The Master

Flawed Perfection

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A/N: Hello! I’m seriously terribly sorry for the long delay but school started the second I came back from vacation which –frankly- . So this chapter will be short and again, no Baekhyun. He comes next chapter but let’s get some clarity on this situation! (Minor swearing)


        Furrowing his brows in confusion, Chanyeol slowly picked himself up off the floor. The door creaked open as he spun to stare at Kangjun. The usually scowling guard had a strangely stoic expression hardening his features. He made no move to grab Chanyeol as he stepped from the room, and only turned to walk down the washed out hallway. The tall boy quickly followed him as his stomach curled, and this time it wasn’t from the fire within him.  The blank look of the guard was scarier than when he was furious and this left Chanyeol afraid. He wasn’t familiar with this, not that he was familiar with much of what was going on, but things had become routine, a familiarity that he was accustomed to.

    He was broken out of his thoughts as he was shoved harshly into a room. Straightening himself, Chanyeol gaped around the office. Unlike the rest of the facility, this room was furnished with black leather couches and a dark scarlet colour on the walls. The carpet was a nice cream colour, contrasting nicely with the hardwood floors. Scanning the room, his eyes landed on a handsome man seated lazily in a leather chair behind a glass desk. He was watching Chanyeol as intently as the boy was watching him.

   Waving his hand, the man motioned towards the couch and a malicious smile morphed his attractive face to one only found in nightmares. “501, please be seated.” Chanyeol didn’t know what to make of the man, but his piercing dark eyes bore holes into him and forced him to obey the command. Moving over to the couch, he barely noticed the chill of the leather as he sat down. The man’s voice was sickeningly sweet as he started to talk. “You will call me Master; I run this fine establishment.”

   ‘Master’, as he dubbed himself, waved his arm around the room as he smiled cockily before turning back and staring at the boy in front of him. “So 501…you’re pretty you know. 602 managed to control his gift in under a month and we fused lightning into him! ing lightning! Can you believe that?!” He broke off into a cackle as Chanyeol sat dumbfounded. He knew he wasn’t the only one, Sunghyo had mentioned a 1202 also, but he hadn’t met any of the others.

   The man continued to crow, and Chanyeol half hoped the man would asphyxiate himself. Sadly, the man stopped suddenly and glared daggers into the battered experiment. “Even though you're utterly pathetic, you survived; I guess that means something. Only about…one on fifty do. Maybe it’s the extra steroids?” The last part was mumbled to himself but he quickly broke off from his thoughts and leaned back in his chair.

    Analysing the experiment in front of him, he sighed and did a spin in his chair before halting suddenly, almost tilting the chair off its wheels. Briefly Chanyeol wondered if the man had ADD, but his mind quickly shook the thought away as he met the ice cold eyes of ‘Master.’ They seemed to be able to read his thoughts and Chanyeol made sure to keep his mind safely blank. “So…I guess you’re wondering why you are here. Why you of all people were blessed enough to be chosen.”

   Chanyeol wouldn’t have used the word ‘blessed’, but he didn’t want to argue with the dark haired man behind the desk. Instead he nodded slightly, worried that if he didn’t give some sort of reaction the man would fly over his desk and kill him. Master was normal height and lanky; even broken like this Chanyeol could beat him but the aura the man emanated was a dark, violent warning that he chose to heed.

   The man smirked before he continued in the same sickening tone. “Well you see 501, the world has gone to . We are run by morons who place a value on a piece of paper! The damn idiots are cutting down so many of the trees that produce said ‘valuable’ paper that not only is our air going to be polluted and eventually kill us, but we also won’t have any left to create the money they cherish so much. Frankly, they’re retarded and I – being a genius - came up with this wonderful idea! This is where you come in, so pay attention. My plan is to kill them all! Brilliant, isn’t it?”

   The man spun in his chair, releasing a bone chilling cackle as Chanyeol gaped at him. This man was crazy, simply psychotic. “So you see.” Master stopped to catch his breath as he steadied on his chair again. “I gathered these two brilliant scientists and gave them whatever they wanted! Equipment, guards, subjects, anything! Sunghyo takes care of Projects 02, and so far she has six successes; while Seohee is in charge of the 01’s, and you will be her fifth success!” His voice trailed off as he muttered “well it did take about a hundred subjects until she managed to turn him…”

    Chanyeol gasped slightly as he stared dumbly at the man. It took nearly a hundred subjects to get it –whatever it is – right?! The room began to spin and he felt sick. Gripping the edge of the couch, he dug his nails into the leather. A stumbling scratching sound resonated in the room and the man jerked in his chair, tilting his head at an unhealthy angle as he stared at the boy, a sickening smile morphing his lips. “Don’t be so scared little boy, you should be ecstatic! You get to live in the new world I create and all you have to do is kill all the insufficient people in the world! With the others it should be no problem!” He spun around, clapping, and Chanyeol wanted so badly to escape but his fear kept him rooted in place.

    Once he stopped clapping, Master pressed a button on his table and Kangjun entered the room not a second later. “You, take 501 back to his room. Thanks, big guy!” The head of the sinister organisation went back to spinning on his chair like a five year old, which only managed to scare the daylight out of Chanyeol even more. Kangjun didn’t seem surprised when Chanyeol didn’t give him a hard time while getting back to his cell.

   The clank of the metal bolt had never been so comforting before. Chanyeol scurried to his corner and curled up against the wall. Picking up the tiny stick of metal, he jabbed it into the wall underneath his makeshift calendar. The scrapping of the metal echoed in the room but it did nothing to muffle the sobs leaving his quivering lips. With shaking fingers he dusted away the extra shavings and lightly ran his fingers over the carvings. The makeshift shooting star was dark from the shadows falling in its cracks but none the less gave the image of hope. “P-please…I just want some hope. Something more than this. I’m not a killer, please…” His fingers traced along the fireball of the star as his voice fell to a whisper. “Please, I wish to have some light in this darkness.”

A/N: Cheesy ending line is cliché. I hope you enjoyed this even if it’s a little short but at least we know what’s going on! And the Master is a little crazy…not sure what to make of him even if he’s my own character. ^.^’ Please leave your feedback for me!!

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Flawed Perfection: Halfway chapter being beta read! Should be up soon, I hope you like it. ^.^


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Lichtstrahl_ #1
Chapter 10: Love this omg ! This is so cool XDD
Lichtstrahl_ #2
Chapter 1: Bald chanyeollie ? T*T
Chapter 10: YAY HAPPY ENDING! They can live in peace now ♡♡ \(^-^)/ I loved this story alot!!
Chapter 8: ok, so suho's reaction was kinda like a 'what-the-'-moment.. o.O i'm seriously confused!! O____O
but, it's nice you updated~! ^^ i enjoyed~ ;D
and sorry you had to buy a new computer.. :/
Chapter 8: YES AN UPDATE!!! XD i was excited when i saw it :) keep up the good work its AMAZING!! :D
Chapter 7: My god this is amazing!!! Please update soon :D
Chapter 7: holy crap
thats what i thought during the whole chapter
(sorry, this comment is really useless)
Aryetty #8
Chapter 6: Yay!!! I'm soo glad that they escaped and all of them are fine! Thank you for the chapter!!
Aryetty #9
Chapter 5: Oh i can't wait for the next chapter :( I hope they'll escape soon and that they'll find the others too
Chapter 5: this was so beautiful.. thank you very much!!
please just continue the wonderful work! :)
and, a happy new year!! though i don't know if it's new year already.. ;D
love chu~ :D HWAITING!!!