Home Again

Flawed Perfection

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait but it’s the last chapter and I wanted it to be good!

    Baekhyun was still screaming as he was dragged through the halls by two large men. Suho’s blood still covered his hands, leaving a trail of crimson droplets through the halls. It didn’t take long for the men to reach their destination and fling open the doors. Baekhyun tumbled inside with a clatter.


    Pushing himself up Baekhyun starred as Suho’s blood seeped into the carpet, turning the cream colour into a copper that matched the walls. Scrambling against one wall he stared at all the leather furniture as if it was going to attack him. It didn’t move, and it remained still for what must have been hours. Baekhyun didn’t know. He could only sit and stare, not a single muscle moved from its place.


    When the door finally opened Baekhyun was so stiffed he could barely stand. Fingers ran through gel slicked hair before resting on the lock of the door and clicking it shut. “So, 701 or do you prefer Baekhyun? Knowing what to call you is almost as troubling as all the problems you’ve left me.”


    The man slowly moved forward until he stood in front of Baekhyun. The two were the same height but Baekhyun felt much smaller under the man’s piercing gaze. “Master…”


    Baekhyun spoke calmly, putting the pieces together from Chanyeol’s story. The Master seemed pleased with his knowledge and nodded. Testing the waters Baekhyun worked off his rage and stepped towards the mastermind. “You’re the one, that took countless lives, stole and bought my friends, other damn human beings! And tortured them until they became your little pawns! Not only did you take their body’s you stole their minds!” Shoving The Master by the shoulders he screamed. “YOU’RE SICK!”


    His face was red with anger as he came toe to toe with his tormentor. All Baekhyun received in response was a blood curdling laugh. The Master nearly bowled himself over laughing. For all of Baekhyun’s patience he was angry, the rage of the past year filling him from the tips of his toes to his fingers. He could feel the slight heat of his light as his skin started to glow. Taking a step forward he was about to raise him arm when the maniacal cackling stopped. Within a second Master had dashed out of Baekhyun’s reach and slid beside him. Lifting his arm he whacked the other man on the collar bone. Baekhyun collapsed with a cry.


    Walking back around The Master reached his cold fingers under the kneeling man’s chin and tipped it upwards. Baekhyun hissed, shaking his arm to try and bring feeling back to it. The Master had stunned him. “You really are annoying. I only hope that you will serve as a message to the others to leave well enough alone. They were let out, they should have taken my gifts, instead they come back like cockroaches.”


    Baekhyun stayed very still. He knew they would come back for him, that is, if they made it out. His eyes shifted down as he remembered Suho’s body, chilling right beneath his fingers as he became limp. The Master seemed to notice. “Oh? Are you finally realizing your mistakes? Here.”


    Hands lifted under his arms as The Master led him to the coaches. The leather was cold. even through his pants. Baekhyun was calculating, trying to figure out when would be the best time to attack, and when he did how he would do it. Light can be useful, but it’s not a weapon.


The Master had been rambling now, for some time. All the while Baekhyun was rubbing his arm, the blood rushing quickly to his fingers. Trying to hide his grin Baekhyun waited for The Master to turn his head, shooting to his feet Baekhyun glowed with a light that had never been brighter. Colour ripped from their paintings and wood burnt near the edges. Master was screaming in the distance Baekhyun lunged towards the statue on one shelf. Grabbing the metal he felt the cold seep through his skin as he lunged towards the screaming. The light was blinding even to himself and Baekhyun only knew he made contact when the statue was forced from his hand once it made contact. There was a loud thud as he was flung back.


Dazed and tingling all over from the overuse of his power Baekhyun rubbed his head as the light faded. On the ground near the desk was The Master, blood edging onto the floor from a wound on his forward. It seemed Baekhyun had struck him and when The Master retaliated did not account for knockback force and fell against his desk.


Catching his breath Baekhyun stood shakily and braced himself against the wall just as the door flung open. “BAEK!”


