Stay Sober, Kids

Jongdae has to dash out from the limo to break Luhan’s chokehold. The Chinese man then has a minor panic attack.

“Oh my god Kyungsoo he just saw me trying to kill you oh my god he won’t want to date me!”

Kyungsoo coughs and fans his red face. “You were choking me, it’s not my fault.”

“Hey, guys?”

The two turn to see Jongdae, an amused smile on his face, raising an eyebrow at them.

“I have to take Kyungsoo home now, but if you need a ride, I could…” Jongdae trails off, clearly addressing Luhan.

“Oh! Thank you so much!” Luhan gushes at the exact same time Kyungsoo says, “No, he is not coming into this car with me.”

“Kyungsoo,” Luhan pouts. Kyungsoo sticks his tongue out at him and says, “Maybe next time,” and slams the backseat door in his stepbrother’s face.

“You er, you,” Luhan seethes as the limo speeds away.




Kyungsoo waves cheerfully at Jongdae, who salutes before pulling out of the castle’s mansion’s long driveway and heading down the remote path leading back to the main road. Kyungsoo fishes out his keys, but before he can even touch the knob, the door swings open and he finds himself face-to-chest with Yifan.

“How was school?”

The younger man feels kind of lightheaded from hearing Yifan’s voice. Could it be that Luhan’s chokehold damaged his airways and is preventing 50% of oxygen from filtering to his brain??

“Uh. Good. Good! Yesterday I got a 97 on my Business exam,” Kyungsoo replies finally, brushing past Yifan into the house. “All thanks to you, of course.”

“No,” Yifan chuckles, and the sound sends an especially vicious chill down his spine. “You’re really smart- hey, are you alright? You’re shivering.” Yifan reaches out to rest the back of his hand on Kyungsoo’s forehead, but the student jerks away, giggling nervously.

“I’m fine, I’m just… cold! Yeah, cold.”

“Oh,” Yifan frowns. “Do you want me to turn up the heat, or-”

“No need,” Kyungsoo interrupts, wanting to sink to the center of the earth. “Let’s get started on dinner. Today’s cooking lesson is broccoli cheddar soup!”

Yifan wrinkles his nose. “I don’t like broccoli.”

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes at the taller man. “What are you, five?”

“No, just a picky eater.”

“Well, I’m making broccoli cheddar soup tonight, so it’s either you return to your dragon cave full of frozen chicken and ramen noodles, or you eat my food.”

Yifan shudders.

“I guess this isn’t so bad,” he admits half an hour later. His bowl is already half empty. “I thought I hated broccoli.” Yifan chews thoughtfully and swallows. “Maybe it’s because your cooking is so good my taste buds don’t care.”

Kyungsoo coughs to hide his pleased grin. “Of course my cooking is good. Now shut up and eat.”

Yifan reaches for the pot for seconds and smiles cheekily at him. Kyungsoo starts choking without the help of Luhan’s arm.




He’s laid out on his bed, replying to his childhood friend Hyunsik’s texts, when he hears footsteps outside his door.

It opens.

Kyungsoo squeaks in surprise and dives under the blankets. Yifan never comes into his room- they don’t do the whole talking thing.

“Still cold?”

Kyungsoo peers out from under the blanket and he catches a flash of white before a weight settles on his bed.

“Yifan?” he mumbles. "What..."

“Sorry, you said you were cold, so I thought we could-” Yifan fumbles with his words, but Kyungsoo understands. He lifts the blanket silently and Yifan stares at him for a second before sliding beneath them, next to Kyungsoo.

“Warm,” Kyungsoo sighs. Then- “Did I say that out loud?”

Yifan laughs and shifts so he’s on his side. “I take it you’re not cold anymore.”

“I wasn’t cold in the first place!” Kyungsoo blurts out. Damn. He keeps saying stuff without realizing. Yifan’s laugh must be doing something to him.

Yifan’s lips quirk into a dumb smirk (he’s so hot, Kyungsoo thinks miserably). “Do you want me to leave, then?” he asks, lifting a corner of the blanket. Cool air whooshes in and it feels really nice, considering that they’ve been curled up underneath it for a good minute.

The older man’s expression morphs into one of surprise when Kyungsoo clutches at his white t-shirt.

“Kyungsoo?” He doesn’t meet Yifan’s eyes.

“Can’t you stay?” Kyungsoo whines, trying to act annoyed but sounding more like a toddler. “Body heat is nice.”

Yifan nods silently and covers the two of them again, scooting closer to Kyungsoo and draping an arm over the smaller man.


“Shhh, body heat, you said-”

“Yeah, body heat, not a cage-”


“Your arm is so heavy but I bet you don’t even work out-”

“I do!”


“Yes, I even have abs. Wanna see?”

Kyungsoo flushes a highlighter pink. “What- no!”

Yifan chuckles and pulls Kyungsoo closer so his head is lying on Yifan’s chest. Kyungsoo tries not to think about the possibility of Yifan's abs.

“It’s Saturday tomorrow and I want to sleep in. So just. Shh.”

