Chapter 4


It is Saturday night, the time of the week when he should have fun, but Lu Han can't erase the frown from his own lips. He crosses his legs and taps his fingers impatiently on the armrest of his couch, waiting for his mother to get ready. He fixes his cufflinks and straightened up his tie--an uneeded act when his designer outfit are made of wrinkle-free material. Nevertheless, he does it anyway to waste his time.


"Lu Han, let's go."


Lu Han turns his head up to see his mother standing by the door in an elegant, black, satin long dress. There is no doubt that Lu Han inherits his good look from her. Even as she reaches her mid-fifties, her beauty still shines through her smooth, clear skin; bright, chocolate eyes; small nose; and thin lips that resembles that of Lu Han.


"What is with the long face, Xiao Lu?" She asks him out of concern, using a pet name she has given him since he was a baby, but he only shakes his head as a response.


"Nothing,  Mother. Let's go."


Lu Han doesn't think that she needs to know that he is brooding because Minseok doesn't come to the banquet tonight. Lu Han's brunette best friend is a son of another politician in the country--someone less prominent that Choi Minwoo, though, albeit coming from the same party--so Minseok's attendance is usually what makes such formal meetings like this is tolerable for him.


However, it isn't Minseok's absence that bothers him. It is the reason why he is, that makes him gloomy. A reply of the phone call he made a few minutes ago is played again in his ear like an ugly song.


"Han, I'm sorry, I'm not going to the Chois tonight. I have promised Hana to take her to a date."


Lu Han heard the excitement in Minseok voice and felt his stomach clenched uneasily. Lu Han knew what was coming when the brunette is that excited. He wasn't Minseok's best friend for nothing.


"I think I'll be able to make her stay for the night."


Lu Han knew it. He realized that he shouldn't be repulsed by how clear Minseok's desire was; because that was just the way they deal with women. No, they didn't jump on women at their first meeting, they dated the normal and decent way, but it was still something that they both expect in relationship.


But this time was different, because it was Hana that they were talking about, his pure and innocent Hana.


"Haven't you just started dating her a couple days ago?"


"Yeah, but we have known each other for years, Han. Besides, she has given me the hints, you know."


Lu Han felt disgusted with the conversation that he usually was interested. When it considered Hana, it sounded so... revolting.


"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear any more details," Lu Han said half-jokingly, although he meant every single word he had spoken.


"Aw, cheer up, man. Don't miss me too much. Besides, Hyejung will be there, right?"


"... Yeah."


"Have you brought the flower, dear?" His mother asks, waking Lu Han up from his reverie.


"... Yes, Mother," Lu Han replies after a while, picking up the beautiful bouquet of red roses and baby breaths from the table in front of him to point it out.


"Are you really okay, Xiao Lu? You seem to be a little out of it," his mother asks while eyeing her only child worriedly.


"I'm okay," Lu Han assures once more with a small smile as he rises from the couch, "I'm just a little tired."


"That is because you have been drinking last night," she scolds him, "and to think that you made Hyejung drove you home right after she finished volunteering... You should really spare her sometimes, Han. Just because she is too kind to decline your unnecessary requests doesn't mean that you can easily take advantage of her like that."


Lu Han rolls his eyes and follows his mother outside.


If only she could see through Hyejung's facade like he does.

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rian-park #1
Chapter 4: I'm hooked to this fanfic. It's very good. Update soon please! =)
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Chapter 3: So.. we meet again xD ....
Sooner than I expected to be honest,but I'm certainly not going to complain about that xD. First of all YAY! for future angsty Lu han,I'm kinda a er for characters who feel or have experienced emotional agony in one way or the other (I'm also usually the one who roots for the anti-hero in the movies xD).
So about the latest chapter: I knew it!!! I knew I would like her.The moment I read about her,hiding her true self due to the expectations of others ,I could somewhat relate to her...but then again hasn't anyone in their teens or tweens somehow struggled with living up to one's parents or anyone's expectations..Yet again Hyejung's situation is slightly different due to her heritage. Sorry I got a little over board with my analysis xD.
Another thing I really enjoyed, was drunk Lu han. I have to admit I giggled at the part when you wrote that Lu han tends to get "touchy-feely" when he's drunk.Real life Lu han is already quite handsy when it comes to Minseok or the other members .Can you imagine him being like this when he's wasted ? That would probably be a magical sight.xD
Although caring drunk people home isn't always fun, I speak from my own experience lol,but then again if it's Exo I guess I wouldn't mind that much xD.
I'm really anticipating Hyejung's developement,especially her relationship with Lu han. I'm really curious how her "feelings" will develop and if they do,are they only going to be one-sided.

p.S You'll get a cookie for Sehun's Cameo^^.It's kinda cool to imagine the little maknae as a bartender.I wonder what kind of relationship he and Hyejung have or if they even have one.Are other members of Exo going to have a guest appearances?
Beforehand I want to apologize for my upcoming grammar,expression and spelling mistakes.I haven't reviewed fanfics in a while especially not one, which wasn't written in my Native language,so please bear with me for the time being (pleaaassse ^^!).So I'm seriously surprised no one commented on your ff yet because ,even though you just posted the first 2 chapters I can see that there is a lot of potential.I remember subscribing to your story before due to your intriguing foreword,yet for some reason I forgot to drop a line or two about my thoughts (Sorry about that!).Any way I really liked your Lu han. It was a nice change to see Lu han being the one pining for the girl,usually it's the other way around.I also enjoyed Minseok being the one the girl chose.(Xiumin is my second bias so seeing him succeed in winning over the girl, even if it's just in a ff makes me happy xD ..btw,I just realized I take way too much pleasure reading about Luhan's jealousy/misery xD. I like Lu han I really do xD.)I'm really looking forward to what you have in store for all the characters,especially Hyejung. I have a feeling that as the story progresses she's going to be one of my favourites.^^As for your writing I thoroughly enjoyed your style.Please don't be discouraged by the lack of comments I'm sure they'll come eventually :) .In the meantime I'll try to comment as often as I can :)