food's ready." He stated before leaving the room.
   I picked the book up off of the floor and placed it back onto the shelf and followed the boy back into the kitchen. 
   I stared confused at what was waiting for me on the table. 
   "Oh my gosh." Staring back at me was a small deer lying charred on the table.
   "Oh my gosh." I repeated stepping closer to it. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I inspected the deer. There was a large gash in the side of its throat where something snapped it's neck. 
   "W-what, how could, why?" I murmured my lower lip involuntarily jutting out. 
   My eyes were locked on the dead fawn. My focus kept on shifting from its lifeless black eyes to the wound on its neck. I felt a hand on my shoulder shake me slightly. 
   "What's wrong?" It was a different voice from the one that belonged to the boy I first met in the kitchen. 
   I turned slightly, my eyes began to sting from the lack of blinking, he had very big round eyes and heart shaped lips, he wasn't that much taller than me so I could feel his breath tickle my nose whenever he spoke. 
   "It's dead?" I meant to state, but it came out as more of a question.
   "Y-yes, is that why you're upset?" He asked, the look of concern was evident in his large eyes.
   I didn't reply and returned to staring at the child lying alone on the table. I couldn't hold them back anymore, hot tears stung at my eyes before I decided I didn't care and began to cry. 
   "Hey, hey, don't cry." He cooed pulling me into his chest. 
   "I'm guessing you don't eat meat." The one from before remarked, I could almost hear the taunting smile in his voice. 
   I glared at him with as much ferocity as possible with tears in my eyes.
   "No I don't, my uncle said it would be bad for me if I did." The two boys made a breif exchange of eye contact, obvious that it wasn't something they wanted me to notice.
   "What's your name?" The one who still had his arms wrapped securely around me questioned. 
   "Sora." I replied trying my best to get out of his embrace.
   "Oh sorry," he muttered realizing he had yet to let go, "My name's D.O.," he gestured toward the boy pulling meat off of the deer, "that's Kai."
   I stared at Kai, both disgusted and saddened at what he was doing to the deer.
   "What," he asked with a mouthfull of deer meat, "it's already dead."
   I gagged slightly turning back to DO, "I think I'll just head back upstairs."
   He smiled apologetically before turning and smacking Kai in the back of the head.  
   Once I was back in the bedroom I slept in last night I shut the door and slid down until I hit the floor. My temples had begun to throb. I whimpered trying to rub them to soothe the pain. A sharp pain suddenly replaced the throbbing and it took everything I had in me not to scream. I clutched onto my head desperately. I closed my eyes focusing on the darkness rather than the pain. The pain began to subdue, I opened my eyes sighing. I choked on the air I was trying to exhale seeing a baby deeer mangled and twitching on the ground before me. I forcefully brought my hand to my mouth willing myself to not scream. A distressed sound came out of its mouth as it writhed back and forth. My vision was completely blurred from the water escaping my eyes. I reached my hand out to comfort it, I had no idea what else to do but to try and help it ignore the pain. 
   "Hi~" I murmured its face, "I'm so sorry this happened to you." A sob racked my body and I brought my hand back to my mouth to quiet myself. 
   I brought my knees to my chest and rocked forward and back crying audibly into my hand. 
   "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. It'll be okay, okay? You'll be okay." I repeated shaking my head trying to convince myself more so than the fawn. 
   It let out another cry of pain as it watched me rock myself back and forth. 
   "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I sobbed watching it slowly drop its head. 
   I closed my eyes refusing to believe what I just saw was real. 
   "I'm so-" I opened my eyes again but there was no deer in sight. 
   I scrambled up off of the ground frantically looking around the room for the deer. My wet cheeks and hiccups gave proof that I was really crying. I stood in the middle of the room, dumbfounded. What just happened?!

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 4: I've been so excited for this story! I'm glad you updated, I really love this story! ^^
Chapter 2: How come the chapters has no name?
xforeverwithyou #3
This is really good~
Celinko #4
Chapter 1: update ^____^
Chapter 1: I like this so far c:
danger093 #6
Chapter 1: Updateeee!