Stay Sober, Kids

Wine. Wine is awful. Wine is the enemy. Wine-

“Auughhghh,” Kyungsoo groans. “My head…”

“There’s water and meds on the nightstand,” comes an amused voice from the doorway. “And if you can stomach anything, scrambled eggs are downstairs.”

Kyungsoo moans into his pillow.

“I’m guessing this is your first time getting drunk?” Yifan sits on Kyungsoo’s bed, trailing long fingers through the younger’s hair, and Kyungsoo’s insides feel weird. Probably the wine he’s trying to keep inside of his stomach instead of in the toilet.

“Yeah,” Kyungsoo replies, and the toilet doesn’t seem like such a bad idea after all. Yifan wisely gets out of the way when Kyungsoo scrambles off the mattress and hurtles into the bathroom.

“I’m never drinking again,” Kyungsoo whimpers, spooning forkfuls of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

“Aww, but drunk Kyungsoo is so cute,” Yifan says teasingly.

There’s a clink when Kyungsoo sets his fork down. “What did I do?”

Yifan hums in thought. “Well, you cuddled with me and told me you like it when I call you baby. You asked me if I was dating anyone-” Kyungsoo’s lip trembles- “and asked if you could date me.” He ruffles Kyungsoo’s hair.

“Is that all-”

“You even told me you liked me.”

Kyungsoo stands up so suddenly his chair tips over. “Thank you for the breakfast, I need to take a shower.”

“Hold on, baby-”

“Don’t call me that!” Kyungsoo shouts. Seeing Yifan’s shocked expression, he lowers his head and backs away. “I like you, okay? I like you so much and it makes me nervous because I’ve never felt this way before. But I can’t stand it if you make fun of me for my feelings. I can’t stand it because I like you a lot and you’re never home and I’m always lonely.”

“Kyungsoo…” Yifan looks distraught and Kyungsoo can’t stop the guilt rushing through him. He never meant for Yifan to feel obligation, to see Kyungsoo the way Kyungsoo sees him.

The younger man’s eyes shut, then open, and tears spill from them. “I’m sorry.”




“And you didn’t chase after him? Yifan, what the hell. You just broke Kyungsoo’s little heart.”

Yifan runs agitated hands through his hair. “I know, I know, but he looked like he needed some space-”

“You only ever give him space!” Jongdae exclaims in exasperation. “Do you know how many times I eat dinner with Kyungsoo in this ridiculously large house because he’s lonely and you’re still working? Too many damn times! If you never planned on being with him more than an hour a day then why the hell did you buy Kyungsoo?”

Yifan stares resolutely at the ground and Jongdae sighs.

“Because I myself was lonely.”

“Go on.”

“I don’t have anything to look forward to,” Yifan explains. “Every little thing in me is trained to look after the company my parents left me before heading back to Canada, and I don’t know, when I saw Kyungsoo’s picture for the first time, I was hooked. He’s the loveliest person I’ve ever laid eyes on and I acted before I could think and just bought him.” Yifan leans back in his chair and rests his forehead on his hands. “He lit up this house. I was actually happy leaving the company every day because that meant I could see him. The thing is, I’m so used to working that I don’t know how to do anything else. I never had to do anything else. This is what I was taught to do. But Kyungsoo…”

“Would you be willing to let yourself go a little for Kyungsoo?”

“...what do you mean?”

“I mean,” Jongdae says firmly, “would you, for Kyungsoo, work less and spend more time with him? Heaven knows why you bought Kyungsoo with that busy schedule you worship. But he’s yours, Yifan. Show him that you’re his.”




Luhan does not appreciate the doorbell ringing at ten in the A.M. He still has two hours to sleep and the intruder won’t stop ringing the doorbell godammit.

“What,” he grumps, flinging the door open. His half-shut eyelids spring open in alarm as he takes in the sight of his sniffling stepbrother.

“Kyungsoo, what-”

“I’m sorry for waking you up,” the younger whispers, looking impossibly small. “I just didn’t know where else to go.”

Luhan’s heart wrenches and he holds out his arms. Kyungsoo immediately steps inside and allows himself to be wrapped up in his stepbrother’s embrace. He doesn’t say what’s wrong, not right away. He knows he doesn’t have to. Luhan- stupid, reckless, immature Luhan- will always be by his side.

“I can beat him up for you,” Luhan offers, hours later, when Kyungsoo has recounted what happened. He flexes an arm that holds a surprising resemblance to an overcooked noodle.

“No,” Kyungsoo laughs softly, “don’t do that. It’s not his fault. Yifan isn’t required to like me back.” He looks down at his fingers. “I still want it, though.”

Luhan claps a hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulder and squeezes. “Everything will get better, little brother. Just wait it out. Someday you’ll find someone like Jongdae who will sweep you off your feet and will make you wanna send a mini refrigerator to them.” He sniffs. “But aww, i’ve always wanted to see you drunk,” Luhan pouts.

Kyungsoo smacks him.

