That girl

My Fairy Godfather

Turning off her alarm clock, Chaerin happily get out of her bed. For her, today might be the best day of her life, the end of her hardships. She went to her desk, humming the 20 won’s song happy, and reached out for her calendar to cross-out the day today.

“I’m so H-A-P-P-Y! ~”she changed the lyrics she sang, giggling because her own silliness. Finally! This day is the last day of the month! What does that mean?? Kekekeke I can now eat my favourite sweets!!  Sweet Saturdays and Fried Fridays are baaack!

Chaerin went to the bathroom, skipping, to wash her face with cold water. She always uses cold water because it helps her make her sleepy brain wake up. After washing, making her feel refreshed, she then changed her pajamas to sports wear, a white T-shirt, which was now baggy because she lost some weight, and her little sister’s jogging pants.

She then put on her rubber shoes and then went down stairs to eat her breakfast. At the dining area, Chaerin’s father was sitting in front of the table reading a newspaper, while her stepmom was at the kitchen cooking their breakfast for today.

The girl with baggy clothes then went to the table joining her father, sitting down beside him, as her mother laid out the breakfast she just cook, still hot and steamy. The fog was clouding Chaerin’s eyeglasses. Smelling the irresistible fragrance of god’s gift in front of her, Chaerin’s mouth watered. Bacons, eggs, pancakes, whatever I want. I can eat it.... tomorrow. UGGH. TEMPTATIONS. Just one more day Chaerin, One more day. You can do it.

She then drank her milk and took a toast before weakly getting up from her comfortable seat. “Going already Chaerin-ah?” She heard her father ask. The girl nodded. As she went out to start her last morning jogging routine, she heard her step mom tell her father “Chaerin has been acting weird this past month. She has been eating less and every morning she gets up early to jog. I’m worried.”

I’m worried

Did she hear her correctly? Chaerin’s heart clenches. Is she really worried about me? She then let out a sigh. Never. It’s not going to happen. After all this years of ignoring me, why now? She just shook these thoughts out of her head and continued going out.

After jogging for an hour, she then headed to the same park where that happened. “Seunghyun-oppa!” She called out to the handsome man and jogged to him. “Good morning Chaerin-ah” Her prince gave her his heart melting smile, showing those pearly white teeth and those cute deep dimples.

The blushing girl just returned his smile by making her eyes into cute two crescent moons. She and Seunghyun have been jogging partners every morning. They would always talk for 30 minutes before going back to their house then to school.

They’d talk about the silliest things. Like spazzing about small bang and 20 won, who does he ship more, Ciel with Lizard or Ciel with Bottom (A/N: I hope you’d get this.). There were times when he would crack the corniest jokes that Chaerin would ever hear.

Thinking back, maybe there is only one thing Chaerin might miss when she’d stop this one month plan and that is her and her prince’s quality alone time. Well maybe I don’t have to quit jogging right? I mean it’s still up to me if I would totally quit morning joggings and if I quit I might grow into a balloon again. THAT’S RIGHT! This is final. I won’t have to quit my morning sessions with my prince jogging. She smiled, satisfied with her reasoning as she continued listening; laughing to Seunghyun’s story about the time Seungri lost his balance on one of his games and fell over, even his coach, YG laughed at him.

Chaerin, Jiyong, and Youngbae are now sitting through their Physics class, waiting for the bell ring. As the bell rang, some of the students stood up and left while some stayed and went to Chaerin, who was still taking down notes.

“Chaerin, can you please teach me some of what the professor taught us? I can’t seem get the grasp of it.” Taeyeon asked with pleading eyes. “Please! I want to pass. I don’t get any of it, especially the illustration of the rays, when it hits the convex or concave lenses.” Suho added.

“Chaerin, Youngbae and I will go ahead to the cafeteria.” Jiyong announced. Chaerin nodded and continued teaching her classmates.

“Ah, First draw a Cartesian plane and--” Chaerin drew on a piece of paper. Teaching her classmates after class had become one of her daily life routines. People started to befriend and accept her. Some still were jealous in her status.

“Thank you Chaerin, until next time!” Jia shook Chaerin hands and hugged her, showing her appreciation. The girl just hugged back, happy that she is finally getting friends.

Chaerin felt a something cold against her right cheek, and jolted up. She turned around and saw a girl that has black short hair holding a cold drink in her hand as gave it to Chaerin.

“HyunA-ssi, what’s this?” Chaerin asked, blinking cutely. “A thank you present, for teaching me in chemistry. Stoichiometry is really hard. ” HyunA pouted. She then held Chaerin’s two hands. “Please cut the formalities, we’re friends right,  Chaerin-ah?”

Turning red, Chaerin just nodded. YES! I Made a new friend. Suho suddenly shows up, looking down, rubbing the back of his head. “Chaerin-ah, thank you for teaching me. I got a high grade last time, not passing but a high grade. You’re not as bad as I thought you would be.”

