Chapter 10

I Want to be Your Miss Right


"Well done, well done I would like you and your brother to become a trainee at our entertainment right away". After school when Chanhee oppa drove us to TOP Media we somehow ended getting a "special" audition. Even though we didn't prepare for this me and L.Joe tried our best which takes us back to where we are right now. Andy Lee the founder of TOP Media wanted us to become a trainees at TOP after he saw would we were capable of doing.
-Few hours passed-
All I did was watch them go in for their "special" audition. I'm sure they didn't prepare or even practice, they probably haven't even sang for awhile especially L.Joe. Anyways I have to get back to my work. Practice. I train with other trainees well more like my friends. Right now there is five of us. We have been waiting and waiting for our debut, waiting for that day to come. Now, to be honest  since L.Joe auditioned and he's a trainee I want to debut with Byunghun even though it'll take time.
After practicing and practicing the same dance routine somebody walked into out practice room. It was Andy hyung he came in with somebody else behind him I looked carefully it was L.Joe. I said his name under my breath. Minsoo, Jonghyun, Daniel, Changhyun and me were all looking. Then Andy hyung finally spoke "starting from today the six of you will train together. This fellow beside me will be the one training with you. Introduce yourself" he said to Byunghun. "Annyeong, I'm Lee Byunghun you can also call me L.Joe if you'd like, I recently came from the States, please take care of me". After introducing himself Andy hyung spoke, he said "there is six of you now, when the time is ready you six will soon debut as a group so train hard and work hard, got it?" We all answered him, then he said bye and left. I went over to Byunghun and said "congratulations, your gonna debut with me" he just looked at me and said "is that a good thing?" With a big smile on his face, I went over to him and flicked his forehead and I said "obviously it's a good thing you pabo". We both laughed for a bit then I asked him a question "how about Hannah?".
I still couldn't believe it. I was going to debut as a soloist in 2 months. I was led to a practice room where I would start training.
I was going to answer then I heard somebody come in through the door. I looked towards the direction of the door. It was Hannah. She looked towards my direction and she was shocked. Chunji went up to her and said "Hannah what are you doing here?" She spoke after Chunji looked at for awhile she said "I'm supposed to be training here for my debut...what are you doing here?" I cut the conversation between the two by saying "whoa there, debut? What are you talking about?" She starting smiling like life coudn't get any better she faced me and Chanhee and said "I'm gonna debut in months oppa,I'm gonna debut as a soloist" the moment she finished the sentence we congradulated her with a huge group hug then somehow the other trainees joined in. The hug broke a part then Chanhee said "it's great that your debuting so fast but how come your in our practice room? She looked at Chanhee with a confused face "what do you mean "our" practice room?" I spoke for Chanhee "your in our practice room" I said while pointing at everybody. Hannah was about to speak again when the other trainees inturupted by saying "we hate inturupt your converstaion but we think we should introduce each other first. After all I think were gonna be in the same company as each other" Hannah smiled then said "Sure let's do that I'll introduce myself first, I'm Lee Hannah(Hana) 17 years old, ohh and i think you've met my brother already, L.Joe" the othe trainees looked at me and Hannah back and forth then said "you guys are siblings!?!?!" I nodded then Hannah nodded,"now let's continue on" Chanhee spoke. "Hey I'm Ahn Daniel you could also call me Niel eithers fine" Hannah shook hands with Niel. Then Changhyun went up to Hannah then said "Annyeong I'm Changhyun you could call me Ricky" this time instea of shaking hands with Hannah, Ricky hugged her right when 
that happened Chanhee reacted right away he pushed Ricky right out of the way and hugged Hannah and said "she's mine" with a glare. Rickyy said "hyung calm down I was just trying to be friends..." Then I yelled at him "is this how you make friends?!?!" Right when I said that it got awkward so them we all ended up laughing. 
We were laughing because it got all awkward at the end. For about ten minutes we just stood there talking to each other and played around then we heard footsteps come through the door we all looked it was Andy hyung. We all bowed, he smile and said "it's a good thing that all of you have gotten close to each other because you'll need to get close to training with each other". "Training? We all said together as one" he nodded and said "the seven of you will train together. My plan is to get Hannah to debut first as a soloist the get the rest of to debut around that time. Yes, it's a good thing but now since we've got new memebers lets train harder okay?" We all answered him. Just when he was about to leave he stopped and turned around he faced us six guys and said "you six will debut together as a boy group called "Teen Top", you better work hard".  Then he left.
short chap-___- took a long time for a new update
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jujube1908 #1
Chapter 18: I am sorta happy hannah said that to chunji arghhhhh >< authornim pls make chanyeol n hannah end up together ^o^

My Niel-I love Ricky-marrying C.A.P<3
Chapter 16: Good!! :DDDD
Chapter 10: the born of teen top,please Angel is pleading you..
Chapter 8: Aww how are there no comments? Guess I'll be the first! Update!! I wanna see where this story goes.