{BaekonBaby22}Love Within Us


“Noona ppalli ppalli!” your brother shouted as the both of your rush towards the boarding gate.

You just made it on time before your plane to France leaves. You and your brother will be spending your summer vacation at Paris, France at your aunt’s place. As the both of you had seated you were catching your breath from all the running you just did.

“Some great sister you are, thank goodness we didn’t miss our flight” your brother said.

“I’m not the only one to be blame here, you’re the one who pulled the plug of my alarm clock and wasted 30 minutes just to dress up” you replied glaring at him.

“B-But…” you cut him off.

“Just shut up Haemin, conversation over, just go to sleep” you ordered.


You arrive in Paris and luckily you immediately spotted your aunt at the arrival waiting for you and Haemin.

“Haerin-ah, Haemin-ah, my favorite niece and nephew, I’m really glad to see you darlings” your aunt said hugging the both of you.

“We are glad to see you too komo” you said smiling then hugs her back.

Your aunt, Song Minhyeong, your father’s younger sister is a very famous fashion designer in Paris. You really idolize her, so every summer you and Haemin would go to Paris for her summer collection. She was one of the top designers known in France and also in South Korea even she rarely visits South Korea but her fashion still a hit there.

It was like a routine that during summer vacation you and Haemin will go to Paris. It was because both your parents are busy with your family business and your aunt was really happy to have you during summer.


“Haerin, Haemin sweethearts, just make yourself at home, I already prepared your rooms upstairs” your aunt said.

“Thank you komo” you said making your way to your room so did Haemin.

You fixed your things and made yourself comfortable. You know tomorrow you will start your summer vacation.


“Good morning Haerin-ah, did you sleep well last night?” your aunt ask.

“Ne komo, I really sleep peacefully last night” you answered joining her in the dining table to have some breakfast.

Your brother Haemin was still sleeping in his bedroom and no one bother to wake him up knowing he was really exhausted. You and your aunt on the other hand were discussing about fashion and arts. You told her that you are already excited to see her summer line and she was very grateful to hear it from you.

After breakfast your aunt went to her work but you told her that you’ll pass by at her office after you explore Paris. You decide to visit your favorite café to have some delicious coffee.

As you headed to the café you had spotted a new shop that immediately took your attention. You decide to check it out and you were really amazed with their products. There were wooden carved figurines which was you really like. You bought a swan figurine and you were very happy to have such marvelous master piece.

When you were headed your way out of the shop a costumer who just came in bumped into you making you drop your swan breaking its neck. Your eyes widen seeing the wooden figurine broken.

“Mwoya!?” you exclaimed turning to the guy who didn’t even bothered to apologize.

“Excuse me? Don’t you know how to say sorry when you bump into someone?” you said in English.

The guy turned to you not saying a word, you had notice that he was with another guy must be his friend but you didn’t care. You can see that they were a bit confused hearing what you said. You sighed and repeated what you said in French but there were still no response and they looked even more confused.

The guy then nudges his friend saying something which you can hear “Ya, Kyungsoo-yah, do you what the girl is saying?”

“Aniyo, I don’t know French and her English is so fast” his friend answered.

Your eyes widen upon hearing that they speak Korean so you shock your head and repeated what you said again this time in Korean.

“I said, don’t you know to say sorry when you bump into someone?” you said making them surprise hearing that you can actually speak in Korean.

The guy then bowed asking for forgiveness. “Joesonghamnida” he said. He immediately saw the broken wooden swan in your hands and he realizes that it was his fault that it was broken.

“Umm, Ms. I’m sorry about your swan, I’ll just buy you another one if it’s okay with you?” he ask and you agreed.


After he had given you the new wooden swan he apologizes again but you said it was okay now. He then introduces himself to you and so did his friend.

“By the way I’m Byun Baekhyun and this is my friend Do Kyungsoo” he said.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Song Haerin. As I have observed you are not from here” you said.

“Aniyo, we came from Korea we are just here to have some business to attend along with our other companions” Baekhyun said.

“How about you Haerin-shi, do you live here?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Aniyo, I’m also from Korea, I’m with my brother spending our summer vacation at our aunt’s place” you explained.

But before they could continue you told them that you’ll be heading your way to your destination and they bid you goodbye.


