Chapter II: Why Are We Friends?

Stranger in the Mirror

Taecyeon woke up to the smell of bacon the next morning. He stumbled his way to the kitchen following his nose, still half-sleep and extremely hungover. He soon found Minjun standing at the stove frying bacon and eggs. "Western breakfast?" He mumbled sleepily.

The elder nodded. "I thought you might appreciate it. There's toast in the toaster, and the pancakes are on the plate beside it. Help yourself. I'll let you know when the bacon and eggs are done."

Taecyeon eyed Minjun quietly for a moment. "You're aren't still mad at me."

Minjun turned around. "Oh no don't this wrong. I'm super pissed off at you, actually. Especially because you dragged me out of bed at almost two in the morning to come get your sorry drunk . But I'm being nice because you probably have a headache that could kill and elephant." He explained cheerfully gripping the spatula like it was a weapon.

Taecyeon gulped quietly and got the food, taking a moment to wonder if Minjun had laced it with a poison of some sort. But he was too hungry to not eat it.

Luckily, he hadn't. Or at least he hadn't fed Taecyeon fast-acting poison. When he was finished with breakfast he washed the dishes for Minjun, feeling the elder's sharp eyes boring holes into his back as he did so. Oh yeah, Minjun was definitely still pissed off.

"Thank you, Taecyeon." He said, still sounding like he was trying to hold back from murdering the younger right then and there. "Do you want a ride to your place?"

Taecyeon blinked as he put the last dish away. "I can drive myself-"

"No you can't. That Junho guy has your keys."

Taecyeon gave a heavy sigh. "How about you drive me to the bar, I get my keys from Junho and go home from there?"

"There's no way the bar's open right now, Taec-"

"Junho's a friend. Plus he lives right beside the bar, so really we're going to his apartment."

Minjun considered this silently. He knew Taecyeon had other friends, it was sort of jarring to hear that Junho was Taecyeon's friend though. He hadn't really expected them to know each other very well. "Why did I have to come get you from the bar then?"

"Let's just say he's not fond of crowds and leave it at that." Taecyeon dodged the question, earning another pointed glare from Minjun. It wasn't his fault though, it was Junho's story to tell not his. But Minjun's glare did prompt him to add something. "He doesn't like leaving the bar, which is why his apartment is ajoined to it."

"Go get in the car." Minjun sighed, he should be angrier with Taecyeon. He hated driving, it tested his directional skills like nothing else and reading the signs could sometimes be a touch and go kind of proposition. But honestly the idea of seeing Junho again wasn't - well, it didn't sound terrible.

Minjun wasn't quite sure how both he and Taecyeon ended up in Junho's apartment. The younger had sounded so happy when he greeted the two of them that it was hard to turn his invitation to come inside down. The strangest part was that Minjun was pretty sure they'd woken Junho up. Why would he be happy to see them then, especially since he was working again tonight? Weird.

Taecyeon was currently using Junho's bathroom, leaving Minjun alone with the bar tender who as it turned out was a pretty chatty guy. Minjun smiled at him, listening as the younger continued on about needing a new employee, but that his advertising hadn't brought in the best applicants. And he really didn't know what he'd done wrong.

"My baby cousin Yugyeom's looking for work." Minjun said when Junho took a break to breathe. "I can send him your direction if you want? He's a good kid, in his last year of university."

"You are a godsend, Kim Minjun!" And suddenly Minjun had an armful of Junho, it was surprising but not entirely unwelcome. Minjun had time to note that Junho smelled like seafoam and smoke just before the younger backed up suddenly.

"Sorry I just- I was excited." Junho scratched the back of his head.

"Don't thank me yet. You haven't even interviewed him."

"If he's anything like his cousin I'm sure he'll pass the interview with flying colors." Minjun couldn't quite decide what that meant. Junho didn't even know him that well.

