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2 weeks later

Yuri POV

currently i'm just finish some stuff in SM building, and checking about my schedule, fro the rest of the week, which is starting tomorrow, and thank god i have nothing for today, so i'll be heading to incheon and also picking up woobin from Melbourne, because he just finish filming running man

i'm little nervous and scared, because i don't want to meet kwangsoo oppa, but probably woobin have to say good bye first from running man cast so probably if i meet him before he saying good bye to running man cast, i'll be meet kwangsoo oppa in the airport, so maybe i meet him after he saying good bye


i'm walking out from sm building, as usual i passed the fan from outside outside, luckily no one is here, except for that little girl, she said that she is my fan, and her parents are waiting her on the cafe next sm building, luckily she meet her bias which is me, what a cute girl, so i give her my autograph and selca with her.




now i'm arrived on incheon airport, i try to call woobin, where he at


"halo?, kim woobin where are you ?" ask yuri worried

"aishh mian, i just landed now lining up for imigration, took very long, where are you babe?" said woobin feel guilty

"okk than, i'm about arrived on the terminal 10 minutes left"



Woobin POV

i already said goodbye to cast and staff of running man, my manager also heading back to his home, so now i left alone on this airport, oh yeah yuri don't wanted to meet kwangsoo hyung. i should call her now


"sorry this number is not active, please try again in few minutes"


MWOO where is she, she should be arrived in here by now.


"shhh shhhh over here"

a girl with a poster calling me, and i'm walking towards her

"are you Mr. Kim Woobin?" ask the girl holding the poster

"and yesss, and i believe you are my girlfriend" i said to her, because i know she is my sweety

"aisshhh" said yuri in disapointed, and i belive she try to make shock, aish this girl always give me a surprise.

"where have you been?, what happen to your phone?" i ask her curiously

"i've been sitting on that bench, looking at you holding my laugh"

"mwooo you yo were already there?" i ask her, and i'm still shock

"neeee, around five minutes i've been watching you looking for me kekeke"

"aishhh, than what happend to your phone?"ask me worried to he

"out of battery, that is why i don't now that you call me, why??" said yuri with out any worries

"i thought something bad happend to you" said me relieve from all my worries about her

"shall we go ?" ask yuri

"kajjaaa !" said me

"who is driving" ask me lil bit awkward

"me" said yuri excited

and now yuri drop me to my condo



Yuri POV

now i'm arrived at woobin place, actually this is my first time on his condo

"yaaa kwon yull" said woobin, in sudden

"waeyooo ?"

"welcome" he said and smile brightly 

"aishhh thanks binnie" said me, still shock about his condo, that is very clean for boy

"wae?" ask woobin is confuse

"nah just a man like you has a beautiful and clean condo" i reply him jokingly.



suddently his apartement become very silent like no one in here, and i can't see him everywhere, and when i check to his room, he already sleeping pecefully, he seems very tired, maybe i s

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Baekyeonlove1234 #1
Chapter 1: Its not boring, but there is Many spelling mistakes you might want to look at.
Her name is Taeyeon not tayeon, its Called noona not nuna
Its Also "maybe I'll be going to Kai's House" not "maybe i went to Kai's House" since its happening right now not in the past. Maybe thought ypu wanted to fix it. Good story tho.
vialee945 #2
Chapter 30: I love this ff.. yulhae is my otp ♥
vialee945 #3
Chapter 8: Oh andweeeee :'( yulhae T.T
yennyaah #4
Chapter 31: btw thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this yulhae story :') I really love this. great story after all. thank you so much ;)
yennyaah #5
Chapter 31: my only OTP is YULHAE. yulhae ftw! :D but Baekyeon is cute too :')
novarias #6
Chapter 30: I loved the last chapter the most! Just post the hidden chapter pleeeeeaaaase
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 14: i want yulhae just yulhae
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 13: so donghae jealous with them
so fun read this
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 12: so yuri and woobin now
is donghae know
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 11: kai is like angel who always help donghae