His head shot up as he stared at the tall man in the doorway, his clothes charred and hanging off his lanky body. “Ch-Chanyeol.”


Relief made his legs weak and Chanyeol had to rush over and catch him. “It’s okay, it’s okay. You got him. He won’t hurt anyone again.”


Baekhyun could only nod as Gohn ran into the room. He smiled warmly and nodded. “Mister Chanyeol, let’s go home.”


The air was cold and rain was threatening to fall on everyone as they stood outside the cabin. In the distance you could still hear the television rambling on for the fiftieth time that day about an anonymous tip leading the Government to solve over a hundred missing person’s cases all over the Asian continent.


The group of thirteen men sat in their chairs and all had a bottle of cold beer nestled into their hands. Most of the group was haggard, dark circles under their eyes and scrapes littering their skin but they were smiling.


“Gohn and I are going to go home.” Tao was smiling as he nudged his brother who was sitting next to him. Gohn grinned and nodded tiredly.


“I’m bringing Kai to my home.” Sehun piped in proudly shaking his boyfriends arm who looked like death but he still managed a smile before tiredly laying back down.


Clearing his throat Suho shook the young healer’s arm. Lay was practically asleep on his feet as he had worked all day and night to keep everyone in one piece. The poison that had entered Suho’s system had taken his powers and left him with black scars along his body but he was happy. “Lay and I are going to travel to China, we’ll figure ourselves out from there.”


Suho grinned warmly as Lay hummed in agreement. Luhan was the next to speak up, saying that he was taking Xiumin to his home.


Kris nodded and added that he was taking Chen and D.O with him to Japan. All three of them wanted a fresh start and that meant leaving completely everything behind. Chanyeol was happy, holding Baekhyun’s hand closely. He knew he was lucky, he and Baekhyun both had parents waiting for them. The others had to start from scratch, but they seemed to need it. “Baek and I are going home.”

A/N: It’s done! I really hope everyone enjoyed it! I was thinking of maybe doing a side story from Lay’s point of view? Would anyone be interested in that? If not then this story is all done! It really was a journey! :)

Special Thanks to:


Thanks everyone!

My Other Exo stories if you wish!

Nine Lives (hunhan) || Heal Me (kaisoo) || Teacher's Pet (xiuchen) || Accident (sulay, kaisoo) || Two Moons (krisyeol) || Fallen Angel (hunhan, kaisoo)

My on going stories

Russia 2014 (kryber, elvin) || Homeless (soosica) ||( Study (minron) || Incompatible (kaiho)

Thank you so much!

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Flawed Perfection: Halfway chapter being beta read! Should be up soon, I hope you like it. ^.^


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Lichtstrahl_ #1
Chapter 10: Love this omg ! This is so cool XDD
Lichtstrahl_ #2
Chapter 1: Bald chanyeollie ? T*T
Chapter 10: YAY HAPPY ENDING! They can live in peace now ♡♡ \(^-^)/ I loved this story alot!!
Chapter 8: ok, so suho's reaction was kinda like a 'what-the-'-moment.. o.O i'm seriously confused!! O____O
but, it's nice you updated~! ^^ i enjoyed~ ;D
and sorry you had to buy a new computer.. :/
Chapter 8: YES AN UPDATE!!! XD i was excited when i saw it :) keep up the good work its AMAZING!! :D
Chapter 7: My god this is amazing!!! Please update soon :D
Chapter 7: holy crap
thats what i thought during the whole chapter
(sorry, this comment is really useless)
Aryetty #8
Chapter 6: Yay!!! I'm soo glad that they escaped and all of them are fine! Thank you for the chapter!!
Aryetty #9
Chapter 5: Oh i can't wait for the next chapter :( I hope they'll escape soon and that they'll find the others too
Chapter 5: this was so beautiful.. thank you very much!!
please just continue the wonderful work! :)
and, a happy new year!! though i don't know if it's new year already.. ;D
love chu~ :D HWAITING!!!