“No problem. Anytime.”She said and showed her eye smile. The Suho blushed crazily, feeling his heart stop for a moment. “Ah, Suho I got to go. Bye~” Chaerin waved good bye, leaving the poor boy still frozen to his place.

As she was on her way to the cafeteria, Chaerin felt someone behind her back. Before she can even turn around, someone hit on the back of her neck, making her lose her conscious.

She was lying down on the floor. She tries to sit up, her head was throbbing, feeling excruciating pain, Chaerin looked around with her blurry eyesight trying to find her glasses. “Help! Is anyone there?!” She panicked. Where am I? Where are my glasses? My eyesight is really bad without them.

She flinched as she heard a loud bam. She hears some footsteps, getting close to her. Hm... How many are there? She tries to count the number of people in her head. 5? No wait... 4? 6? I don’t know! Maybe it’s a horse or something.

“Annyeong Lee Chaerin.” She heard a very familiar voice and suddenly it hits her like how the iceberg hit the Titanic. YES. THE ICEBERG HIT THE TITANIC. PROBLEM?

“Ah, you’re--” “Yes! I’m the girl that the great G-dragon tripped, the girl that was humiliated one month ago and because of you my name can’t even be remembered.” The girl cried, lashing out her emotion, her feelings.  This is what Kwon Jiyong, the dragon, can do to you.

“I worked my up, to get popular, kissing other people’s . That all went downhill, when I teased you. I was just doing what everyone does, was it that bad?” Chaerin saw with her blurry vision a girl in front of her, fell down to her knees making them at the same level, as she let it all out and cried.

“You didn’t even finished me talking, Hyorin” The girl that was a mess crying her heart out, stopped and looked at her. “You still know my name?” She said with a hint of hope in her voice.

“Of course I know you, I can’t forget the name of our classmates. I’m a nerd remember?” Chaerin said, letting out a chuckle. Hyorin smiled and laughed at her witty comment.

She then handed Chaerin her glasses, making her see clearly. So I was at the storage room. What’s with storage room and bad things? Whatever it is, I am never EVER going back here.

“I’m so sorry.” The girl with short orange hair held Chaerin’s shoulder and smiled apologetically. “It’s okay. Let’s be friends from now on.” Chaerin said as she hugged Hyorin.

As they let go of each other, Chaerin asked. “Are you the only one here? I thought there were others.”Hyorin nodded. “Maybe it’s because your head got hit, altering your hearing senses.”

Chaerin shrugged, not caring anymore. The door suddenly opened, turning around, seeing her Prince’s face.

“Chaerin-ah, why are you here? Why didn’t you eat with us at lunch?”Seunghyun asks worriedly hearing his deep voice always made her giddy.

Walking towards him, she smiled and waved her right hand.“Seunghyun-opp--” “Wait. Chaerin-ah, is that blood gushing out of your left ear?”

“Huh?” She touched her left ear. Feeling a warm liquid on her hand, looking at her palms, seeing it is covered with the color red. “Seunghyun--” Chaerin didn’t finish her sentence as she fainted.

Lying down on the infirmary bed, Chaerin was now waking up after 4 hours of sleep. As she opened her eyes, the bright light blinding her. As her eyes adjust, she saw people surrounding her.

“Unnie, are you okay?” a girl with black short haired asked worriedly. Chaerin just gave her a confused look.

“Who are you?”


Yes. I just gave you a cliff hanger, but don't worry about it too much. 

Q: Why did Hyorin fogave Chaerin so easily?

A: It is because she is desperate. Like how she wanted to be popular, to be known, she happy that Chaerin still knows her.

Well, I hope you liked this update! I promise I'll TRY to update tomorrow. 

Do comment! Your feedbacks are my fuel for motivation.

Thank you for the upvote MerodiasuSairenHime


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LinLin05 #1
Plsss authornimmm update your beautiful story agaiinnnnnn
SkyTempo #2
Chapter 14: Next chapter please!!!!! I really want to know the ending SkyTempo i think?
babyda #3
Chapter 6: 20 won & small bang..HAHA XD
Chapter 5: When I re-read this again and I think about it, Jiyong really don't have anything to do eh? -.-
Chapter 14: omg your backkkkkk
fandhate #6
Chapter 14: finally!!! hehe can't wait for the next chapter ... ^^
mrtnzzzzz #7
Chapter 13: OMG SkyDragonnnnnn thats a yes yes! please update author. This story its so interesting and funny! Please more skydragon that too are just heaven together.
Chapter 13: Maybe Bommie and Sanddy are being cold to Chaerinnie because they are like the queen in school but still, they always kept their "best friend heart" for Hunchae.... Update author <3
hunchaejingyo_0328 #9
Chapter 13: please update soon