Let's get to know each other

Something More...

Minyhe POV:

Minhye-ah you're going to meet the artist now, don't make a bad impression of yourself, fighting!

After taking a few breaths in, calming the last of my nerves I opened the door.

I glanced and saw a man wearing a snapback sitting in front of the computer playing some tracks.

This is it Minhye, go on and introduce yourself.

I slowly took a step forward...

then another.

When suddenly, my klutziness decided to take over.

As I took the next step my left foot suddenly stopped as if it hit something.

As a reaction, I was leaning forwards without me able to do anything.

"HOLY SHIII-", I automatically cursed as I came closer to the ground at fast speed though, I was cut off by my body reaching the wodden floor, thankfully not face first.

So much for trying not to make a bad impression.

"Aisssshhh", I said while sitting up and rubbing my head.

"Gwenchana?", a deep voice said above me.

I looked up to see a tanned and extraordinarily handsome face.

"S-song Minho?", I let out in a whimper.

It was at that moment something took control.

My could feel my heart beating through my chest, my eyes were in daze, my legs wouldn't move and it felt like my mouth was on the verge of drooling.

"Haha yes that's me, annyeonghaseyo~ I'm Song Minho, rapper of Winner", he smiled showing me his perfect teeth making me blush.

A hint of clumsiness ckicked in again and my right arm weakened and slipped.

"Omo! Gwenchana?", he asked again.

I could feel more blood rushing to my cheeks.

His hand was now on my back supporting me and his face was only an inch apart.

My heart was beating faster than ever because of our distance.

I must've looked like a fool, staring into his eyes and speechless.

"D-d-d-d-d-d-dae", I some how managed to reply.

He smiled and pulled me up.

"You don't sound okay, here I'll help you sit down", he said while putting my arm around his shoulder and walking with me to the bench at the side of the room.

As we were walking I had to contain myself.

Aisshh what's happening to me? I can't believe your falling for this guy when you just reminded yourself you're forever alone less than 10 minutes ago! I mentally slapped myself on the cheeks. Ughhh snap out of it, remember? No one is this world will ever like you back so shrug off those feelings, he's your sunbae and today we're getting to know each other... just... think of him like any guy friend...yeah...that way you won't fall for him any further.

We reached the bench and we both sat down facing each other.

"Soo...you're the trainee who will be featuring in my song, right?", he started off.


"So...Ireumi mwoyeyo? Mwo mwoyeyo?~", he dorkishly sung and danced on the spot in reference to the 4 minute song.

I chuckled, that's right I haven't even introduced myself yet.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbae~ I'm Kim Minhye", I said while slightly bowing on the bench.

"Ah- wait, we should drop the formalitites and treat each other like YG-Family is we're trying to get to know each other, how old are you?", he asked.


"Great, so call me Minho or Oppa~", he said with some emphasis on the "Oppa~".

"Alright, Minho"

"Ah wae~ Why not Minho oppa!~", he whined.

"Shireo, saying oppa is not my style", I refused.

"Eyyyyy, you shouldn't be like this to your sunbae"

"Yah! You said we should treat each other like YG-Family"

"Pfft. Fine", he admitted defeat while looking the other direction and crossing his arms.

I smiled in victory. But hey he's actually kinda cut- NO! stop it.

Just after that thought I heard a loud grumble.

I clutched my stomach...Oh , I was rusing this morning and forgot to eat breakfast.

"Hey did you hear that just now?" Minho turned to me,

"kinda sounded like a lion-"

"YAH! That was my stomach"

"Ahahaha mianhe, but you sure you don't have a wild beast living in you stomac- OWW!"

I elbowed and glared at him, Man I can't believe I was falling for this guy a few minutes ago...

"Hehe mianhe....anyways, you hungry?"

"Yeah, didn't eat breakfast"

"Omo oetteokhae? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, where do you want to go? I'll treat you"

"CHINCHA!?", I beamed while sitting up straight.

After music, my favourite thing in the world is FREE food.

"Of course, oppa ill pay but not anything too expensive if you want to go places  after this"

"WE'RE GOING TO PLACES!?!?", I sat up even more. After free food is any thing thats free.

He nodded.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!~~~~ I mentally celebrated while fist pumping.

"But...", he started off. 

My mini celebration stopped as soon as he said that and the excitement disappeared.....Oh damn... There's either a consequence or a "I have to do somethin in return" involved.

