
As Time Goes By
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 as time goes by 
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The last day of Yongseo filming WGM...
Yonghwa was sending her home, they walked as they held hand tight on these cold night, feeling like not wanting to let go of each other hand. They both were feeling so sad that they should be separate, but all they can do was just smile to each other, with a heavy heart.

Seohyun was doing the back-interview, with her teary eyes, she spoke and she tried so hard to smile and hid her sadness but at the end she couldn't bear it anymore, and the tears just dropped on her cheek, she wiped it as she tried to keep smile.

Seohyun stepped her feet on the building, took one step, and looked back at Yonghwa, felt like her foot was unable to move away from Yonghwa. Yonghwa too, was standing there watching Seohyun, waving at her to say goodbye but deep inside his heart didn't want to let her go. At the end, Seohyun made her way back to Yonghwa and hugged him for the last time, but she hoped it wasn't her last time hugging Yonghwa like that.

I love you, Yong.

I love you, Hyun.

They both said it on their thought.
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 author's note 
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» I was rewatching Yongseo last ep of WGM and asdfdsgfsobs-
the feels- goguma feels- I kennet. #idkwhattosay #ignoreme
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hey o u o whoever have subscribed this story so far thankyou so muchhh! /throws hearts/


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ela2807 #1
Chapter 2: Can you update please authornim?
Chapter 2: At least she knows she loves him truly
It makes me angry when the characters deny it in stories :3
Thank you for the update!
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this!
Yongseo <3