Chapter 1

My Light in the Forest

"What a beautiful morning!" Jonghyun happily exclaimed as he sat up in bed and stretched. "I wonder what should I do today?"

                The disheveled boy dragged himself out of bed and over to his half-open suitcase which was exploding with clothes. Finding a clean, although slightly wrinkled pair of jeans, he pulled them over his boxers with one hand and stifled a yawn with the other. He then walked to the cabin's tiny kitchinette and poured himself a bowl of cereal. As he ate, he decided to go explore the forest since he had arrived too late to see anything the night before. Having finished, he  grabbed some sandwiches and a bottle of water, stuffed them into a backpack, and ventured outside of the cabin.

                "Wow!" Jonghyun exclaimed as he stepped outside the cabin. The view was breathtaking. It had looked eerie the night before, but now he felt as if he couldn't absorb enough of the beautiful scene. His cabin was on a small hill surrounded by wispy silver birch and pine trees, in the distance was an icy blue lake that sparkled under the morning sun, and past the lake were the most beautiful mountains he had ever seen in his life. Actually, having never ventured far from his home in Seoul, they were the only mountains he had ever seen in his life.

                "I definitely got this cabin for a steal." He said with a goofy grin plastered across his face. "The old man that rented it to me must not be able to see too well anymore, or I am sure he would have charged much more for the view alone." he chuckled at this apparently hilarious thought, and began walking towards the mountains.

                Jonghyun acted like a kid in a candy store as he explored the forest. He couldn't be more excited to, for once, have a stress-free day. Kim Jonghyun was born and raised in Seoul. He had a relatively uneventful life and was never one of the "brighter" children in his class. He was a boy who would much rather play sports,video games, or go karaoke with his friends than pick up a book and study. Miraculously, he managed to graduate high school, but it was no surprise that he did not pass the entrance exams for college. In the three years since his graduation he had several jobs and several girlfriends, neither lasting more than two or three months at a time. His most recent girlfriend just dumped him last week, he was struggling with two different low-paying jobs in order to try and make ends meet, and he was lying to his mother telling her that he was doing fine so that she would not worry. Finally, he couldn't take the stress anymore. Jonghyun took the little money he had scraped together and rented a tiny cabin in the mountains, a place he had always dreamed of visiting. He just needed to get away and forget the real world. He needed to go back to being the carefree boy that knew no responsibilites-even if just for a few days.

                For several hours the dark-haired boy roamed the forest taking pictures of the scenery, sampling wild berries, and attempting to serenade woodland creatures with his singing.

                "YAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Jonghyun screamed as he stood in the center of the forest. "Ah, that felt good. I've never been able to do that before!" he exclaimed while laughing. He decided to take advantage of the situation by shouting several more times at the top of his lungs before finally collapsing against a nearby tree in a fit of laughter. As he slid down the tree he sighed contentedly and looked up to realize that he was very near to the base of one of the mountains.

                "Wow!"Jonghyun thought to himself. "I can't wait to go exploring around the mountain!"  He grabbed his backpack and began to stand up when suddenly, his stomach started growling.

                "Ah, maybe I'd better eat something before I explore some more."  he decided as he plopped back down to the ground and pulled a sandwich out of his bag. As he ate, he surveyed the mountain carefully. He saw a small clump of trees not too far from the base of the mountain. He looked closer at them and then tilted his head while squinting, trying to get a better look.       

                "Yah! You think there's something weird about those trees?" he asked a passing bunny. The bunny responded by hopping away and Jonghyun gave the trees one more curious look before stuffing the last bit of his sandwich into his mouth, grabbing his backpack, and heading towards the clump of mysterious trees on the side of the mountain.

                About an hour later, Jonghyun approached the trees. There was definitely something odd about them. Not only was it the only cluster of trees on the mountain, but these trees were also different from all the others in the forest. He most certainly wasn't an expert on trees, but these had a mystical feeling about them. They almost seemed to...glow. He began to push his way through the mini forest until something caught his eye. The trees were concealing the entrance to a cave on the side of the mountain.

                “Cool!” Jonghyun shouted as he raced towards the cave’s entrance.  “I’m glad I brought a mini flashlight.” He said to himself as he pulled the small light out of his bag, suddenly feeling very smart for having thought of such a small detail.  He flicked on the light and began to walk through the cave. As he walked farther through the cave he began to feel a slight breeze, and further along he began to see light. He curiously walked towards the light until he stepped out of the cave and into what looked like paradise.

               “Omo! What is this place?”  Jonghyun wondered.  His mouth hung open as he gazed around the miniature paradise. There was a small clearing of lush, green grass covered with tiny multi-colored wildflowers. Just past the clearing was a beautiful waterfall serenely flowing in a crystal-clear pond below. The water looked so cool and inviting that, without even bothering to strip, Jonghyun tossed his backpack into the grass and dove into the sparkling water.

                The water felt even better than he had imagined and Jonghyun lazily floated around the pond while splashing and laughing to himself.  After awhile, he ventured towards the waterfall and delighted in the cool water that poured over him. He wiped water from his eyes and began to look around while laughing, still so pleased with himself for finding this hidden paradise. Suddenly, something behind the waterfall caught his eye. He moved closer, and was shocked to find another opening in the wall behind the waterfall.

                “What have I got to lose?” Jonghyun thought to himself. He pulled himself up out of the water, behind the waterfall and slowly ventured into the entrance. He walked for about thirty feet and then stopped and stared. This was more beautiful than the scene from the cabin and more whimsical than walking alongside the animals in the forest. This was more mysterious than the hidden cave and more exciting than the secret paradise. Jonghyun felt like he had been transported to a different world-a  world from a fairytale.  Though he was back in a forest, this forest seemed different. The leaves seemed a brighter shade of green, the flowers more delicate, and he could swear that the birds were harmonizing as they flew around the forest.  Jonghyun slowly began to walk through this seemingly magical forest , his eyes wide with curiosity, as he beheld the scene before him.  Suddenly, he heard a “whoosh”  pass his ears and looked up to see a rather medieval looking arrow stuck in the tree in front of him. He whirled around to find himself face-to-face with another young man about his age, aiming his bow at Jonghyun with another arrow ready to fly at any moment.

                “I don’t recognize you.” The boy said as he narrowed his cat-like eyes. “You must be from the dark side.” With these words, the boy pulled his arm back, ready to release the arrow in his bow.

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- Oh em gee. TaeMin.! <br />
I'm not even into fantasy, but I really like this FanFic; probably 'cause of JongKey. <3[;<br />
- Anywayss, hope you update soon.!
fantafae #3
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Interesting idea I like the plot, it's original ^^
this is so cool :D kinda brings me back to a fantasy series I loved but never finished ^^
sounds pretty interesting. please update soon. ♥