Chapter 1.

Truly Not Expected.

“YAH! Turn off the TV already would you? I’m trying to get some sleep” Eunji protested in her group’s waiting room while laying down on the couch with a pink blanket covering her.

The majority of the members were getting their make-up done or changing into their stage outfits for Binkigayo’s live special stage, and as there were only female staff they decided to just get changed while watching the news comfortably. They were to perform Beast’s ‘Good luck”, which they were assigned by the group drawing’s on the previous episode.

There was knocking on their door and a shout stating “Apink, your stage performance is in 20 minutes. Be on standby at the backstage in 5 minutes, that’s all!”

“Sigh, Jung Eunji wake up” Chorong said as she got up and shook Eunji to wake up.

“Alright, alright I’ll get up already! 5 min’s right?” She said as she sat up grumpily.

“But unni, where’s Naeun? Has anyone seen her?” Hayoung, the maknae asked worryingly to the people in the room, which most people responded with a clueless look.

“Ah, Naeun went outside for a phone call that looked urgent” a stylist Unni said nonchalantly while finishing up the make-up for Bomi.


“Umma, I can’t take about my relationship status with you right now. No, I’m not dating Taemin, that arrogant person thinks im all over him since we got married, aish I should really- sigh never mind that, anyway I’m not going to the arranged marriage meeting. I’m busy, hanging up!” She spoke to the phone while leaning against her waiting room door.

“Who does she think I am anyway, just go off to marry some random guy, heul; What day of age does she keep talking about arrange marriages.” She ranted towards herself making a scene.

When she noticed, Majority of the eye’s in the hallway were looking at her, she quickly escaped into the waiting room in front of her.


“Alright, everyone’s done right?” Minah asked her fellow members.

“Ne!” they screamed enthusiastically back.

“OK! That’s what I like; Group together girls.” Yura instructed her fellow members.


“GIRL’S DAY!” Naeun shouted before the rest of the members could, as she rushed towards the middle of their cheer circle from the door.

“Yah, Naeun, wrong group~.” Minah jokingly remarked.

“Hehe, at least she is not as mong like you Unni, remember that time when you were dressing and came out to be surprised by manager op-” Hyeri teased Yura while trying not to laugh.

“YAH! That was a secret! Aigo this maknae getting bolder by the day” Yura flicked the maknae’s forehead.

“Aish, unni! That hurt.” Hyeri whined with aegyo.

“Aigo aigo, this girl really is getting good at acting. Isn’t she Naeun-ah?” Yura said as she turned to where Naeun was.

“Yura, you’re really mong aren’t you? She left a few minutes ago.” Sojin remarked.

They formed fists and pretended to hit each other.


“ahhh, dummy wrong door” she hit herself in her head.

When she entered, she was relieved she got the same room. Before anyone could say anything to her, their manager came up behind her and shouted into the room.

 “YAH, you girls are late, what are you doing here standing and chatting away!”

They hurried towards the back stage and waited until they were introduced by the Special MC’s for today.

“Ne, what we just witnessed was the iness of Beast and their hidden feminine charm to Apink’s song “Mr.Chu”. What we have now is the reversal, with Apink performing Beast’s song, “Good Luck”

“WOO! APINK! APINK! APINK! APINK! APINK! APINK! APINK! APINK!” The crowd’s screamed wildly, which for some reason from the previous stage were full of fangirls, but now full of saseng fans.


A couple walked through the front gates and towards the counter. As they passed, the female companion noticed a person, who seemed homeless based on his clothing to be sleeping on a lounge chair.

“Hey Yeobo, look at that person sleeping on the first floor lounge. He looks poor, I wonder what he is doing at this C&S 5- star water resort.”

“I know right, maybe he just came inside because it was too hot outside because of the weather. Whatever the case, I think he is a worker for the company, that must be the reason why he has access to this resort. I mean, with those tacky clothes, I don’t think he can afford to even pay for a basic room here even in 10 years. “

They then approached the customer desk, and handed over their passport, and as well as their C&S user card. The C&S user card was a card designed to hold all personal details and privileges that can only be access or changed at major C&S buildings. Even if you have more than enough money to build your own resort, you had to have a C&S card to enter or book a room for accommodation. The only few ways to receive a C&S card is by proving yourself from your work as part of the C&S staff, have good social and economic background, or be gifted by any of the main family members of the Chairman which only included the chairman himself, the eldest son, the only daughter and the youngest son. As the boyfriend handed over the card, she began to talk again.

“That’s right Yeobo, I’m with you because of your money aren’t I? Because I wouldn’t be with you if you couldn’t at least afford this~” she happily said to her boyfriend.

