Chapitre 9 : A Lesson To Be A Demonn

The Story of Eternal Love : The White Snake Legend


Shi Xun smiled. He was standing in an old, half broken down abandoned house. He scanned his surroundings and his smile grew wider.

"This is a very appropriate place. We all could live here."

He flew his magic to his hand. Snapping his finger, he screamed, "CHANGE!"

There was a mist covering the entire building. When the mist had gone, the old, half torn down abandoned house was transforming its outer side into a very sturdy, great, beautiful building. Shi Xun smirked. His magic never failed to work.

He was asked by his brother to find a place where he could use as a decent place for their supposed home. Shi Xun was all there witnessing the morning sickness he ascociated with Lu Han and Jun Mian's love confession in his transparent from. One sentence from Jun Mian wanting to meet their parents and he knew that he had to find a home for them to start the happy familial drama. Shi Xun didn't mind. It was better for him to leave than to watch them hugging like monkeys, looking at each other with such shivery intimate gazes.

"Easy breezy. The outside is done, now let's get to the inside."

He stepped his feet into the house. His smirk disappeared when he saw someone he knew standing before him on a chair, pulling a rope, ready to hang himself. Shi Xun glanced at his friend's half transformed appearance. Apparently his last encounter with bat demon didn't result really well. Shi Xun could see that his friend was slowly turning into a real demon.

"Hey, buddy! What the hell are you doing?! Why are you hanging yourself?!"

Bao Xian almost looked surprised to see Shi Xun's appearance, but right now he appeared just very soulless.

"Go away, friend. Please hurry. Death committed by hanging is a horrible sight. You'll get nightmares ...."

Shi Xun chewed his bottom lip, trying very hard not to roar with laugh.

Please, I have seen more terrible way of ending lives. None of it will give you sweet dream for the rest of your life.

Instead, Shi Xun showed Bao Xian deep, concerned frown. He shot his gaze at the distance, muttering to himself.

"I know. Death by hanging is really terrible. After your death, your body will turn purple. Your tongue will hang loosely and your eyes will fall out of their cavities ...."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, if you don't believe me, give it a go then."

Shi Xun pulled the chair Bao Xian was standing on. Bao Xian jerked, the rope he was putting on his neck was strangling him. Shi Xun rolled his eyes and shook his head. He took the chair and returned it to its previous position.

Bao Xian gasped air which painfully scrubbed the wall of his throat and lungs. He lost his balance and tripped from the chair, fallen into stacks of hay that was scattered on the floor.

"You don't look like someone who is chasing his own death."

Bao Xian was panting, still trying to get some fresh air.

"You don't understad! I am a demon hunter, but now I myself am turning into a demon itself! Just think yourself, if one day I meet the demon I have hunted before, I'll lose my face, my pride, my honor in front of them!"

Bao Xian buried his face under his arms, whining like lost puppy. Shi Xun shook his head and put his hand on Bao Xian's shoulder, patting him rather hard.

"Well, if you're a demon, then just be a demon. When demons meet each other, they mostly just nod as greetings. And ..., lots of them don't even have limbs. Who will care about your face?"

Shi Xun massaged Bao Xian's shoulder, smirking.

"Allright, I'll tell you a secret.

"Actually, I am a demon too ...."

Bao Xian lifted his face just as Shi Xun let his long, slit tongue slither quickly. Shi Xun hissed and Bao Xian jumped back, screaming like crazy.

"You! You! You ...."

"What's wrong?" Sehun rolled his eyes, "Aren't we the same now?"

Bao Xian looked at his clawed hand. His scream turned into frustrated whine.

"All demons are bound together. Don't look at me with such look! You're pathetic!"

Bao Xian kept whining, almost crying. Shi Xun sighed and finally felt bad for him. He rubbed Bao Xian's back, trying to calm him down.

"It's okay. You'll get used to it. You'll get over your frustration later. In the mean time, since I consider you're pathetic and you haven't adjusted with your new life well yet, I decided that I would teach you some steps on how to be a demon. It is easy breezy, big baby. You'll master it in no time.

"Come on."

Bao Xian sniffed. "No, I don't want to ...."

"Just come on!"

"No, I am scared!"

"Just ...," Shi Xun rolled his sleeves.

"... come ...," Shixun gritted his teeth.

"ON!" he pulled Bao Xian's robe and dragged him outside. Bao Xian didn't do anything but whining. Shi Xun had to supress his desire to enter his hand into Bao Xian's mouth and detached the horrible voice box he was possessing. His friend was in need of help and he would help him.


