I Miss You..... :'(

Before You Walked In My Life

DISCLAIMER!: Before I Start Writting, I just want to say that i am totally OBSESS With this song, So Please. Remember I Just Got out of a relationship and i am still kinda heartbroken. The Song that insprided me to write this chapter is Bii- Happiness has nothing to do with it.

* At Eunyoung's House* 

I was 9:00am that Eunyoung had finally got home after all those things that happen between her and N. She slowly took off her shoes and sliped into slippers and headed to her room.

She sat on the edge of her bed and put her head down. Tears started rolling down her face. She finally looked up and wiped away her tears. She got up and walked over to her dresser and opened her draw and found a picture of her and N together at the Amusement park

* Flashback*

Eunyoung got home from work and she heard her phone ring, She took her phone out of her purse to see who text her, She saw that is was N.

From N 
To Eunyoung
Yah, Tomorrow what are you doing?"

To N
From Eunyoung
Nothing Why?

From N 
To Eunyoung
Lets go on a date at the amusement park? Yeah?

From Eunyoung
To N
Keke.. Are you asking me to go on a date with you?

To Eunyoung
From N
Yeah, Remember what happen today across the park?

Eunyoung smiled and called N, She was tired to text him

" Okay, Tomorrow at 3pm sharp okay :)"

Eunyoung smiled and put her phone away and fell asleep

* Next Day*

Eunyoung was waiting for N at the amusesment park. She waited and walked back and forth. She sat on the bench and tapped her toes up and down.. Finally she looked up and saw someone who had pink roses up covering their face.

Eunyoung pushed the flowers away and saw N. She smiled. N gave Eunyoung a small peck on the check and smiled. Eunyoung grabbed the flowers from N and placed it next to her purse that was laying on the park bench. 

" Cha, Lets take a picture" Eunyoung said taking her fueji camara out and grabbing it with two hand to make it stable.

" Okay! " N smiled and placed his hand around Eunyoung waist and smiled. She smiled than took the picture

The picture came out of a slot and out came the picture. In the picture Eunyoung Placed her lips on N check and snaped the picture while N had a suprise look on his face. 


Eunyoung started to cry again. But this time a little bit harder. She was crying so loud she had to cover . She placed the picture on her lap and looked down at it.

She placed her hand on it rubbing the picture up and down as if it was the last. She knew that she could not go back to the buiness even as much as she wanted too. She had to find another job. But to her that was not important than her losing the love of her life.

She then placed the picture back in the draw and walked to her bed. She through herself on the bed and cried. She cried until she fell asleep. 

* The Next day.* ( Inspired By the song. After a long time has pass)

Eunyoung woke up and she felt her head pounding. She thought maybe she just needed some air. But before she left she had to doll up and see what time it was, It was 2 O'clock in the afternoon. She has hungry, She got up and went to go through something regular on.


She looked at herself for the last time and put her sunglasses on since she cried all night. 

She walked out and headed to the cafe lounge called " Someday" 

She enter the cafe and greeted the ladie in the front. She took a seat at a table

" Adjuma, Im ready to order." Eunyoung said placing her her phone down. She looked around and she saw a sign that said that the restraunt wanted help. She smiled and took a long sip of water.

" Yes, What will you like to order?"

"Umm. Can i get, Two taro bun and one capitchino to go and a pack of rice cookies? Eunyoung said while handing the adjuma the menu,. 

" Ne." She said and smiled at Eunyoung.

Eunyoung heard her phone had a text message and she looked at it. 

 " Oh, Annyeohaesaeyo" The adjuma bowed down to these couple.

Eunyoung didnt mind looking up because she saw someone who was sitting across from her

" Oppa, Whay. I said I will pay"

" Anni" N said coldly

Eunyoung took a sip of her water

" Yah, Hakyeon-ah!" 

Eunyoung started to cough and made her water come out of .,

" Eunyoung-sh! Are you okay?" The adjuma said while rushing over to Eunyoung.

" Ne, Im okay."

N heard of that name before. He glaced over and saw Eunyoung wipping with a napkin

" Eun...... Eunyoung-ah?" N said while standing up.

" Adjuma, Please pack this for me!!" Eunyoung said trying to avoide N.

" Kamsamitha" Eunyoung bowed and handed the adjuma the money

" Yah, You forgot your change." 

Eunyoung was already out the door.

N watch Eunyoung walked pass throught the grass window. N ran up the the adjuma

" Adjuma, I will take it to her." 
" Yah, Hakyeon. Where are you going?"

N took the money and ran out. He looked back and forth trying to find Eunyoung.

Luckly, He saw Eunyoung turning the corner.

N ran as fast as he could to reach Eunyoung.

" Eunyoung-ah!" N pulled Eunyoung shoulders

" Here" N handing the money over to Eunyoung

" Thwasaw" Eunyoung said refusing and walking away.

" Why are you avoding me?' N said loudly.

Eunyoung stoped her tracked. She walked over to N

" Fine, Give me it." Eunyoung said taking the money out of N hands.

" Kumawo!" Eunyoung said holding up and money and walking away,

Eunyoung was a few inches away from N

" I.... I miss you!" N said.

Eunyoung stopped again and looked at N. She took a deep breath and continue walking

Eunyoung walked over to a taxi and go in. N watch the taxi drive off

" I miss you too..."


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Chapter 25: I feel pity to eunyoungie…
Please write a sequel… ^.^