The owner of the café greeted you after he had recognized you as you entered the café. He knew that you were Song Minhyeong’s niece and his very loyal costumer every time you visit Paris. Without you saying anything he had prepared your favorite latté which was the best you have ever tasted making you keep coming back for more.

You were enjoying your hot beverage you spotted that Baekhyun entered the café alone and he was looking at the menu looking for something to buy. He looked confused so as a repay for buying you a new swan you helped him. You stood by his side making him jerk upon seeing you once again. You smiled and recommended him the cappuccino and he gladly ordered it.

The both of you shared the table and without you knowing the both of you were already exchanging topics. You felt comfortable with him with no reason at all. You can see he was like you; carefree and happy-go-lucky. He was very funny and easy to talk to. You thought at first he was rude but once you started talking to him he was totally the opposite.

The both of you separated ways upon exiting the café. You headed your way to your aunt’s office and he went to back to where his companions are.

You arrive at the company and surprise to see Haemin in your aunt’s office. You wonder what was he doing since he was not interested in fashion at all.

“Ya! Haemin-ah, what are you doing here?” you ask.

“I’m going to watch komo’s models rehears” he answered while he plays on his phone while he lies on the couch.

You crossed your arms and raise a brow at your brother. “Wae? When did you get interested in komo’s work? All you care about is games, music and FOOD” you said emphasizing the food to him.

“Precisely, I’m here to watch and enjoy free food from komo” he laughed.

You rolled your eyes and face palmed yourself hearing your brother’s stupid answer. Your aunt wasn’t in here office so you and Haemin waited for her to return. After a few minutes your aunt arrives and she was really glad to see you. You notice that she was a bit stress and she told you that she was lacking staff at the moment and the models will be arriving any moment. You told her that you will be glad to help around and your aunt rejoices hearing it from you.

She gave you instructions and you followed everything that she had ordered. It wasn’t new to you because you sometime help around if they need extra hands.


“Woah! Komo are taking them as models?” Haemin exclaimed as he saw the models from afar.

“Why so amaze Haemin?” You ask him frowning not minding the models.

He turns to you with a confuse look. “Don’t you know who they are? They’re EXO” he said.

“EXO? Who are they?” you asked in confusion.

You adjusted your glasses and turn to see the models not gaining interest until you recognize one member, Baekhyun. Your eyes widen seeing him and you also recognize his friend Kyungsoo. Your jaw slightly dropped seeing them as models.

“Do you know one of them?” Haemin asked upon noticing your reaction and you nodded.

“I happen to have a cup of coffee with Baekhyun before I headed here” you said making him surprise.

“WHAT!? HOW?” Haemin exclaimed. “You had a cup of coffee with one of the EXO members?” he added.

You asked him who exactly EXO are; he explained to you that they were one of the popular male groups today making you stunned. You never had any interest in Kpop so you have no idea the current trends on it. You never expect that you would meet and talk so casual to an idol.

Baekhyun somehow had recognized you from afar but he wasn’t really sure if it was really you. He taps Kyungsoo to confirm if it was really you but he was also not sure.


Rehearsals had started and EXO began walking on stage. You and your aunt watched them how they ramp and made corrections how they walk. You notice that Baekhyun had taken glances at you but you didn’t mind him. After rehearsal Haemin approach them asking for their autograph and he had drag you along with him. Baekhyun then approach you with a wide smile on his face.

“Haerin, right?” he ask and you smiled nodding to him.

“Wow! Meeting you thrice in one day, I think this is destiny” he chuckled.

“I know and I didn’t really expect that you were an idol” you said feeling your cheeks getting warm.


While you were busy talking with Baekhyun and Haemin was busy taking pictures with the other members, your aunt notice that you were getting acquainted with them. So she approached you and greeted everyone.

“It looks like my niece and nephew are getting along well with you lovely young men” she said making EXO bow to her as a greeting.

They were surprise to hear that you and Haemin were actually related to the famous Song Minhyeong. They then started to talk to you formally which was a bit awkward. You told them that it was not necessary and that they should just treat you like a friend.


Every rehearsal you would always watch EXO and sometimes would help them by correcting their gestures. But most of the time your attention always falls to Baekhyun. He was your instant best friend, the two of your get along really well. Even after their rehearsals you would sometimes invite him out or vice versa.


“You like sweets a lot do you?” he asked looking a t you as you enjoy your pastry.

