What to do next....

Something More...

Yoooo!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ Wow it's been a while I'm so sorry >< ~~~ I'm on school holidays so I decided to update :D. Its been a while so you might notice changes in my writing...lol..... And I re-read my uploaded chapters and I found a bunch of mistakes in my spelling or sentences...ahahahaa sorry about that....anyways.........ENJOY!!! :D


Author's POV:

As they were eating the dukbokki, Minhye and Minho talked about a variety of things. Minho told Minhye about his underground days, Minhye told him about her days in America and how she wanted to become an artist at YG, they talked about what they were like in school, their hobbies or even food. It took them a long time to finish their dukbokki because their were so deep into their conversation........and because Minhye was laughing from time to time how Minho had to eat dukbokki with his bandana on in order to coceal his identity. Eventually when they did, Minho paid and they exited the store. 


Minho POV:

Man, Minhye ate alot. Finally we finished eating, customers who came in gave me weird glances because I was eating the dukbokki with a bandana covering my face. (he ate by putting the dukbokki under his bandana and into his mouth....just clarifying it incase you got a weird image of MInho eating dukbokki somehow through his bandana lol....but I guess I just gave you the image) After I paid for the dukbokki we exited the store and decided to walk around the streets. We are currently walking around some clothing stores. We walked pass some clothing stores with dresses, skirts, shoes.....well what I'd expect Minhye to like but she only glanced at them and continued to walk. hmmmmm....is she not stopping to look because she's with me? I mean she doesn't have to- 

"Oppa! Oppa! Look! Snapbacks!!" I suddenly heard her say in glee.

I glanced to the direction where she used to be standing but she already went inside the store. I followed her inside and found her looking at the new snapbacks on sale. So....is she a tomboy type of girl or is she acting like this because she's with a guy-

"Oppa! Oppa! Look! They have new hoodies too!", she said pointing at the racks while looking at me with shining eyes.

Yea shes a tomboy. 

I saw her closely examining the snapbacks on the table, picked one up and try it on. She then turned to a mirror and tilted her head to the side. Her dark brown eyes starred at the reflection wondering if the snapback looked okay. She's a tomboy but kinda cute.

She then turned to me and asked, "Minho oppa, your paying right?"

Damn, I forgot.

"Just one...okay?", I said 

She smiled and dragged me to the cashier.


Minhye POV:

After browsing a few more shops, Minho and I decided it was time to do something else. We walked down the street trying to think of fun, but cheap ideas. After a few more minutes an idea suddenly came to my mind. 

I turned to Minho and asked,"What about we play some laser tag? It's pretty cheap and so much fun"

He looked at me and asked,"Whats laser tag?" 

"Really? You've never played laser tag before?"

"Nope, so what's it about?"

"Its where all the people split into teams with the name of a colour and have their own base, you're supposed to try and destroy the other team's base and you can shoot people with lasers"

He then looked at me wide eyed, ".........."

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"........no thanks"


"Doesn't sound fun"

"Doesn't sound fun? Are you kidding me? It's hella fun I wish I lived next to this place"

"Well I just don't want to", he started walking away.

"C'mon~~~~~", I said as pulled him back.

"I don't wanna", he started walking with more strength.

"Give it a try~~~", I pulled on his arm harder. 

"No.", he stomped putting as much weight on his feet as possible.

"Please?", I pulled him with all my strength.


"Just once?" 


"Oh c'mon, don't tell me you're scared"

He stopped moving and turned around as I let go of his arm and said,"W-what do m-mean scared?".


I smirked,"What's there to be scared of laser tag? I mean, little kids play laser tag for their birthday parties".

"How can-", he raised his voice but suddenly stopped. 

We were so into the arugment that we didn't realise we were drawing public attention. There were groups of people looking at us weirdly and a few people preparing their phones to possibly video the scene. I quickly dragged Minho into the laser tag centre which caught him off guard. By the time he had come back to his senses and realised he was behind the entrance doors of the laser tag centre he started to react. 

"Yah! What was that for? I still haven't agreed you know-"

"I dragged you inside because if we draw public attention, at some point someone is bound to recognise your facial features"

"Oh...", he said in realisation....and then smirked," I never knew you thought my facial features was so unique".

"P-p-pabo, that's not it, your fans would recognise you and its possible to recognise a person by just looking at their eyes"

"Ohohohohohooo really?"

"Yes really, anyways, since we are in here and the people are still outside how about you try some laser tag?"

He stayed silent for a moment and finally replied,"........fine".