He continued,"in return for me paying for this day of fun I wanna make a bet and if you lose this bet you have to do something in return".

I knew it....... I ing knew it. 

"So......what's the bet?", I asked hoping it was an easy one.

"You have to call me oppa for the rest of the day and I bet you will forget and call me Minho at least once"

"Hah! Jokes on you cause I have a good memory. Looks like someone will be getting some free food no strings attached"

"Haha we'll see", he smirked.

"...So......what's this puishment?" I asked with a look of suspicion.

"If you lose you need to cook dinner for the Winner members and I tomorrow which is also the day we will be recording the song"

Oh... so tomorrow we are recording the song YAY- wait...what?

"I'm cooking dinner. For the five of you. I'm buying the ingredients?"

He nodded,"Except we'll pay for the ingredients and you can use come in our fridge or cupboard".

"Why are you doing this to someone you just met?", I asked.

"Well...I wasn't going to until you agree on the 'let's treat each other like YG-Family part' "

I sighed, Damn this guy. Hmmmmmm.... Maybe I can take the easy way out and cook rame-

"No ramen. Please" he cutt me off,"that's all we've been having recently".

Psshhh. How'd he know? Well then maybe...

"Especially good ramen?"

"NO." he instantly replied.

"Can't at least one of your members cook?" 

"Well we can try..."

I won't ask further on that. 

"Doesn't your manager or someone cook for you", I asked.

"Yeah...well that person has been in hospital for 2 weeks now"

"Won't they order food"

"Well they thought it would be a good time for us to learn how to cook and entrusted us with money to buy ingredients because right now we aren't that busy except for me that is. Even sajangnim thought it would be a good idea."

"And I'm assuming none of you're members have learn't how to cook yet?"

"Yup, hence the ramen diet"

I sighed, I mean today is my only day off and tomorrow I'll be busy with training...... recording the song will be the only excepton.

I was about to ask some more questons when he suddenly knealt on the floor with his hands together like praying style.

"Please Minhye, the members are hopeless at cooking, I'm busing with my album and we are so sick of ramen"

Whoa...hes begging. I now felt kinda bad...on trying to get my way out of this deal when him and the members needed a good meal. I can't imagine how its like eating the same thing day and night for 2 weeks and eating too much ramen isn't good for you.

I sighed. Fine you win.

"Okay I'll do it"

"CHINCHA!?", he beamed.

"Yeah... but remember, I still need to lose the bet"

"Of course" he smiled,"komawoyo".  

Damn his smile...no- stop it

"So where are we eating?"

"You're choosing remember?"

Oh right.....

"Remember nothing to expensive", Minho reminded.

"Urmmmmmm... how about dukbokki?" A/N: I know dubokki is a snack and I don't know if you would eat that for breakfast/lunch but I couldn't think of anything else

"Sounds good"

He turned to the desk with the computer, used his bandana to cover his face (which he told me was to prevent scandals) and grabbed his things.


I quicly grabbed my bag and we both exited the building then started walking.

We both knew where the dukbokki store was since we were familiar with this area.

"Sooooooooo....tell me more about yourself', he said.

"Well...I was born in Seoul and then moved to America for a few years"

"Oh leally? So you rlikeu duh A-me-rlica?", he attempted to say in english. A/N: hope no one is offended on my attempt to write an accent lol.

I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"Your english is so bad"

"Well what do you expect, I'm korean not american"

"Yah I'm korean too"

"Well that's not fair, you have an advantage"

I stuck my tongue out and .

"By the way... you still need to call me oppa"

Oh right... I forgot.

"How are you gonna win the bet if you've already forgotten about it?"

"Pshhhh I didn't forget, its just...I don't have to call you oppa alot"

"Yes but if you don't call me oppa isn't that considered losing-"

"Oppa~ We're almost at the dukbokki store~", I quickly said with aegyo.

He chuckled,"that's a good girl"

I looked away in annoyance. Pshhht. Dammit Song Minho...

We argued like that to the rest of the dukbokki store.



Thanks for reading ^^ ~ Their "date" continues on in the next chapter :D


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FINALLY! I found a winner fic!
dk-vip #2
Chapter 3: Ahh, can't wait to read the next chapter :D
Amalabdullahi_ #3
Chapter 2: I can already imagine mino's y voice saying gwenchanna haha
Can't wait for the next update