“A-ah, that’s right, who need’s looks and personality as long as you have money. If you have money, then everything will work out” he said to re-affirm himself and out of need to justify their relationship for some reason.

“Hello, Lee jong Kee-sshi, here is your hotel room key and here is your passport and C&S user car-“the woman at the counter replied.

“Wait just a moment there.” The man laying down on the lounge said out loud in a calm voice.

He got up swiftly and walked towards the counter in tired posture, which seemed as if he was half crouching and walking at the same time. He then stared at the man for a few moments and assessed him.

“hm, Director of the K hospital, correct?” He asked the man as he stared up and down his body.

“Yes, that’s right. I am the director of the famous K hospital in Seoul. What does that have to do with you?” he said irritatingly.

“hm, aged 37, blood type B, Height 160, Weight 90kg. Seems to have bowel problems, and seem’s like trouble breathing… but he’s part of K hospital, hmm what should I do? Ah, I’ll ask my secretary” He said happily as he took out his unfamiliar phone out.

“H-how did you know all that info about me. Are you a stalker? Who sent you? Who are you calling? I demand you to tell me!” The man asked urgently as if he had something to hide in an angry tone.

“Director-nim, calm down I’m just calling a friend.” He said in a friendly tone and a fake smile while waiting for his secretary to pick up.

“Until the moment I end my phone call, don’t any of you dare to move… unless you want to die that is” the man threatened.


*ring, ring, ring. Ring, Ring, ring.*

“Mmm~, hoon oppa, your phone is ringing. Pick it up already, so noisy” a women in bed said while shaking hoon up.

“Aishh, who is calling me anyway?” He annoyingly got up and accepted the call.

“Hello, who is this?” Hoon asked annoyingly.

“Hyung~ it’s me.” Someone replied.

“Yah, why are you calling me now? You know I always have a girl at this time.” He complained

“Sorry hyung, I needed to ask you a question. K hospital’s Director, is he strong?”

“K hospital? Yah, that’s just a tiny hospital that received a little money from other companies. Why? You want to me to destroy them? Or do you by chance want to? I heard that the director was smuggling company money into his account instead of research funds” He answered while trying to remember facts.

“If we cut our ties with them, it’s fine right?”

“Wait a minute, I’ll calculate our losses. Talk to my women for the meantime ok?” He said while getting out of bed to his work desk and tossing her the phone.

“Talk to him for a bit for me, I need to do some work real quick.” He told the girl as she got tossed the phone.


“Yah! I don’t even know him. Hello?” The girl screamed at hoon and changed her tone of voice into a light one.

“Hahaha, you’re really funny. How old are you?” The man laughed as he asked her.

“26, why?” She answered cautiously.

“Ah, so you’re a noona. Noona hello, can I by chance have your name?”

“… Do I have to?” She asked to avoid answering.

“So you’re a famous person aren’t you? Based on Hyung’s preferences, I would guess SNSD’s Sunny, Tiffany or Taeyeon. But seeing as Sunny and Tiffany are single already then-“

“Eh? Sunny and Tiffany broke up with their boyfriends? Why didn’t they tell me…” She spoke in shock and realised what she said.

“Hahaha, Noona you’re really funny; and cheating on your boyfriend at that, you’re quite cheeky.”

“… Yah, if you tell anyone, I’ll make you-“She tried to threaten him.

“Don’t worry noona, I won’t tell nobody I promise. Just treat me to something later. I’ll get your number of Hoon later ok?”


Hoon entered the room, and took the phone and said “Yah, we’ll only looks around 500,000 won. If you want to, then do it, but you’ll might get in trouble with your hyung later on. Anyways, I’ll cover that money by investing in their rival hospital so it’s fine in the end.”

“Ah thanks’ hyung, I’m cutting them down now. Bye~”

“Alright, see you later. By the way, I spread some rumor’s about that director for you. He probably won’t get to work in the medical field as long as he lives.”

“Oh right, give me Taeyeon’s number later ok?”

“Yah, why are you interested in my food? No before that, how did you know-”

“Don’t worry about it. But hyung, so is yours with her isn’t it?

“Sigh Whatever. Hanging up”

*Beep Beep Beep*

“So, who was that?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“You should go into hiding now. That bastard is going to appear in front of you very soon.”

“By the way, did you this time...” Taeyeon asked worryingly.

“Yah, you think I would take your ity after all these years of protecting it from other guys.  Aish, you know I’m gay right?”

“Break up with your boyfriend already, playing with his feelings isn’t nice ok?