“Not really, I think my taste buds are just looking for it” you said smiling at him.

“You look so cute when you ate that cake, just like a baby” he said pinching your cheeks.

“Wae? Me a baby? It looks like you’re more like of a baby to me, you always do aegyo even during rehearsals” you replied teasing him and laughed.

“Aniyo, you’re the baby, Baby Haerin, Baby Haerin” He teased you back.

You pouted then quickly placed some frosting on his nose from your cake making him surprise. “hahaha, Baby Baekhyun has a frosting on his nose, now who’s the baby now?” you said.

As a revenge he took your glasses and also place some frosting on your nose. Both of you realize that you were already too loud inside café. The other costumers were already looking at the both of you making you and Baekhyun embarrass.

From the moment on you address each other as baby. It was an endearment for fun nothing else because you consider each other friends or special friends. Everyone already notice your special treatment with each other but no one bother to tell you, they wanted that you and Baekhyun would realize it by yourselves.


Thirty minutes left before the fashion show was about to start. Everyone including EXO was already getting ready for the show tonight. You as the niece of Minyeong were given the privilege to see the models at the backstage before the show starts. So you went there to wish EXO good luck.

“Oh Haerin-ah, you’re here” one of your aunt’s staff greeted you.

“I’m just here to wish them luck for the show” you said.

The staff then pointed where EXO are and you thanked her. Baekhyun on the other immediately saw you and he was mesmerize as you approach them. You were very elegant in your black cocktail dress that let your milky skin stand out even more. You don’t look cute anymore but instead you look very beautiful especially you weren’t wearing your glasses anymore.

“Wow, Haerin-shi, you look dazzling tonight” Suho complimented.

“Thank you, you all look great too” you replied smiling at them.

“Look! Baek’s jaw is dropping because of you” Chanyeol teased. You blush while Baekhyun nudge the taller one.

“Umm… good luck there later guys” You shyly said and they thanked you.

You approach Baekhyun and wish him luck personally. You told him that you and Haemin are seated in the front and can be easily seen when they step on the stage. You gave him a light tap on the shoulder before you return to your seat.


After a few minutes the show had started. The first to walk were the female models. Though they keep a blunt expression they were all stunning with the clothes and accessories they were wearing. When it was time for the male fashion, you were really excited to see EXO. They walk in the stage in pairs showing the stunning clothes your aunt designed.

Your smile widen when you saw Baekhyun walking on stage along with Chen. Haemin slightly nudge you when he noticed you smiling like a fool on your seat not taking your eyes away from Baekhyun. You glared at your brother and hit him slightly on the head then return your attention to Baekhyun.


The show ended perfectly and everyone was really happy and amazed from the master piece your aunt had made. She also thanked all her models for being great. After the show was over your aunt invited all the models for a dinner and her treat. You were really glad that you will be having dinner with Baekhyun.

You expected that that you will be seated next to Baekhyun but you were wrong. He was seated next to one of the female models while you were seated next to you aunt and Haemin. You somehow notice that the female model was flirting with him making you feel a bit pissed off. You ordered your favorite dish but seeing someone flirting with him made you lose your appetite.

“Ya! Noona, I thought you wanted to eat that, the why are you not even touching your food?” Haemin asked pointing at your plate.

“I somehow lose my appetite” You said throwing a deathly glare at the girl next to Baekhyun.

Your brother had sense that something was wrong with you and he had seen that you were looking at the girl next to Baekhyun. He smiled and whispered to you.

“I can smell someone’s jealous around here” he teased.

“What!? ME? NO WAY!” You shouted in protest making everyone turn to you.

“Haerin dear is there something wrong?” Your aunt asks.

“Nothing’s wrong komo” you answered a bit embarrass with your sudden behavior.


Summer vacation was over and you were back in school to attend university. Though being back in Seoul, you and Baekhyun kept in touch with each other. If he has spare time he would invite you out to have some bonding time. He had already realized his feelings towards you bit still afraid to confess. You too liked him already but you don’t want to make the first move.


You were in the middle of your class when you saw a notification on you Samsung galaxy gear. It was a sms from Baekhyun. You felt your heart leap seeing a message from him. You immediately sneak your phone out of your bag to read his message.

B: Are you free for lunch later? I saw this new restaurant here; I want to try it with you.

H: Sure, but I’m only free until 2:00; I still have class after that.

