Chapitre 19 - Broken Chain

The Story of Eternal Love : The White Snake Legend

A wave as big as the mountain was making its way toward the temple. The giant Buddha statue was engulfed by the wave higher than itself. The mostrous arc of ripple in the supposedly calm body of water moved in a fast pace to destroy the temple complex.

Yi Fan was totally absorbed in astonishment before he could snap himself back into reality. With adrenaline and fear mixing in his blood, he swiftly spun on his spot and erected his staff on the wooden floor. Standing in the air independently, the staff let out a shimmering heat. Yi Fan wrapped his prayer bead around his wrist, muttered magical words, and send a blast of wave toward the tsunami.

The big wave was sliced in the middle just before it reached Yi Fan. However, the wave melded itself and surrounded the circular landmark of the temple complex. The temple was surrounded by high cliffs for it was the actual destination of the tsunami. It doubled its height and looked for every nook and crevice that it could enter. Soon, the wave was able to shower inside the complex, sending gallons of water into each pavilion and house inside.

Yi Fan realized his mistakes but he had no time to act; the wooden floor beneath his feet cracked and there was a jolt of shock before he was lifted in the air. The head of giant green snake roared and it shot past the gate, sending Yi Fan in the air. As the shooting stopped and gravity claimed him down, the green snake opened its huge mouth and readied itself to swallow Yi Fan.

He didn’t know why but he was able to wedge himself between its fangs. The pressure was very overwhelming. As if it was not enough, the giant white snake was moving toward him with mouth open, ready to make him into chunks of meat. He forced himself to leap, just in time before the white snake grinded its fangs on green snake’s mouth.


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When Yi Fan was fighting his best to stay alive, the monks appointed for security in the temple entrance noticed the upcoming danger. They quickly ran to the exorcism room and tried to warn the monks inside.

“Hey! Hey! The water is coming! There is a tsunami outside!”

But their cries were not heard. Xiu Min previously had casted the spell that allowed solitude in the room, reverting all the sound off. The people inside the hall were not aware of anything outside. The security monks looked at each other grimly. The most senior of them quickly measured the condition and took the charge.

“You two keep staying here! Bang the doors as hard as you could! Keep giving them warning that there is big wave coming toward us. The rest, follow me to the library! We need to save the sutras!”

With that all the security monks minus two of them scurried to Great Library, trying their best to save sutras the temple possessed. As they filled in the room, they frantically reached for any sutras in their reach.

 “Get the important ones first! Quick! The water has come to the entrance!”  the head security cried to the scrambling monks. He desperately observed the water and stomped his feet in frustration as the water was seeping into the library now since it was not heavily protected.

“Forget the sutras! Everyone run to the third floor and get to the roof!”

They didn’t need to be commanded twice. The monks climbed the stairs and lifted themselves to the roof.

“Everyone! Go to the roof! Go to the roof!” the head security yelled to little monks who were still running outside, just running for their lives from their own section of the complex. The said monks caught the hint and headed to the nearest building but the water had come faster. It hit the monks and dragged them in its current. It also hit the smaller building and crumbled them. Some monks died as the debris fell on them. The brown water now had tints of red everywhere along with the cries of agony in the air.

The security could only watch helplessly as his disciples and fellow monks lost their lives.

“Buddha, Buddha. What kind of disaster is befalling on us?”

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Deep in the temple all monks continued their effort of exorcism. Everyone was still on layer upon layer of the pyramid and locked in prayer bead chain. The chanting of Luo Han spell was still imminent; they were floating in the air now, several centimeters above the ground.

But the wave was able to escape the protection spell that Yi Fan had planted on the doors and windows of the Great Hall. Swallowing the horrified monks who had been banging the doors for the last couple of minutes, the water entered through every hole in the door and made its way into the room. The water splashed the monks and quickly drowned them. The lesser monks had broken the chain, though the higher ones were still trying their best to hold their breath underwater and continue the exorcism.

The temple complex was already looking like some underwater temple. Fast in its hurried way, the giant white snake swam to the great hall. It took a peek inside the hall and was suddenly outraged upon seeing the man on Buddha’s palm. It cried in anger and banged itself to the door. The protection spell paper was still magically sticking itself on the door but with each banging its power came loose. Still, the white snake wasn’t able to break the giant doors. He hissed in rage, feeling the ultimate desperation.

However, a thousand mice suddenly appeared underwater, swimming toward the giant snake. The giant snake watched them intently, already figuring out who they were. One of them, the biggest of the group, swam in front of the white snake's eyes, holding the top of it's nose.

Don’t worry, Duizhang. We will help you.

He then whistled in the water. He and his army swam deeper and entered the small space in the ventilators. They made their way into the Great Hall effortlessly and in no time they arrived in the monk pyramid.

Forward, brothers! Bite them, break the human chain!

The thousand mice glided fast in the water upon hearing the squeaking. They clamped their claws on the monks’ robes. They sank their tiny teeth into the fabric, penetrating the skin. A prickle of blood began floating in the air, followed by some more. The mice sank their teeth again and again but aside of the frown on the monks face, nothing happened.

Bite deeper! Break the prayer beads!

This time the mice found the easier way to hit their targets. The monks quickly broke down their chain. Their lung capacity had greatly lost due to the dissipated atmosphere created by Luo Han spell. They floated upward, trying very fast to reach the open air and refill their lungs.

Xiu Min was there as well, almost moved to tears upon seeing his fellow monks disobey the order from their master. He tried to rebuild the chain but all the monks had been making their way to the surface. He tried to dive back to the bottom but his sleeve was pulled by someone. A young monk was looking at him. The monk pointed his chin into the giant doors and Xiu Min almost lost the precious little air left in his lungs.

The giant door exploded, sending quite a significant wave into the room. The white snake had just blown the doors with a massive wave shock. As the wood splinters started to float, he made his way into the room. He looked around for a while before locking his gaze into the man on Buddha’s palm.

Xiu Min again started to yank his sleeve, this time trying to block the ferocious snake. However, the sleeve again was pulled, harder than before. The young monk now was giving him a begging look, his face started to be blue. Xiu Min knew that he was almost running out of breath. Sighing in heart, he kicked the water and pulled the young monk with him, watching in vain as the giant white snake blew a giant bubble. The bubble wrapped the demon before it transformed into human. It then approached the man on Buddha’s palm and both men floated into the surface, faster than the kicking of Xiu Min's and the almost unconscious monk beside him.


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October 13, 2016

Keep reading, we almost reach the end.



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justlikeu #1
Chapter 19: Update!update!update!update!update!*chanting around*
Chapter 17: Plzz update soon~
fallenmemories #3
Hey,just asking do you have a Mandarin version of your story? Just want to compare and see whether the feels will be the same as this haha
Chapter 16: Woww it's amazing ....... I even cried T.T
Plz let luhan live again :(
When are you going to update this story?
very nice!
Chapter 12: I feel really bad for Yifan..:( n same goes for my baby Baek who turned into a he's with Sehun nw n saved him,so m glad that Hun at least being nice to him..n also be there for him...:D