Stay Sober, Kids

Do Kyungsoo absolutely hates his life.

He's been struggling all semester in one of his college classes, and the professor had motioned for Kyungsoo to come over to his desk after the lecture had ended to tell him, "I'm afraid that your grade in my class is abysmal. Be prepared to take this course again if you don't manage to pull it up to a C."

Kyungsoo sighs and presses his knuckles to his temple. There's probably nothing anyone could say to him that would make this day worse.

At that moment, his stepbrother Luhan flings open the door and chirps, "Hey, Kyungie! How was school? Oh and by the way, I might've sold you to a rich Chinese businessman last night so you should start packing. He's gonna be here to pick you up in one-"

Luhan isn't able to finish speaking- not with Kyungsoo's fist slamming against his jaw.





Luhan is not drunk. He isn’t.

Except he is and there’s this really tall hot guy making his way toward Luhan across the club.

“I’m getting some tonight,” he croons, and sways forward so that they meet each other halfway.

“You look like you need a ride home,” Tall Hot Guy frowns. “I wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of you. Just tell me where to go and I can drop you off.”

Luhan giggles and pokes Tall Hot Guy’s chest. The frown grows.

“If you want me, you don’t have to be so vague about it,” Luhan slurs. “Doesn’t matter if you’re pretending to be a gentleman, you can still get in my pants.”

Tall Hot Guy rolls his eyes. “I’m really just trying to help you. You should probably get into my car,” he continues, a firm grip on Luhan’s arm as he drags him out of the raucous club. “Tell me your address.”

Luhan giggles again and reaches into his back pocket. “You remind me of my stepbrother,” he hiccups. “He’s so polite, just like you. Kyungie is very cute, too.” He takes out a palm-sized picture of said man from his wallet and waves it in front of Tall Hot Guy’s annoyed face. “See? See?”

Tall Hot Guy’s eyes soften. He plucks the picture out of Luhan’s hand and studies it intently.

“Wh-what’s his name?”

“Awww, you stuttered,” Luhan coos. “Do Kyungsoo. Isn’t he cute? Kyungie is going to turn 23 next month and he’s so adorable but he’s still a ! Isn’t that a shame?”

Tall Hot Guy his chin. He traces the side of Kyungsoo's smiling face with a fingernail and pink spreads across his cheeks. “Yeah, I guess,” he mumbles.

“Oh my god,” Luhan squeals. “You are so totally into him!”

Tall Hot Guy mutters something along the lines of you are so totally annoying and shoves Luhan in the passenger seat.

“Daaammmmn,” Luhan breathes. “You’re loaded, aren’t you. This sports car is probably worth more than me. And that’s saying something.”

He turns to Rich Tall Hot Guy as a (really ing stupid) plan formulates in his foggy head.

“Hey, do you wanna buy my stepbrother?” he asks.

The other man nearly veers off the road. “What?

“You can get first dibs on his ity. And you put his picture in your pocket, don’t think I didn’t see that, so you obviously want him. You have the money, too. Money that I need.”

Rich Tall Hot Guy is silent for a moment.

“How drunk are you?” he asks.

Luhan scrunches up his nose. “Not enough.”

Rich Tall Hot Guy hands a business card to Luhan.

“The name is Wu Yifan,” he says. “CEO of Wu Corporation. I can wire the equivalent of a million U.S. dollars in won or yuan to your bank account right now.”

Luhan’s mouth drops open.

Yifan smirks. “So, what’s your address?”






“It’s Wu Yifan, honey,” Luhan corrects, barely even listening to Kyungsoo raging. “Damn, look how many zeroes there are in my bank account now! I’m totally gonna go out and buy a mini refrigerator, I’ve always wanted one of those.”

“What the , Luhan! You sold my ity, not to mention me, for a mini refrigerator? What kind of brother are you?”

Luhan shrugs. “A rich one?”

Kyungsoo's screams echo throughout the entire house.




“Have fun, Kyungie! Call me later and tell me how good he is in bed.”

The pale man flips his stepbrother off as Luhan waves and shuts the front door. Sighing, Kyungsoo flops down on his suitcases and mentally sobs.

I hate Luhan I hate my life I hate everything I hate Wi Yufan I-

“Do Kyungsoo?”

He looks up tiredly and receives a good view of sharp eyebrows, plush lips, and a black suit. A very good view indeed.

