Chapter 4

Come Back Home
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Every time I see him… more memories are coming …sometimes, even though I want to make it everything easier… I cannot help but feel angry rather than showing what I truly feel.

Taemin…he did change. When we part ways years back, I knew that now…so many things had urged him to change. It is not easy to bounce back… to go back to your heart’s desire…but I know, he’s also happy to be here. When we were still together, he always said…this industry has been his strength to battle every weakness…frustration and of course…sadness.


Nowadays, whenever I see him in the set…I try to keep everything civil. No more, no less. I don’t need to talk to him that often because Myungsoo’s with me. But sometimes….whenever I see him…singing, rehearsing lines…doing his thing…something in me is being revived…ignited… if it’s long-lost passion…I can never really tell…if not I don’t even want to tell…


“O, Umma…you called? Is there any problem?”



I was just a few steps away from her and instantly, I knew that there’s a problem. I know Naeun. Those frowns…the pursing of the lips…every snort and reaction emanating from her…I know what it is for…


When you loved someone, you never really stop caring, even if you’re not together anymore.


When you loved someone, a part of you will always be ready to care…to have…to hold…


When you still love someone, the more that your feelings become strong…


And when you still love someone…who refuses to let you in…forcibly deny you…in my case… “I am loving her more.”


“Mwuh rah goo? You already brought him to the doctor? Okay, I just have to ask permission from the director…I’ll be there, Umma, please wait for me.”

As I observe her…I saw her approaching the director and sighted her hurry to leave afterwards. I stood from my seat and approached the staff to ask,

“What’s with Naeun? Why did she left?”

“Ah eh, she says her family needs her… a child was taken to the hospital.”


“Child? Whose child?”

Instead of answering, the staff just shrugged. And again, I was left here thinking…

The more I get to see Naeun these days, the more I get to see the changes. She is one if not the most responsible artist I’ve known so when she started missing out on shoots…checking in late for meetings and tech rehearsals…the more I became concerned. She never really misses a rehearsal and it somehow bothers me…for if ever she misses one…it must be for a very good reason.

I was watching Key dancing with Eunji on stage. I remained in my seat when I suddenly heard Chorong talking on the phone. She was a few seats away from me…and despite the music and the noise….I can definitely figure the conversation,

“Oh, Naeun-ah, how are you? I called as soon as I heard…how’s my godchild?…yeah?…what a relief…Eunji?…she’s here, she’s still rehearsing…don’t worry, we’ll visit once we’re all done here…just give my regards to ajeosshi and ajumeoni …oh, wait, how’s  our  little rascal now…have you already eaten? Okay…I’ll bring him his favorite…Bye Naeun-ah…see yah, later.”

In my mind…more questions cropped up, godchild? I know Chorong is really close to Naeun but a godchild?

Little rascal? Maybe, it is the kid the staff once referred to…when Naeun left the set to go to the hospital…

But who is this little rascal…and why Naeun has to miss and began tainting her almost spotless record for this someone…






“I guess your ex-partner is no angel after all.” It was Minah…giving a piece of her mind.

“What is it this time?”

She then threw the tabloid in front me and gave out a laugh,

“Ohhh~ so your Naeun also has her flirty side... she’s hiding something dirty, haha!” I then gave her the look and that was enough to silence her petty and cruel remarks.

“Know what, Minah? For someone who’s supposed to mind her own business, I never really thought you read this .”

“Tsss..Then why don’t you read it yourself? And see how imperfect is Ms. Perfect? Hahaha!”

When I heard her close the door, I then decided to pick it up…the showbiz headlines read,


SON NAEUN, pregnant?



It all started with blind items and now has already been given a name. It has been said that the most bankable and brightest star of ACUBE Entertainment has a hidden secret, all these time. According to our reliable source, the so-called scholarship she earned recently was just a cover-up for the pregnancy of the artist. What’s driving the public crazy is that, she has no boyfriend and is not in a relationship at the time and has been reported to be living together with her parents….the question is? Is it true that the idolized 21-year old singer and actress is pregnant that made her fly to London? Oh well, usually this kind of rumors are proven to be true after giving birth.





For a brief moment, when I read that article years ago…I never really paid attention to the details. Besides, nothing came of it. When she came back, after her so called scholarship, she looked as pretty and wonderful as ever…she even did a drama once she came back…did an album months after…not to mention, that for someone as popular as her…it is almost impossible that no one ever noticed or seen anything…much more heard something…


I was lying in my bed and as the darkness continually fills my room…I can see Minah sleeping beside me…it’s been six years and while I tried my best to keep tabs on Naeun…could it be possible that I missed something? Could it be possible that after I…I broke up with her…some guy entered into the picture…


”What are you thinking, Taemin. You know Naeun…” I then started shaking my head… and I was here, lying…just a few inches from a sleeping Minah…that light bulb moment came…








I admit, I wasn’t able to sleep last night…my head has been reeling backwards…re tracing the events…something did happen…between us…it is the happiest night of my life…


“Babe…babe…wake up…”

Seeing her face…is like greeting the rising sun…she is the brightest source

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Thank you for reading, & sharing your sentiments. See you in my next ff. I may post oneshot Taeun ff soon. Stay tune!


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 8: Both face Ups -downs in life.finally reunited and completed happy family ❤️
Ydvvfjkch #2
Chapter 12: ???????✌️✌️???
Phanie08 #3
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: 2018 and still rooting for TAEUN couple ❤❤
Anyways this is one of my favorite story of Taemin and Naeun, thank you for making this hope to read more of your fanfics
Chapter 12: omo this is the best taeun fanfics i read so far!! and also the first taeun fics that i read until the end woaa ! great job author-nim! in case you want to make another taeun fics, can i req for this past story? how taemin and naeun meet bases on this story? wkwkwkw it could be amazinh though!!

anyway thank you for writing such a beautiful story of taeun. taeun fighting!! ^^~~
SweetLSTNME #5
Chapter 12: Wow, this story the best one I read ,,,, make me cry, smile, angry and touching.. THANK YOU.
myyukkie #6
Chapter 12: Wow.. This story is daebak.. Thank you.. I hope your write another story again.. Again thank you
nebosuke88 #7
Chapter 12: This fic ended a while ago but I've just discovered it yesterday and ended it in one sit. Minus a few grammar mistakes (and I won't be tough here since english isn't my first language) it wad puuuuurfect! The right amount of romance, angst and a. Honestly I liked the love scenes, I think they were sensual but still classy. Can't wait to read more of your work. please write many more taeun fics! Do you take prompts? Cheers
taeunlover #8
Chapter 12: I love your story. It made me cry. Good job!
Maddle #9
Chapter 12: Always loved a story with a happy ending! ^_^
Maddle #10
Chapter 2: He he...
>Fate intervene<