Kyungsoo huffs but closes his eyes anyway, concentrating on Yifan’s steady heartbeat and the even rise and fall of his chest. He’s slipping away faster than he would like to admit, but it’s so warm, and Yifan is so solid and comfortable…

Yifan raises his head and smiles when he notices Kyungsoo is asleep.

“Good night,” he murmurs into Kyungsoo’s hair, pressing a kiss on the top of his head before reaching out an arm to turn off the nightstand’s lamp. “Sweet dreams.”




Kyungsoo wakes up a little sweaty and a little confused because there’s something weighing down on his collarbones and the bed smells like cologne (he doesn’t use it himself- Kyungsoo always smells like sunlight and cool summer breezes). He attempts to sit up but the thing over his chest pushes him back down.

“It’s too early for this,” Yifan groans next to his ear, moving his heavy arm away. “Go back to sleep.”

The clock on the nightstand says it’s 10:37 AM and Kyungsoo’s stomach is making angry noises, so he slides off the bed as gracefully as he can without disturbing Yifan before padding into the kitchen.

Kyungsoo is in the midst of chopping green onions for omelettes when a big hand rests on the top of his head.

“Oh my- I almost cut off my finger! Don’t surprise me like that!”

“Sorry,” Yifan chuckles. He has a pinkish glow in his cheeks, the kind you get from either drinking alcohol or having rolled out of bed three minutes ago. Yifan’s eyes are still puffy from sleep and his dark brown hair is sticking up but he still looks hot. Kyungsoo is distressed.

"Mm, what's this?" Yifan looks around blearily at the ingredients strewn over the counters. "Eggs? Red peppers?"

"We'll be having omelettes for brunch," Kyungsoo replies. "Watch and learn."

Yifan ends up nodding off while attempting to cook pieces of sausage and Kyungsoo turns just in time to see Yifan's head nearly falling into the frying pan.

"Hey, hey! Wake up," Kyungsoo exclaims. "You almost cooked your own face."


Kyungsoo sighs. Yifan is a Lost Cause.

"How were you even living before I came here?" Kyungsoo chides. "Not being able to cook, sleeping at ungodly hours, and working all the time. I'm the best thing that ever happened to you, honestly."

"You are," Yifan agrees, wrapping his firm heavy dumb ing arms around Kyungsoo's middle from behind. "I'm so glad I bought you."

Kyungsoo gulps.




"So you're saying that Luhan sold you? To the richest man in Asia under the age of thirty?"

"Uh. Yes."

Hyunsik shakes his head in disbelief. "Damn."

"I know," Kyungsoo says mournfully. "And I keep getting these weird feelings around him."

His friend looks at him expectantly and Kyungsoo buries his face in his palms. "I don't know! I mean, he has a very nice face. And whenever he smiles or laughs, it's like I can't even breathe. When he puts an arm around me my heart just stops beating. And his voice... Wu Yifan's voice..." Kyungsoo trails off and puts a hand over his chest. "Ugh. I can't talk about this."

There's no reply. Kyungsoo turns to see Hyunsik looking at him with a sleazy grin.

"Kyungsoo, you like him!" Hyunsik crows.

"What!" Kyungsoo squeaks. "No!"

"C'mon, Kyungsoo," Hyunsik says, "you're making this sound like a bad thing."

"It is," the shorter man hisses. "I already told you, he paid a million dollars for me. There has to be some reason he bought me so suddenly. I don't understand."

Hyunsik puts an arm around Kyungsoo's shoulders. "There's no need to, Kyungsoo. Didn't you tell me Luhan mentioned during the phone call with Yifan that Yifan fell for you at first sight? And he told you a couple days ago that he was glad he bought you. That has to mean something, right?"

"That means I'm cute," Kyungsoo sulks. "He only likes me for my looks and amazing skills in the kitchen."

Hyunsik looks at him sternly. "Don't say that. You just have to open up to him. Who knows? You guys could turn into something more."

"I guess," Kyungsoo admits.

"It's okay to feel, Kyungsoo," Hyunsik says. "It's okay to like him."

"Alright, alright," Kyungsoo grumbles. "Enough heart talk. We need to get to class."

Hyunsik chuckles (strange that it isn't as nice as Yifan's) and stands, holding out a hand to pull Kyungsoo up. "Okay, let's go, lover boy."

Kyungsoo hits him over the head with his backpack.

"Ow! ."




It's lonely, being in such a big house by yourself.

Yifan has to make up for lost hours at work again so Kyungsoo has to prepare dinner alone. But alas! Habit made him whip up more than one serving.

He sets aside a portion for Yifan when he comes home (home, Kyungsoo thinks fondly), and decides to bully Jongdae into coming over for dinner. It works. Kyungsoo's food is magic. Or maybe it's because Jongdae is sick of eating out all the time. Perhaps both.

"What do you plan on doing after leaving college?" Jongdae asks, mouth full of grilled barbecue chicken and rice.

Kyungsoo makes a face and tosses a napkin at him. "Gross, man. And I don't really know. I've always wanted to run my own bakery, or be a chef." He shrugs and takes a sip of his water. "It's my dream, actually. My favorite class in university is one where we're working in the culinary field. I'm learning a lot."