B: Arasseo, I’ll pick you up later then.

H: Okay, see you later then.

You place your phone back to your bag and return your attention to your professor’s lecture. But you still can’t hide the happiness you felt knowing that you will have a lunch date later with your baby Baekhyun.


“Ya! Baekhyun what’s with the huge grin?” D.O asks.

“What? Nothing” he innocently answered.

 “Really now? Let me guess, you just texted your girlfriend, did you?” he said.

“G-Girlfriend? Who? Haerin-ah? We are just friends” Baekhyun reasoned.

“Who are you fooling Baekhyun, Everyone know you like her but you are just too coward to admit that you like her” D.O explained. “We all noticed that whenever the both of you are together back in Paris, your smile reaches your ears and your eyes sparkles, even when you just hear her name being mentioned. So stop denying it.” He added.

“Ara, ara… I like her” Baekhyun admitted. “But-”

“Don’t worry too much, She likes you too, try confessing, I swear she’ll accept your feelings” D.O suggested.


You were on your way out of your classroom when one of your male classmates approaches you asking for your help with the lesson. You don’t want Baekhyun to wait for you so you told your classmate that you’ll explain to him while the two of you headed out of school which he totally agreed with you.

As your classmate had left you outside the school gates, a car honked and you immediately recognize that it was Baekhyun. You smiled to him as you approach the car then made your way inside it seating comfortable at the passenger seat. You notice that he was not in a good mood so you started to ask.

“Baekhyun baby, gwenchanayo? Is something wrong” you ask looking at him but he didn’t respond.

He continued driving not even taking any glances at you. You felt a bit worried and keep asking him if something was really wrong and you really wanted to know.

He suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road shocking you. He then turned to you and you can see he was angry.

“Who’s that guy with you?” he asked in a serious tone.

“Mwoya? Guy? Oh he was my classmate, he was asking help to explain further some of our topics” You answered calmly.

“Why does he have to be so clingy on you!?” he shouted.

You were surprise with his sudden behavior. He was angry over a nonsense act. “Wait? Why are you so angry all of a sudden? Don’t tell me you’re jealous?” you teased.

“Jealous!? Jealous!? Me jealous? I never had been jealous in my whole life! Just now!” he shouted making your eyes widen.

“What did you say?” you ask in confusion.

He had somehow realized what he had said and started to feel embarrass.
“Ummm… Well I…” he said blushing turning his gaze away from you.

You held his chin letting him look at you. “You are jealous, Byun Baekhyun is jealous?” you chuckled.


You wanted to but he suddenly crash his lips to your surprising you. You wonder why you didn’t even bother to pull away from his kiss but instead you let yourself melt in the kiss.  He realizes his sudden action and pulled away from the kiss. He apologizes for his unpleasant behavior but you were still in shock.

“Haerin, I-I’m really s-sorry, I was just carried away from my emotions” He regretfully said.

“T-That was my v-very first kiss” you said touching your lips.

“Mianhae, Mianhae, Haerin, I’m really really sorry” he apologized again.

You turn to him and slowly smiled. “Baekhyun-ah, c-can you kiss me again?” you requested slightly blushing.

“W-What? What did you s-say?” he asks in confusion.

“I said can you kiss me again?” you repeated looking at him but he didn’t move surprise with your request. So instead you crash your lips to his surprising him more.

You pulled out and giggled. “Did I surprise you baby?” you ask and he nodded smiling at you.

You told him that he shouldn’t be jealous because the only guy in your eyes is him. He pulled into a hug hearing your words. He told you that he really loves you and you told him that you also feel the same way towards him making his happiness double.

“Does that mean you’re my girl now?” he ask.

You chuckled caressing his cheek. “I have always been your girl, baby” you answered.

“You just don’t know how happy I am to hear that baby, I love you so much Haerin” he said.

“I love you too Baekhyun” you replied.


Both of you cuddled each other for a few minutes until you realize that you already spend thirty minutes from the jealousy to the reconciliation.

“Baby, I think we should head to the restaurant you been talking about, I’ll be late for my class later if we don’t” you said

He sheepishly smiles at you scratching the back of his neck. “Oh right! We got carried away, hehe” he said and started the car engine and the both of you headed to your destination.

Hi BaekonBaby22
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Poster credited to: awkwardloser @ First Snow Graphics

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