“I’m Wu Yifan,” the stranger says, reaching out a hand to pull Kyungsoo up from the ground. “You must be Kyungsoo."

“Well yeah,” Kyungsoo snaps. “Why else would I be out here melting in the hot sun with my belongings scattered around me?”

Yifan laughs and Kyungsoo decides right then and there that he hates Wu Yifan and his dumb attractive laugh and his dumb attractive body.

“Cute,” Yifan says bluntly, motioning for Kyungsoo to get in the car.

The shorter man chokes on his own spit and shoves his things inside the trunk before promptly clambering into the backseat. Yifan glances in the rearview mirror and smirks.

Kyungsoo notices and decides that he also can't stand Yifan's smirk. He huffs in annoyance and tugs angrily on the seatbelt, muttering curses under his breath.

He watches as Yifan’s eyes in the mirror become crescents as the taller man smiles. It’s pretty. Kyungsoo hates that, too.




So apparently Wu Yifan is the richest bastard in all of Asia.

"This is a home?" Kyungsoo squeaks as Yifan leads him up a marble staircase and down a hallway that looks like it'll never end. "You live here? By yourself?"

Yifan shrugs. "Maids and cooks come in from time to time. But cleaning the whole house so often is unnecessary, and I prefer making my own meals."

They stop in front of a pale blue door, a difference from the multitudes of plain wooden ones scattering the hall.

"Here's your room," Yifan announces. "Go ahead, unpack and dress into something more comfortable if you like. There’s a connected bathroom, and the door leading to it is the same shade of blue. Feel free to explore the rest of the house after you've settled in."

The giant shuts the door with a soft click and Kyungsoo throws his bags down, opting to fling himself onto the large bed. It’s springy and soft, and his room is probably bigger than the living room back home… but Kyungsoo’s heart isn’t at ease. This place is home now. This place is his home because his stepbrother ing sold him to a secluded Chinese businessman and what the hell. In just a few hours his life has changed so much.

Sighing, Kyungsoo rolls off of the bed and gets to work unpacking and sorting his stuff into a walk-in closet and drawers. When he’s finished, Kyungsoo steps back with hands on his hips to survey his work. Even if he brought all of his belongings the room wouldn’t even be half full.

It’s so empty and cold. Luhan’s annoying voice does not drift through the air, calling for him to come downstairs to play some video game or start dinner. Kyungsoo shivers. He’s already lonely.




Yifan is nowhere to be found and Kyungsoo, still sort of in shock by the whole situation, feels it strange to call for him. Instead he decides to explore the house, just as his (benefactor? master? sugar daddy?) tall acquaintance had suggested.

The place is huge- there’s a ridiculous amount of rooms including a gigantic kitchen that makes Kyungsoo nearly salivate with excitement (yes he's a young man who enjoys working with food, gender roles).

The stove’s clock reads close to dinnertime so Kyungsoo decides to cook something. When his hands are busy, it’s easier for him to get things off his mind, like the fact that his brother ing sold him, what the .

Kyungsoo’s in the process of making noodles for pasta when a hand clamps down on his shoulder.

“Fuc- Yifan, what the hell.”

Yifan just leans closer to look inside the bubbling pot Kyungsoo’s keeping watch over. “What’s this?”


“You can cook?”

“Anyone can make pasta,” Kyungsoo scoffs. When he sees the blank look Yifan’s giving him, Kyungsoo amends, “...or not. I thought you said you do your own cooking?”

“Yeah, like instant noodles and heating things up,” Yifan frowns. Kyungsoo wants to scream.

“That’s not real cooking,” he says, trying to keep his voice even, and Yifan shrugs. Kyungsoo wants to murder.

“Tell your maids they don’t have to come here again,” he says. “I’ll teach you some basics and I’ll do the rest  of the cooking myself.”

Kyungsoo ignores the shy smile Yifan sends in his direction and the way it makes his cheeks hotter than the noodles in front of him.






are you ready for this

im not

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Chapter 4: Cuddly krisoo FTW!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 4: cute story. and Luhan is just a bag of lolz
Chapter 4: Aahahaha thats ing hillary:-):-):-):-):-) Luhan and Chen is funny combo:-)
linhee #4
Chapter 4: This was such a funny story~ I wish it was longer so we can see more fluffy krisoo and luchen developing haha
Chapter 4: omfg...them rubbing noses I almost puked rainbows xD SO CUTE
I really like the story..its very unique..like it.