Chapter III: Will You Stay?

Stranger in the Mirror

It had been a week and three days since Minjun last saw Junho - of course Minjun had never seen Junho, not really but that was semantics - it had been a week and three days since Minjun last saw Junho and he was wondering why he had kept such a close eye on the time. He half believed he could even estimate the hours since he'd left Junho's apartment. But that was obsessive, Minjun wasn't obsessive, just curious.

He just wanted to get to know the other male, but finding an excuse to go to the bar was difficult. Minjun didn't want to just show up one night for no reason, not after he had already turned Junho's offer down the night he'd had to drag Taecyeon home.

He learned through Yugyeom that Junho had hired him almost on the spot. He wasn't surprised. Yugyeom was a good kid and hard worker. And according to Yugyeom Junho was the best boss he'd ever had. He constantly thanked Minjun for steering him in the right direction.

Minjun was glad that it worked out. But he'd be lying if said he wasn't just a little disappointed that the whole thing hadn't brought him any closer to Junho.

"Minjun. Hyung. Are you listening? Yoohoo!" Minjun blinked when Nichkhun snapped his fingers in front of Minjun's face.

"Yaaaaaah, Khunnie, you gave your poor hyung a heart attack."

Nichkhun gave a long-suffering sigh. "Then pay attention to me when I'm talking to you."

"My mind was occupied." Minjun mumbled, refusing to say what exactly it was occupied with.

But he forgot that Nichkhun was a mind-reader because the younger just smiled his angelic smile and asked sweetly. "Occupied by a cute bartender named Lee Junho?"

Of course. Of course Nichkhun would know. He was too damn observant for his own good sometimes. "Of course not." Minjun growled defensively, even though Nichkhun had hit the nail on the head.

"Mm. Forgive me, hyung. I was just jumping to conclusions because you're always asking me and Taecyeon and even Yugyeom about Junho and I thought it might be because you were taken with him." Minjun was going to kill him, it was just like Nichkhun so be so blatantly sarcastic.

But more importantly than Nichkhun's smart- comment..."Who the hell says 'taken with' anymore? I'm older than you and you're the one talking like a septugeniarian here." Minjun closed down the topic as best he could, panicked that he'd been so obvious.

"Yes, well, I'm an old soul as my mother says. If you really like him all that much you should go visit him, Minjun. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you." Nichkhun stood and stretched. "Ah well, I have to get going I'll see you later. Think about what I said."

Minjun tried his best not to think about it. He plugged into his iPod and tried to drown out Nichkhun's words with R. Kelly and Justin Timberlake. If he spent a little time entertaining the idea of showing up at Junho's bar it was only because he was worried about Yugyeom, he hadn't heard from his cousin in a while.

It had been two weeks since he'd last seen Junho.

Minjun was suffering from a cold, it wasn't exactly an earth-shattering emergency but his whole body ached and he couldn't breathe very well.  So when the doorbell rang he considered simply not answering it. But whoever was at the door was presistent so Minjun dragged himself off the couch feeling more like the walking dead than a real person.

He didn't recognize the person at his door at first. "Can I help you?" Minjun snapped.

The person, a male Minjun realized dimly, recoiled slightly. "I knew this was a bad idea- I'm sorry for bothering you, hyung. I just thought. Taec said you were sick so I brought you this." He pushed a bowl of soup into Minjun's hands. It was only when he started walking away that Minjun realized he recognized the wavy brown hair and the gentle voice. Junho.


Minjun didn't even bother putting the bowl he was holding down before he rushed down the hall after the younger. "Junho! Junho, wait!"

Junho turned around. "Minjun? What-? You're getting soup everywhere!" Junho grabbed the bowl he had given to the elder. "Are you okay? Go lay down, oh my god you're soaking-"

"Junho, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you." Minjun panted, not caring that he had splashed soup all over his hands and pajamas, nor that he was attracting the attention of his neighbors. "I'm so sorry."

Junho gently grabbed Minjun's arm steering the elder back towards his apartment. "Hyung. It's okay. You should change and lay down."

Minjun stopped moving. Maybe it was just that the fever was affecting him but he was suddenly scared of being alone. He looked the younger straight in the eye (or rather looked where he thought Junho's eyes were). "Will you leave if I fall asleep?"

"Do you want me to?"

"No." Minjun swore that his voice didn't quiver. He wasn't that dependent on the company of others. Right?

"Then I'll stay."


I tried to tell myself that I was going to have an update calendar for this. 

But man I don't even know how to work on a schedule anymore.

I'm so terrible.

Anyway, here's the third chapter. 

I've been trying to keep up with the comments below but I'm sorry if I didn't reply to you, it's probably because I forgot.

Forgive me.

Expect an interesting conversation in Chapter 4 (which is really chapter 5 because I put the prologue as the first chapter).

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I'm so sorry! Weather here has been crappy and life has been busy. Expect the next chapter by 7/13 at the latest.


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Chapter 4: /criesss/ This is so OSM!! My Junbros feels... <3 wahh Minjun's eye sight.. You are missing a certain breathtakingly beautiful face boy.. @_@ I can't wait to know when will Junho find out about it & what his reaction will be..
You haven't updated this for a while noh... 8( /shakes my author/ I NEED MOARRRR JUNBROSSS~ Update this soon pleaseee! I wanna read the convo~~~ /pleads/
Chapter 4: Oh my God! You are a tease! Minjun was looking for an excuse to see Junho & here Junho is with a bowl of soup in front of his own apartment.. I'm hoping for some intimate Junbros moments in next chapter.. Hehee.. And Khun hit right on the spot. I guess Taec must have exaggerated a bit when he was explaining Minjun's cold to Junho, just to make Junho visit Minjun.. ;D
Chapter 4: umg! junho at least had the guts to go and see minjun again! *happy*
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh, I'm happy to hear that you still have the notes of upcoming chapters with you. Junbros has become my fave otp now & this fic makes me love them more. Update soon authornim, I'm waiting <3
Chapter 3: oh! minjun baby cousin yugyeom! why is he sounds so terribly cute with that name ㅡ3ㅡ♡

and junho is cute gosh...if only minjun can truly see him, that would be so lovely

LOL taec, he needs a real smack on the head sometimes..
Chapter 2: LOL cranky minjun is funny.. no wonder he's friend with the giant xD

I love both of taec and minjun character, and how u make them close friend as they are ^^

ahhh, poor little guy there jjuno.. maybe minjun would drop a visit to the bar someday and meet him? *wink*
Chapter 1: I was intrigued by ur foreword and junbros here I am ^^
the 1st chapter is really interesting, on how you describe minjun goes with his daily life and who he's friend with..too bad its kinda a bit short which makes me wanting more LOL that's a good thing right?ㅋㅋㅋ
Now this is a story! I love this! Update soon authornim :)
kairos #9
Chapter 1: whispers I love your writing style pls keep going aaa
Chapter 2: Oyy Taec is hilarious xDD
And awww Juneo is here <3 I knew Minjun would regret his decision, & he did! *smirks* My Junbros <3

loly, hey don't be shy/awkward to reply, we wouldn't bite you (much) ;)
Update soon.. I LOOVE THIS <3 *HUGS*