“I know. I know well, but I’ll break up after a few more days. Aigo, my precious Hoon, can’t feel any attraction while looking at my body; I feel somehow disappointed?”

“What is this crazy hung over girl saying? Wake up, and let’s make ox bone soup. That’ll probably help.”

“Hoon oppa, you’re ox bone soup tastes like sh*t. Let’s just eat out.”


“Alright I finished my phone call”. He said as he got up from his slouching position to a standing one.

“Mr. K hospital Director-nim, from now on C&S are breaking all relations and support towards your hospital. Now please leave, as you are hereby banned from all our estates and your user card is now re-invoked.”

“Yah, who are you to talk so informal to an adult older than you. This brat, who you think you are? What? Ban me? With What authority? Give me my hotel key please, and remove this crazy person from my sight, or I’ll make a complaint” He rebuked back with annoyance.

“I’m afraid I can’t Mr Lee Jong Kee-sshi. You are now banned from using our any of our resources until your user card is re-instated.”

“What? You’re listening to this kid?” He said shocked.

“Yeobo, what’s happening? Can’t you even do this much?” The female with her said angrily.

“Yah, don’t you know who I am lady? I’m K Hospital’s Director. Why are you listening to this homeless piece of trash?” He screamed at the lady and grabbed her collar.

“Body guard hyung’s, this man outside. I was planning to only temporarily stop your card, but I guess a permanent ban is needed here, right noona?”

“Of course young master.” She replied with a smile.

“Y-young master? Him? Y-young master-nim, I’m sorry. Don’t be like this huh? STOP PLEASE!” Jong Kee shouted out loud causing everyone to stare as he was dragged outside by two bodyguards.

“What? He’s the young master of this place?” The new employee’s whispered to each other in shock. The guests who don’t stay frequently also got shocked by his appearance as the young master, as they never knew who the young master was or seen him before. The lady that was with Jong Kee walked up to him.

“So, you’re the young master at this place. Do you want to by chance have dinner with me later today? Or maybe we can spend time now in your room and-“

“Yah, Song Mi Yun, stop the acting will you?”

“You’re no fun anyone Jinhe-ah. Could it be that you’re embarrassed about my beautiful body?”

“Sigh, you owe me one. Making me cut off K hospital. Did your dad tell you to do this again?”

“Hue hue hue, how’d you know~? I’m sorry you know, my dad wanted to destroy them because they stole our hospital’s technology before we could get it.” She said trying to laugh it off.

“Whatever the case, you owe me one ok?”

“I know, I know. You want the more information about something? Just come into the hospital sometime and I’ll give it to you.” She said a little bit annoyed.

“Well I want that, but also something else this time.”

“What is it?” She asked curiously, because she didn’t expect something other than information that he didn’t have.

“We’re childhood friends aren’t we?”

“Yea, we are. W-why are you smiling at me like that.”

“Shout me dinner, it’s getting late and I haven’t ate anything yet…”

“… Ya, should C&S’ young master live like this? Asking people for food when you can afford a feast every meal.” She sighed at her friend’s weird situation.

“Yah, is it my fault for having no money on me? All my money went into investing towards the Music industry. I already hold 80% of the stocks in SM, YG, and JYP, secretly.”

“Aigo, look at this kid. So smart and powerful and you still live like a homeless person with those tracksuit clothing and small rooftop house in some random street.” She teased.

“Yah, its comfortable compared to have 100’s of people attending to your every need all day, every day. Whatever, let’s just go eat already, I’m getting hungry. How about ox bone soup? Ramen? Kimchi soup? BBQ?” He suggested while holding her hand, and walking towards the entrance.

“Hmm, how about Ramen?” she said happily.

“Oh, Ox bone soup? Call~ I know this really good place in XX and blahblahblahblahblah

“Yah you never listen do you?” she smiled bewildered how he is a person in general.

*I’m friends with this person? Well I’m weird too so I guess its fine.*

She was ultimately dragged along to eat ox bone soup


“That was the young master? Why does he dress and act like that?” A new employee asked.

“Ah, is it because he’s the second son and his mother is…”

“Is that why? Then he probably won’t receive money from the Chairman and-“

“Yah, do you think this is a drama? He just doesn’t like living as a rich person.” The noona said to the new employee’s.

“… Having all the food you could want.”

“… Having all the money you could want.”

“… Having all the resources you could want.”

*And he hates living like rich people?*

They were confused and labelled him as a weird person to never disobey.

*Sigh, these kids don’t know how much he has to do as the son of C&S’ Chairman; they only see the good side of being rich,*

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jibjab #1
i know this is kind of old, but update!! im really interested in this story.