"Yaaayyyyy!~~~ I promise you, you won't regret it", I smiled at him and skipped to the counter. 


Minho POV: 

Aisshhh, this girl really. But I knew I had to give in at some point. I didn't follow her to the counter just incase the person behind would recognise me if I did. Man.....I have to admit, I'm a kinda scared....How can Minhye find shooting people with lasers fun? Isn't that dangerous? How can little kids play this sort of thing?-

My thoughts were interuppted by Minhye.

"Oppa~", she said while putting her hand in front of me, "it's 20 dollars for two games" she continued. 

That's right....I keep forgetting I have to pay for today...

I took out my wallet, grabbed 20 dollars and hesitantly handed it over. This better be worth it Minhye......





We waited about 5 minutes for the current game of laser tag to finish so that we could join. We then went inside a room where the a staff member explained the rules of laser tag and how the euqipment worked. 

"The aim of the game is for your team to earn the most points", the guy said.

"You will be put into either the red, blue or yellow team. Your team base will have the coloured lights depending on the colour of your team. Each base is different and has two cores, by shooting another bases' core 3 times in a row without getting shot yourself you gain a large amount of points for your team. Each of you will pick a pack and put on (equipment, you put on you body) which has has lights on the shoulders, chest, back and phaser (the gun) according to the colour of your team. Shoot any of these areas to get somebody out which also gives you and your team points, when you get shot you are out for 5-8 seconds."

What do mean getting out for 5-8 seconds, how about groaning in pain for an hour because I just got shot by a friggin laser...

"You need both hands on the phaser in order to shoot somebody, the lasers that come out of the phaser are harmless."

Dammit Minhye, if you told me the lasers were harmless in the first place I wouldn't of had to be such a wimp.

"The game lasts for 20 minutes, there will be an announcement to indicate the end of the game. There are also a few rules: no running, jogging-"

I'm pretty sure that rule would be broken. 

"No foul language-"

That one too.

" and no harsh pysical contact."

Maybe that one....

"Alright any questions?"



"Okay so I'll now divide you into teams.."

The guy put the people we came with into the same team so Minhye and I were together and three other people who were joining the new game were put into a different team from ours. Minhye and I were put in the yellow team and the other three in the blue. All of five of us went inside the equipment shed and joined the others who just finished their game and were playing another. Minhye and I walked to the rack with the yellow packs. Each pack had a different name, the one I picked was "Black Widow" and Minhye got "Hawkeye"..... and she teased me about it. I just had to pick the girl name first, I wanted to change my pack but the staff told us we were starting the game. I could hear Minhye silently laughing behind me as we entered the arena along with the rest. 

The yellow team's base was just on the left of the arena when we entered. We were told we got about 5 minutes for team statistics.

As soon as we stepped in our base a guy started saying,"Alright we have to win this time." The reast of the team members made replies in agreement and started to sit in a circle. I noticed that all of the guys here looked a bit younger than Minhye...probably about 16. "So, welcome newcommers", the same guy said to Minhye and I, it seemed like he was the leader of the team. "As you can tell we lost the previous game but I have a good feeling that we are gonna win this time," he continued while looking at Minhye. The rest of the team nodded in agreement and also started to stare at Minhye. That's when I realised, Minhye was the only girl in this team and probably in this whole arena. I turned to look at her but she just blinked, yet to grasp what they were getting at. 

"Uhhmmm... why are you guys staring at me?", she asked.

"You're the only girl in this whole arena", one of the team members replied.

She still had her confused facial expression. 

"You'd be a distraction to all the teenage males here"

"Ohhh....." Man how can this girl be so oblivious?

"So Hawkeye, if you see a guy from another team just act all cute or fall down, it'll get them distracted, and while your doing that, you or we'll either shoot them or attack their base core" the team leader explained, "also one of us should stick with Hawkeye, incase Hawkeye gets shot or none of us are there to shoot the distracted people... who volunteers?."

I immediately raised my hand, man I wonder what would happen if I let this clueless girl with one of these hormone bursting, highschool teens. As expected after mine, the rest of the team's hands went up too.

"Alright, Black Widow, you're with Hawkeye", the leader announced. 



Sorry if there were any mistakes.

Thanks for reading :DD <------ (double chin) 


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FINALLY! I found a winner fic!
dk-vip #2
Chapter 3: Ahh, can't wait to read the next chapter :D
Amalabdullahi_ #3
Chapter 2: I can already imagine mino's y voice saying gwenchanna haha
Can't wait for the next update