“Alright, alright, ow,” Luhan grumbles, rubbing his arm, and sighs. “If only I hadn’t sold you, you wouldn’t be hurting so much.”

The younger leans on Luhan’s shoulder. “Maybe? I don’t know. If I hadn’t gotten drunk I wouldn’t be hurting so much. I’m still happy I got to be with Yifan for even a little amount of time. He’s even lonelier than I am, I think. I hope he meets someone wonderful.”

“He met you, Kyungsoo. That’s more than enough.”




Kyungsoo doesn’t really know what he expected, but it’s been two days and Yifan hasn’t even tried to search him out. He’s been staying at his home with Luhan, sneaking into Yifan’s house once at five in the morning for his college necessities, and driving places himself to avoid Jongdae.

If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of a million dollars going to waste, he thinks dryly.

Honestly, Kyungsoo feels empty, and more than a little disappointed. Yifan has really given up on him.

Kyungsoo doesn’t really know what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t Jongdae shoving him in the limo as soon as he gets out of class.

“What.” is the only thing he can say.

“You’re going to come with me back to Yifan so the both of you can figure out your ,” Jongdae says cheerfully.

“...do I get to refuse?”

Jongdae turns to smile at him and Kyungsoo really hopes they don‘t get into an accident. “No.”

“Oh,” says Kyungsoo, sliding down in his seat.

There is a tense sort of quiet in the car, and when they arrive at Yifan’s looming house, Jongdae drags Kyungsoo out and forces him through the door. He nods in the direction of Yifan’s office.

“Go in and make out or talk or cry because Yifan is unbearable when he’s sad, and without you, I won’t have any ties to connect me to your cute stepbrother. Go. Go now. For the sake of my budding relationship.”


“And yours too, I guess.”

Jongdae glares at him meaningfully and Kyungsoo nervously taps on the office door.

“Jongdae?” Yifan’s voice floats through the air.

“No, it’s me. Kyungsoo.”

Yifan swivels around in his chair. He looks incredibly tired. “You came.”

“Well, actually, Jongdae kind of forced me to…” The younger trails off and feels a small stab of guilt when he sees Yifan’s wide shoulders wilt at his words. “But,” he adds, a bit desperately, “it was time for me to come back. We need to clear some things up.”

Yifan motions for Kyungsoo to sit across from his desk. “You’re right.”


“No, let me,” Yifan interrupts, lifting a hand. “I need to apologize to you. That morning, I didn’t know my words would hurt you. I meant to do some teasing before I let you know…”

“Know what?” Kyungsoo prompts.

“That I love you,” Yifan says softly, reaching out for Kyungsoo’s hand. The student allows him to take it. “I was lonely, really lonely, for a long time before I met you. The reason I bought you was because you looked ethereal, and I don’t know, I was a bit drunk, but I realized that you’re so much more. You mean so much more to me.” He averts his gaze. “And I’m sorry.”

Kyungsoo blinks. “You…” he starts, then bursts out laughing, to Yifan’s surprise. “You idiot,” he wheezes and reaches out to grab a fistful of Yifan’s collar, pulling him into a kiss.

“You idiot,” he breathes out when they separate.

“I’m your idiot,” Yifan replies, and Kyungsoo manages to land a punch before Yifan tugs him in again.




“Y’all are disgusting,” Jongdae announces. “It’s been two months, can you stop looking at each other like you want to poop chocolate roses or something.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Yifan says, rubbing noses with Kyungsoo.

Jongdae makes a face and stalks out the door to head home when he’s met with a faceful of clothed chest.

“Ow,” Jongdae says, voice muffled by the fabric. “What the hell do you have in your pockets.”

“Jongdae,” the chest rumbles, “Jongdae.”

“Me?” He looks up and crinkles his nose at the heavy smell of alcohol surrounding Luhan. “Oh. What-”

“You’re…” Luhan hiccups. “Hot.”

Jongdae begins backing up, because he knows how this is going to end, and nothing good happens when Luhan’s drunk off his .

“Hey, wait-”

Jongdae’s eyes widen when Luhan falls forward, his lips just inches away from Jongdae’s. The Chinese man’s eyelashes flutter, and he leans closer-


“Oh gross, did you just puke on my shoes-”

“Ugh… Jongdae, I don’t feel good-”

“You just puked on my shoes-”


“ this. Why can’t you stay sober for a while, huh?”


“Luhan I swear to ing god-”








it seemed fit to end the story here. thank you for all the support and lucy i hope you enjoyed :D

thank you thank you!!!

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Chapter 4: Cuddly krisoo FTW!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 4: cute story. and Luhan is just a bag of lolz
Chapter 4: Aahahaha thats ing hillary:-):-):-):-):-) Luhan and Chen is funny combo:-)
linhee #4
Chapter 4: This was such a funny story~ I wish it was longer so we can see more fluffy krisoo and luchen developing haha
Chapter 4: omfg...them rubbing noses I almost puked rainbows xD SO CUTE
I really like the story..its very unique..like it.