The story behind everything

Moonlight Serenade

A/N: after reading this chapter please do leave commments for any grammatical mistakes since I wasnt able to recheck this chapter before posting it. any COMMENTS ARE LOVE so please do COMMENT. I'll try my best to keep on giving you good chapters.. thanks :)

_ plstop


We’ve never seen Young Saeng hyung like this. The doctor told us that though he already got his voice back and maybe Young Saeng hyung he accidentaly put stress on the certain part of his brain that cause his memory loss. 

Hyung never acted that way to us even before, like he was scared of being touched that he losses himself whenever we tried to go near him.

 Hyun Joong hyung decided  that we should pay a visit to Jaejong hyung and ask him about young saeng.  He might know things that young saeng hyung haven’t told us about. 

‘’Jaejong, we want to ask you something about young saeng’’ hyung joong hyung began as we sat ourselves comfortably in jae hyung’s couch.

‘’ ohh, is that why your here ? is something wrong with young saeng ah ?’’ he asked as concern can be heard in his voice

‘’ he.. he got into an accident and barely lived but his fine now. Just one slight problem he doesnt remember us.  But not just that we triend to go near him but he kept on screaming not to touch him’’ while hyung joong hyung was explainening things to jae hyung. Jae hyung looked frightened and he was shaking

‘’ Hyung joong, i know I shouldnt be the one to tell you all about it. Young saeng and I talked about this before he said that time will have to come when he can tell you excatly what happened to him and maybe this is the time. Since young saeng can’t tell you now. I will be the on in his place to tell you’’

‘’ Before we both got seperated because he chose to go to a different agency. We both worked hard as an sm trainee you guys know about that right ? but even before that. It was our first time here in seoul it was hard and we dont have any place to stay, young saeng and I are childhood friends so we both decided to look for a job in order to feed ourselves and to pay for our shelter while trying to fulfill our dreams here. We looked for a job and luckily I found one. I worked as a newspaper delivery boy but the salary  that i recieve was not enough and young saeng had a hard time looking for a Job. Then one night I was waiting for him in our small run down apartment. When he arrived he looked sad,frightened nevertheless, he had scars on his face and bruises on his skin. I tried asking him what happened to him he just stared at me and took a money out of his bag and he said he finally got a job and his pay was rather high but still I cant forget the face he had that time and his voice he was trembling and his eyes already felt empty. Every night he would go home either he will have much more bruises or his barely consious. I tend to him every night and I got worried so I decided to follow him in one of his workdays. And it led me to a red light district, he was working in a brothel. I never knew. Like how could someone like him even could get a job and recieve big amount of moeny every night I should have realized it sooner but I was late..’’ jae hyun looked down, he was crying

 ‘’ i was too late, I went in as a customer and I asked if I could see young saeng work cause he interest me much more than anything i asked the manager and he approved leading me to a room with a big transparent wall with a couch. I sat on it and waited the there when I saw one unknown guy went inside. They couldnt see me, but I could see them. Then he waited for a while then young saeng arrived.’’

‘’ he..  young saneg was being payed for having with guys since his face was beautiful. Guys would love to sleep with him, but those guys just could get enough of young saeng he would whip him feed him drugs and would go to the extent of killing him just for their utter pleasure. I saw it with my own two eyes how they treat young saneg. I banged the wall and shouted for the guy to stop but they couldnt hear me so I run out and went to their room. I just knew one thing that time. It was to save young saeng he had enough of this. I took the guy off him and carried him home. he.. was barely alive when we reached the aprtment. The guy was to rough on him and he doesnt even deserve this kind of life. I called his job and resigned him. He woke up few days later. The same as you guys he doesnt want me to touch him. He was shouting and having a mental breakdown he thought that I would hurt him. Months and months I tried my best to shatter the shield he placed himself. He never smiled the same his smiles were empty and in pain. And then time came when I finally shattered his walls and things slowly went back to normal.  He would sometimes have nightmares about what happened back then. And the only thing I could do for him was just be there. He was my brother I have to take care of him And things finally settled down and he decided to put things on his back and leave it be. ‘’

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ReemYS #1
Chapter 17: love your story..update soon please ^^
THANK YOU so much for the update ^_^
and i hope that you constantly update author-nim ♥
Finally, you were updating..
Lets read..hehe..
Chapter 16: Pleeeeease update's been too long !! I love this story so much♥
sterlingpaper #5
is that taeyeon??!!
wow. the poem is awesome!
outtheclub #7
Thank you very much for writing this wonderful fanfic!!<br />
It's very good xD<br />
Waiting for the next update! ^_^
Keke~~ update soon soon Kay? TY TY ^^
halfbloodprincess77 #9
please update soon!
plstop #10
I dont know... hehehe<br />
just wait for the next update..:)