Before Minjun could reply Taecyeon cleared his throat, how long he had been watching was hard to say, but he sure looked pretty satisfied with himself. "I leave for a few minutes and you guys are already flirting with each other." He made a tutting sound.

Minjun balked shaking his head quickly. "We weren't flirting, Taec." Junho was certainly cute, and Minjun wouldn't have minded if the younger had wanted to flirt. But he doubted that had been Junho's intention.

Taecyeon started laughing even before Minjun had finished the sentence. Minjun wanted to smack the giant upside his head, but he settled for making a threatening gesture. "Sure you weren't." Taecyeon managed to squeeze the words out between bouts of laughter, not at all affected by Minjun's threatened violence.

Minjun stood up stiffly. "Whatever. I have to go to work." He considered his friend, who was still laughing ridiculously loudly, before turning towards the male in the room. His gaze softened a little as it landed on the youngest. "I'll give Yugyeom the address of your bar so he can swing by later this week. See you, Junho."

Junho shrugged slightly, "Sounds good. See you, Minjun." His voice sounded curiously soft when he spoke, but Minjun wasn't quite sure what emotion Junho was trying to conceal. It seemed like he would always be five steps behind everyone else when it came to that. 

Taecyeon chimed in with his own farewell, which only managed to earn him a rude gesture from Minjun before he left.


This is like a month later than it was supposed to be. Sorry about that. I lost my chapter notes so I was working mostly off my memory.

On the bright side I still have the notes for the rest of the chapters.

Thank you so much for your amazing patience.

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I'm so sorry! Weather here has been crappy and life has been busy. Expect the next chapter by 7/13 at the latest.


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Chapter 4: /criesss/ This is so OSM!! My Junbros feels... <3 wahh Minjun's eye sight.. You are missing a certain breathtakingly beautiful face boy.. @_@ I can't wait to know when will Junho find out about it & what his reaction will be..
You haven't updated this for a while noh... 8( /shakes my author/ I NEED MOARRRR JUNBROSSS~ Update this soon pleaseee! I wanna read the convo~~~ /pleads/
Chapter 4: Oh my God! You are a tease! Minjun was looking for an excuse to see Junho & here Junho is with a bowl of soup in front of his own apartment.. I'm hoping for some intimate Junbros moments in next chapter.. Hehee.. And Khun hit right on the spot. I guess Taec must have exaggerated a bit when he was explaining Minjun's cold to Junho, just to make Junho visit Minjun.. ;D
Chapter 4: umg! junho at least had the guts to go and see minjun again! *happy*
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh, I'm happy to hear that you still have the notes of upcoming chapters with you. Junbros has become my fave otp now & this fic makes me love them more. Update soon authornim, I'm waiting <3
Chapter 3: oh! minjun baby cousin yugyeom! why is he sounds so terribly cute with that name ㅡ3ㅡ♡

and junho is cute gosh...if only minjun can truly see him, that would be so lovely

LOL taec, he needs a real smack on the head sometimes..
Chapter 2: LOL cranky minjun is funny.. no wonder he's friend with the giant xD

I love both of taec and minjun character, and how u make them close friend as they are ^^

ahhh, poor little guy there jjuno.. maybe minjun would drop a visit to the bar someday and meet him? *wink*
Chapter 1: I was intrigued by ur foreword and junbros here I am ^^
the 1st chapter is really interesting, on how you describe minjun goes with his daily life and who he's friend with..too bad its kinda a bit short which makes me wanting more LOL that's a good thing right?ㅋㅋㅋ
Now this is a story! I love this! Update soon authornim :)
kairos #9
Chapter 1: whispers I love your writing style pls keep going aaa
Chapter 2: Oyy Taec is hilarious xDD
And awww Juneo is here <3 I knew Minjun would regret his decision, & he did! *smirks* My Junbros <3

loly, hey don't be shy/awkward to reply, we wouldn't bite you (much) ;)
Update soon.. I LOOVE THIS <3 *HUGS*