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"What are you doing to me, Shi Xun? Stop it .... I just had chive for breakfast .... I am going to puke!"

Bao Xian whined as loudly as he could. Hanging upside down, his feet were tied on the toppest branch of sturdy fir tree. Shi Xun was just finished tying the rope to the tree and he approached Bao Xian with clicking sound on his mouth shaking his head.

"My, my, my, Bao Xian .... Bats hang upside down! You have to get used to it!"

"But my head will burst! It is full of blood already!"

Shi Xun chuckled. "Then it will make you smarter than you already are. If you don't believe me, let me ask you a question."

Shi Xun giggled. "Am I handsome?"

Bao Xian whined. "Listen .... All I see now is spinning stars. I am seeing you upside down. Pretty doesn't count to it."

Shi Xun pouted, his eyes were just lines. "I see then."

He blew magic to Bao Xian's tied feet, untying the rope by itself. Bao Xian was screaming when he was falling to the ground, face hitting the ground really hard, muffling his scream and whine.

"OH MY GOD ...." If he was a human, Bao Xian would be dead already. He laid on his back and sensed Shi Xun approaching him.

"So, how is that now? Am I handsome?" Shi Xun played his brows seductively.

Bao Xian's was seeing through pounding bubble, but he could see Shi Xun quite clearly now.

"Y, yeah, I guess ...."

"So ...," Shi Xun squatted before him, "do you have a special feeling now ...? When you look at me ....?"

Shi Xun rose his head and spinned it so slowly. His finger trailed on his long neck, grazing it with circular motion around his vein.

"Would you like to ..., bite my neck ...."

Bao Xian gulped. The thirst on his throat was burning him like crazy. The greenish vein under that soft-looking white skin was enough to make Bao Xian's lips keep wetting his lips.

"... taste my blood ...?"

Bao Xian couldn't resist the temptation. He moved closer to Bao Xian's neck. The sound of fragrant, strange flower was more evident as he shortened the distance between his mouth and Shi Xun's neck. It was alluring, seducing. His desire to end the burning the flame on his throat engulfed him. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, ready to bite ....

Something soft was bitten under his teeth. However, it didn't smell good like Shi Xun's neck.


Shi Xun spat a raw chicken meat that was shoved by Shi Xun out of his mouth. Shi Xun was roaring with laughter, holding his stomach that began to hurt.

"Amitabha! Amitabha! Amitabha!" Bao Xian kept united his palms and kept bowing down to sky, feeling really horrible of what he had done.

"I'm a sinner! I'am a sinner! Buddha, please forgive me!!"

Shi Xun sneered. He took a bamboo container and handed it to Bao Xian.

"Here, drink some water."

Bao Xian quickly snatched the filled bamboo container and drank the content in flash. He had to wash the taste of meat in his mouth. He had done a grave mistake. A monk MUST NEVER eat meat.

Bao Xian froze.


He blurted all the thing filling inside his mouth, mercilessly, to Shi Xun's face who was squatting right before him. Shi Xun closed his eyes as a spurt after spurt of the liquid hit his face and his front clothes.

"You!!!!!!!!!" Shi Xun contained his balled fist, trying with his life not to punch Bao Xian to his death.

"WHAT IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Shi Xun's anger flared to she sky.

"What do you think it is, IDIOT!!!"

Shi Xun pulled Bao Xian's front clothes. He was retaining his hand not to claw and rip Bao Xian's already ugly face.

"You bit my neck! You ate meat! You drink blood!" Shi Xun waved his tree green claws before Bao Xian, "You violated the THREE TABOOS of Buddha! You are no longer a monk by now! From now on, be a DEMON you are!"

Shi Xun pushed Bao Xian back. Bao Xian fell to the ground and started bailing like a kid.

"No way!! I DON'T WANNA BE A DEMON!!!"


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June 2, 2014


My, my, Shi Xun, you are the beast! I am turning down the story to a bit comical. It is to ease the tension of what will happen. At least, Bao Xian has Shi Xun now. ^BaekHun feeling overrated^.

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justlikeu #1
Chapter 19: Update!update!update!update!update!*chanting around*
Chapter 17: Plzz update soon~
fallenmemories #3
Hey,just asking do you have a Mandarin version of your story? Just want to compare and see whether the feels will be the same as this haha
Chapter 16: Woww it's amazing ....... I even cried T.T
Plz let luhan live again :(
When are you going to update this story?
very nice!
Chapter 12: I feel really bad for Yifan..:( n same goes for my baby Baek who turned into a he's with Sehun nw n saved him,so m glad that Hun at least being nice to him..n also be there for him...:D