Chapter 1 (rewritten)

Im too shy to sing

Minkyu pov

Beeeeeppp.......... That tone , the tone that I'm so used too, it rang into my ear as the world just walked past. When I finally couldn't stand the tone I slowly pulled the phone away, hoping the tone would turn into a warming voice but the tone still played, right till the end, Till It touched the end call button.

Why do I always hope for something different, like that one phone call, everything would change maybe I'm just stupid to believe it. I picked my abandoned bag off the floor and slowly walked into the training room. I waited for everyone to leave before I started my training. I set my phone alarm so I would leave around midnight for my last bus to my flat.

About 3 hours later I could feel my arms and legs burning as they worked to the point of nearly ripping off but I kept going as I knew I needed the extra work. I played All the songs the trainers wanted us to learn and when I heard the last note, I finally fell to my knee's.

"Singing is tomorrow" I said as if someone was with me, I was scared, I knew I would have to sing for yg so they could pick out the best but singing. I could feel my whole body start to shake "i can do this, I can do this " I kept saying as I pushed my back against the wall and closed my eyes.

Stop shaking, stop shaking...... Wait I'm not shaking, someone is shaking me. I finally opened my eyes to see my trainer looking down at me.

"Hyung" I said jumping up and bowing really fast. I glance up and saw daylight coming through the windows, I must have fallen to sleep.

"Minkyu, didn't u go home last night" he said but he already knew the answer "it isn't healthy to sleep on the cold floor your body needs rest "

"I know hyung, I'm sorry " I bowed again and he finally let it go, and I let out a breath. I ran as fast as I could to shower and sort my hair as some trainees come in "heya Minnie, heard u slept here "

"Yeah fell to sleep in training room A" we both laughed

"I'm shocked as you don't like sleeping in darkness "

" hey I'm 15" I yelled and kinda pouted

"Aww soo cute my Minnie is a big boy " jiwon said. Jiwon was my close friend as he was really out going and wanted to talk to the baby of the group. I kinda think he wanted to feel younger as He doesn't let me call him hyung as he said he felt old and he wanted us to be on first name bassist and i kinda think its coz he was born in America and didn't get the whole hyung thing, Not like I minded as I lived some of my time in the uk so it took time for me too.

"You ready for today Minnie "

"Never ready " jiwon knew I was shy and he wanted to help me the best he could but it never worked. He just laughed "come on Minnie I'll do ya hair for you" jiwon started to fix my hair as he always said even if u did a bad job looking good may help, I knew my hair was getting long but I spent most of my time training so I didn't have time to cut it .

"There u go cutie "jiwon

I knew at the end of this dance class would be when the heads come in and start judging us so I kept my mind on the dancing. I finally head. The door go and there they were and my hands started shaking, they told us all to sit down and to come over when they called but I did notice one thing they never told why they were doing this and what it was for, but I didn't speak out.

I felt like ages when my name was called, I stood up and bowed " introduce your yourself "I'm minkyu I'm 15 and I really love dancing " I said as fast as I could. They all nodded and they made a sign for me to start. I picked an English song, Bruno Mars. I started to sing and I could feel Everything shaking. When I finally finished I stared at them and they showed nothing, so I bowed and walked back to my seat. I could watch the others as i knew they were so much better then me.

when it was finally over i walked out as fast as i could to the bathrooms and locked the stall. i needed to calm down, i hated people looking at me but i wanted to show my family i was gonna be big but its hard when you hate people staring at you.

i heard a group of boys walk in "minkyu will never get it, he shakes all the time and his voice isn't strong like us" they all laughed "and come on he doesnt look like a idol more like that geek kid in school that has no friends" they all joined in.

i covered my mouth so they wouldn't hear me cry, i should be used to this now but it still hurts. when they finally went away i came out and looked in the mirror and digged my nails into my hand. they are right.

Gdragon pov___________________________________________________________________

i sat with the rest of big bang waiting for yg hyung to turn up as he said he had something to talk about. i could hear the other playing games as they got bored and Top just played on his phone. i wondered what it could be, maybe a solo for one of us but i cant see that. it couldn't be that we are going on holiday as we just had a comeback.

when finally the door opened we all stood up and bowed. "glad your all here" he sat down in front of us. "well i thought about this for a real long time as you all are getting older and more bands are getting younger and younger, more fans are leaving us for them like BAP and that Zelo, so i though about bring new blood into Bigbang"

i stared blank faced at hyung "so what does that mean hyung" i asked but i think i already knew that anwser.

"im gonna make bigbang a 6 member band" he smiled

"WHAT" we all yelled "no hyung we are a family a 5 member family we dont need someone coming in and trying to be us" TOP said

"Stop it ok, its my choice and its happening" he said standing back up "now go back to the dorm and rest as by the end of the week your member will be moving in"

i bowed but i wasnt happy and he could tell. we all stormed out i could hear the other saying they couldn't believe it and before i react a kid ran into me and he landed ontop of me.

he landed on my chest and it kinda hurt but i was lucky the kid was light.

"hyung " gri yelled "you ok"

"yeah" i glance down at the kid who got to his feet fast and bowed saying he was sorry. i got up and looked at him, he was short and looked really young. I looked closer at his face and could tell he was crying before as he had tear marks on his face.

"you ok" i asked but he just bowed saying he was sorry and ran off. i went to follow but i heard some other trainees whisper

"minkyu is soo useless cant even walk and now he's hurt gd hyung"

"run minkyu, coz you wont be here long"

i couldn't believe that people were saying that about a kid " we should go" i hear YB say and i nodded but i couldn't stop thinking about the kid...

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Chapter 4: You look beautiful. Don't worry
BTSBroughtMeHere #2
Chapter 4: you look gorgeous eonnie <3! I don't have pictures I don't mind (they are all so ugly XD ((it's true))) but the thought is inspiring. I love this story too and am so glad too know that this wont be like the many that get forgotten. Thank you for writing this so far eonnie (can I say that?)
Chapter 4: You're pretty
ShaunaN #4
Chapter 3: Please update!! Love this story.
Bella2298 #5
Pleaseeeeee update soon :)
kpopkitty101 #6
Chapter 3: I really enjoyed it please update soon. What if all of them start caring for him after seeing him bullied? That would be so cool!
Bella2298 #7
Chapter 2: Pleaseeee update, this story's amazing!
Chapter 2: Loved the old story but I'm loving the rewritten version too!!! Update soon please!!!
africankpoplover #9
Chapter 2: Omggg i love this rewritten chap