Chapter Six

My Light in the Forest

                Jonghyun’s eyes flickered open and he looked around, trying to gather his bearings. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he remembered the previous night’s events and how he ended up spending the night in a cave. Jonghyun looked down to find Key still asleep in his arms.

               “Key is so cute when he’s asleep.” He thought. He moved his arm up to gently run his fingers through Key’s silky hair, and chuckled when Key purred and nuzzled into his chest in response. Jonghyun spent the next half hour studying Key’s features- his cat-like eyes, his adorable nose, his pouty lips…

                “He is really pretty. How come I never noticed it before?” Jonghyun wondered. As he was staring at his friend and thinking, he watched as Key’s eyes slowly opened.

                “I’m cold.” Key whined as he rubbed his eyes. “Where are we?”

                “We’re in a cave. Remember?” Key paused for a moment. As his memories came from flooding back to him his eyes widened and he quickly pulled away from Jonghyun.

                “Yah! Why are you hugging me, you ert?” Key shouted.

                “I’m not a ert! I was just trying to keep you warm! Besides, you’re the one who snuggled into my chest!” Jonghyun shouted back.

                “I-I-I-whatever!” Key yelled as his face turned red. He spotted his shirt on the ground, grabbed it and yanked it over his head. “Come on, let’s go. And put your shirt on! I might throw up if I have to look at you any longer.” He said, tossing Jonghyun’s shirt to him.

                “What’s wrong with my body?” Jonghyun asked as he walked out of the cave. “I worked hard for this body! Plus you never complained about my body last night!”

                “Last night was dark and I couldn’t see clearly.” Key said in defense. “If that’s your definition of working hard, maybe I should send you to work for the dark side instead. We don’t need any slackers on the light side!”

                “Yah! Get back here!” Jonghyun yelled after his friend who took off running through the forest . Key ignored the command and continued to dart through the trees with Jonghyun in pursuit. Gradually, the gap between the two boys began to close and as Jonghyun became dangerously close to Key, he tackled the elf from behind. Key turned over and began to struggle with his friend, but was soon overpowered and pinned to the ground by the older boy.

                “Apologize!” Jonghyun commanded with a smirk on his face.

                “Why should I?”

                “You hurt my feelings.” The older boy said with as he stuck out his bottom lip.

                “Yah, stop being a baby.” Key said in an annoyed tone.

                “Then what do you suggest I be?” Jonghyun said as his face moved towards Key’s. Their faces were less than inch apart, and Key could feel his friend’s hot breath on his cheek.

                “Fine, you win. I’m sorry. Okay. Are you happy now?”

                “Yes. Very.” Jonghyun said with a triumphant grin.

                “Good. Then get your knee off my crotch.” Key said as he began to blush. The older boy looked down and saw his knee resting on his friend’s crotch.

                “Haha! Oops.” Jonghyun laughed and got off Key who rolled his eyes and dusted himself off.  “By the way,” Jonghyun asked, “How long were we running?” Key became alarmed and began to scan the forest.

                “Hey!” Key said as a grin spread across his face. “See that crooked tree? I walk past that tree almost every day during practice! I know exactly where we are, follow me!” The boys ran through the trees jumping over any fallen limbs that blocked their path. After about ten more minutes of running, the boys finally exited the forest and entered the village. They saw Minho and Onew standing in the middle of the village talking to the elf troops and ran over to them.

                “We’re back! Did you miss us?” Jonghyun yelled. Everyone’s heads snapped around to see the two approaching boys.

                “Thank goodness you’re back!” Minho exclaimed.

                “We were so worried that you’d been taken as well.” Onew said gravely.

                “Taken as well? Someone was taken?” Key asked as he began to frantically scan the troops to determine who was missing.

                “Key…” Minho said as he firmly gripped the older boy’s shoulders. “The dark side has taken Taemin.”  



A/N: Thank you so much for waiting for me! I was stuck for awhile plus I had like a million things to do so I couldn't update. I will definitely try to regularly update this fic though. Thanks again to all my lovely subscribers and silent readers too! <3

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- Oh em gee. TaeMin.! <br />
I'm not even into fantasy, but I really like this FanFic; probably 'cause of JongKey. <3[;<br />
- Anywayss, hope you update soon.!
fantafae #3
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Interesting idea I like the plot, it's original ^^
this is so cool :D kinda brings me back to a fantasy series I loved but never finished ^^
sounds pretty interesting. please update soon. ♥