Chapter Two

12 (Twelve)
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Wah.... it's been a year since I posted the first chapter. Sorry... I really want to finish my other two stories before starting this.....


It's already been a month. Nothing much happened. Just my usual daily routine. Being chased and work until I pass out. I wish I could go back to time and fix all of this.

I don't deserve this life. I should be focusing on my studies and not working for this family. What did I do to deserve this kind of my life? Why should I suffer for others?

I just let out a deep sigh and picked up one of my books. I'll just work hard to get out of this house as soon as possible.

"Johann! Johann!" My mom shouted while knocking on my door. "Johann! Open the damn door." This is also part of my daily life. My drunk mother knocking on my door to ask money for beer.

I quickly opened the door. My mom stopped shouting and stared at me. She burst into tears and hugged me tightly. "Why do you look like him? Uh?" She then passed out right in my hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I look like him." I whispered to my mother. I know it's not my fault looking like my father but it hurts me to see my mom like this. Everyday, she gets drunk and look for me. She said she misses my father every time she sees my face.

I laid my mom on my bed and left. I almost forgot I have work to go to. It's Sunday but I really need to leave her. I need to work for us to survive the day.

I went to the cafe place where I work as a waiter during Sunday. This is my only work during this day. From morning to afternoon. I went straight to the bathroom and changed my clothes.

"Ramirez." My boss knocked on the door. I'm in trouble. I opened the door and stepped out. "You're late."

"But it's just 9:10."

"Yes. And you were supposed to be 10 minutes earlier." My boss said with a warning tone. I just bowed and apologized for my tardiness. Is 10 minutes a big deal now? We don't have that much of a customer yet.

"Han!" Called my co-worker, Andrew. He works behind

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Taelin #1
Chapter 2: well i like it but i wish it is not boy x boy
Taelin #2
i just want to know is it a boy*boy ? but it is interesting