Going to a Resort

Taemin's Family

Mansion: Front Enterance

''Lock the doors,'' Taemin replies, ''maids and bulters, come in the van.''

Yeonyoung was sitting in the van, the baby was in the middle.

There a curtain by the window, Yeonyoung closed it, so the sun wouldn't hurt Minji's eyes.

The luggages were in the trunk, but Minji, Yeonyoung and Taemin's bag was in the van.

''Is everyone in?'' Taemin asked.

''Yes.'' everyone said.

Taemin closed the van door and closed the curtains. 


All the windows were covered with curtains, Yeonyoung was texting her friend and Taemin was playing a game on his phone.

All the EXO and SHINee members were sleeping on each others shoulders.

Then a car bumped the van, it was Naeun's car.

Yeonyoung checked on Minji, Minji was okay.

Yeonyoung opened the curtain a little bit, there was Naeun, she closed the curtain.

''I'm looking for Taemin.'' Naeun said.

Taemin came out of the van, he pushed Naeun and ran into the van.

''Drive!'' Taemin shouted closing the door.

The driver drove fast and Naeun was running to catch up.

''I'll catch you someday.'' Naeun said, smirking.

Taemin was catching his breath, he closed the curtains.

Taemin took a nap, he was tired.

Yeonyoung grabbed a blanket and tucked Taemin in with a blanket and used one of Minji's pillows.

Minji was awake, she grabbed her lambs.

Yeonyoung opened the blanket from the cartseat, she saw Minji holding her lamb sleeping.


''Taemin, this resort is beautiful!'' Yeonyoung said.

''I know, I wanted to take you over here when we got married.'' Taemin said.

Taemin and Yeonyoung checked into the hotel and EXO and SHINee shared a room.

And Yeonyoung and Taemin had the master bedroom.

Minji had to sleep on the bed with Taemin and Yeonyoung. 

Taemin opened the blanket and carried Minji. 



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Chapter 3: Damn the baby is only like a day or so old and she gets a tablet already?! Lucky!
Chapter 1: Thanks, I'll fix it whenever I have time.
Chapter 2: It's incubator...not inky baiter

But anyway hm I wonder how come it wasn't SHINee instead of EXO. Regardless can't wait to see what Naeun has to say about this
Please update~ Anticipating on this story