A contemplative "hmm" comes from Jongdae. "That's really cool, Kyungsoo. And you're talented already, so you'll go far."

Kyungsoo beams.

“Now,” Jongdae announces in a mock-serious tone, “a toast! To the chef.”

“Is that wine?”

Jongdae wiggles his eyebrows.

“Man, you sneaky little .”

“Hey! I am your hyung, Do Kyungsoo!”




At one in the morning, Yifan opens the front door to his house and quietly steps inside. Everything is dark and quiet.

Hm. Kyungsoo probably went to bed.

Yawning, Yifan makes his way to the kitchen and does a double take when he sees that the light is on. He cautiously peers in and his heart melts at the sight of a sleeping Kyungsoo drooling on the kitchen counter, about to fall off of a stool. There's a plate of what looks like chicken covered in a sheet of plastic wrap next to his head.

"So you were waiting up for me," Yifan sighs, feeling guilty. He's been going back to his pre-Kyungsoo schedule of working late and returning home even later, since he started slacking off when Kyungsoo came into his life. Technically he owns the company so he can take off all the time he wants, but Yifan likes to do things his own way.

Although, he admits, maybe he'll start staying home more often. He likes seeing Kyungsoo, he likes being with Kyungsoo- hell, he just likes Kyungsoo.

Yifan doesn't know what possessed him to agree to buying Do Kyungsoo but he's certain it was the best decision of his life. He's not lonely anymore. He actually looks forward to coming home. Yifan is eating meals prepared by hands he knows and trusts and Kyungsoo himself is probably the greatest thing of all.

"Hey, wake up," Yifan whispers, rubbing the younger man's back. "You need to get to bed."

Kyungsoo groans but doesn't move. Yifan decides he should eat first because obviously Kyungsoo isn't going somewhere any time soon.

After making quick work of the barbecue chicken (5 out of 5 stars, Chef Do), Yifan pokes Kyungsoo's cheek.

"You need to go to your room, Kyungsoo."

"Don't wanna," Kyungsoo slurs. "Mmnnmmnnm."

"You have to."

"No," Kyungsoo whines.

Yifan heaves a deep breath and hoists Kyungsoo up from the stool, the younger man immediately wrapping arms around Yifan's neck.

“Yifaaaaann,” Kyungsoo mumbles. “Yifaaaaaaaan.”

“Yes?” Yifan says, more amused than anything.

Kyungsoo sighs happily and nuzzles his face into Yifan’s neck. “You’re so warm. And you smell good.” The taller man begins the now more difficult trip of climbing the stairs to get to Kyungsoo’s room, Kyungsoo babbling aimlessly all the while.

Yifan wrinkles his nose. “Well you smell like wine. Were you drinking?”

“Only a little,” Kyungsoo says, pout evident in his voice. “With Jongdae. I don’t have classes tomorrow. Wine is okay. Wine is good.”

“You sound like you had a lot, though,” Yifan chuckles. “Wine won’t be your best friend tomorrow morning.”

The younger man stays silent for a while before confessing in a small voice “You drive me crazy when you chuckle. And you’re so nice to me. I think I like you. Yeah, I like you.” Kyungsoo lifts a finger and traces a heart on Yifan’s lapel. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“No, I’m gay.”

“Me too. A boyfriend, then?”

“No, I’m too busy for a boyfriend.”

Kyungsoo frowns. “Then. Then does that mean I can’t be your boyfriend?”

“I’ll always have time for you,” the older man replies.

Appeased, Kyungsoo leans his head on Yifan’s chest. “You know. I’m glad you bought me, too.”

Yifan’s own heart swells with something hot and incredibly fond and he kisses Kyungsoo’s cheek before setting him down on the bed.

“Are you going to leave me?” Kyungsoo asks, reaching up for Yifan again.

“I have to, baby, I need to sleep and so do you.”

“I like when you call me baby,” Kyungsoo grins. “And sleep here!”

Yifan laughs, noting how Kyungsoo’s flushed cheeks burn a stronger red. “Okay, baby. Let me change first.”

Kyungsoo is dead to the world when Yifan slips beneath the blanket next to him, mouth open and face smushed into his pillow. Yifan presses on the student’s chin to close his mouth and Kyungsoo rolls over to snuggle into him.

“You’re so touchy when you’re drunk,” Yifan says.

“Errone does weird things when they drink too muh,” Kyungsoo mumbles into Yifan’s shirt.

Yifan thinks of Luhan and a million dollars before wrapping an arm around the best thing in his life lying beside him.







okay see the fact that kyungsoo is an amazing cook in this fic isn't because it's an exo stereotype, it's because he genuinely wants to work in the culinary field

also do you like cuddly krisoo huheuheuhehehehe

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Chapter 4: Cuddly krisoo FTW!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 4: cute story. and Luhan is just a bag of lolz
Chapter 4: Aahahaha thats ing hillary:-):-):-):-):-) Luhan and Chen is funny combo:-)
linhee #4
Chapter 4: This was such a funny story~ I wish it was longer so we can see more fluffy krisoo and luchen developing haha
Chapter 4: omfg...them rubbing noses I almost puked rainbows xD SO CUTE
I really like the story..its very unique..like it.