Chapter 3

That Door
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He was waiting, waiting for Luhan to keep his recorder, he was already being record and Luhan was just said to him that he want to take something.


Luhan-hyung is weird, why did he need to record me singing while I can sing for him anytime?


His eyes suddenly attract to a door. He’s just curios. Kyungsoo then tip-toed and slowly opened the door. The room was dark, Kyungsoo then switch on the light which was besides the door. He looked around the room. It was quite dusty. It was just look like study room for him. The room was look classic for him with its style. There was a picture completely frame hanging on the wall, it was Luhan with someone. He hasn’t met the guy before. Kyungsoo suddenly found a book on the table. It was the book of the XOXO High School Student. It just looked like from the next year the school was opened, 1907…



20 April 1888



Huh..?... Kyungsoo just don’t get it. He was born in 1888?! Kyungsoo then found an old piece of newspaper on the table. He looked on the newspaper’s date, Sunday, 11 Oct 1907.


                                  A STUDENT WAS FOUND DEAD HANGING HIMSELF IN HIS                                                  



Kyungsoo then read the contents; he’s just being interested after read the heading. Kyungsoo’s jaws nearly fall on the floor after reading that the student was exactly his best friend, Luhan. “Kyungsoo-yah! Are you still there?” He suddenly heard Luhan, making him gulp. He then quickly quit from the room and tried to find the way to throughout before Luhan could back to him. His hand shaking crazily when opened the door but he finally could out from the room. He breathes out. His heart beating fast, his face was turn into pale. Who is he?





Luhan can’t wait for him. Sehun was on his way to home, but before he came home, he promised to come to Luhan’s house first. Sehun was actually visiting his grandma with his dad out of town. But it was already afternoon, Sehun promise to come in the morning. But it is

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Palabra_viva #1
Chapter 3: This make me think of coralline! I like~!
Chapter 3: wow i just guess abt the reason of luhan taking people's voice. could it be his way to call out sehun from nowhere? it also a mysterious when jongin gave warning for kyungsoo, who is he? well.. i'll be ur subscriber to know your complete mystery ;)
Chapter 3: Omo feeling weird and sad for Hunhan...anyway I love horror movie so I like it!
Chapter 1: Omg it's great I love horror stories, keep with the mystery. Looking forward for the next Update!^^
Echizen01 #5
Chapter 1: This is really good! Update quickly~
You have a few grammar and spelling errors, which can be fixed. Fixing the errors will make the story easier to understand for the reader.
The story is really interesting, good job :)
Update please! The Prologue is so interesting!