The cold never bothered me anyway

Of Powers, Insanity and Chaos

Every Saturday night in the Kim-Lu family was movie night.

It wasn’t much but everyone in the family would look forward to it, mostly the kids but often, they would forget about movie night until the day itself or until one of the adults remind them.

It was when the overactive kids would be quiet enough to last for at least half of the movie and that was an achievement itself. But the peacefulness would only last until the of the movie, where Minseok and Luhan would be bombarded with questions about the movie.

It was when everyone would lie on the couch, cuddling with each other, enjoying the family moment (until it's destroyed), especially after a busy week of studying and working.


It was a normal Saturday night.


The family of five were gathered at the couch after dinner, their stomach filled with chinese take-outs (it was Luhan’s turn to choose what to eat).

“Put the movie in, Baba.” Jongdae fussed. “Hurry.”

Luhan could only sigh as he insert the blue disk into the player, mumbling under his breath something about ‘disrespectful’ and ‘impatient’.


But that was when the chaos started.


Honestly, Minseok should have saw it coming. His husband had only been whining about seeing this particular movie for the whole week. He should had known.

“Really, Luhan?” He scoffed as the familiar Disney castle filled their television screen.

“Shh, babe. I can’t hear.” Minseok rubbed his eyes wearily. Snowflakes appeared on the screen and in blocks was the title of the movie, ‘Frozen’.

As usual, the three children of the family have their eyes stuck to the screen. Jongin was snuggled next to Luhan with his eyes drooping and Minseok wasn’t sure if he would last through the movie without sleeping but the boy never fail to surprise him every time. Sehun, on the other hand, was on Luhan’s lap, on his thumb as he stared wide-eyed at the movie and in his arms was his precious blanket. He would bring it everywhere he go, dragging it on the floor and Luhan would always go through hell to wash the piece of cloth but that was a story for another time. The oldest among the three kids was tucked under Minseok’s arm, his head on Minseok’s chest and his leg draped over Minseok’s larger one. Jongdae’s wavy brown locks were falling in his eyes, his tiny hand swiped at them in attempt to move it away and Minseok made a mental note to bring him to the hairdresser.

It was the scene of Anna dying when the kids had enough of the quiet setting and it all started with Jongin's soft whisper of his question.

"Baba, why is Anna dying?"

"Elsa froze Anna's heart, stupid." Jongdae answered, annoyed that he couldn't hear the movie over his brother's stupid question.

Minseok frowned.

"Jongdae!" Where did his eldest learn that word from? He was sure that both Luhan and him-

"Anna!!! Why are you so stupid?! Hans' using you!!" Then again, he wasn't so sure.

"Luhan!" Minseok hissed. "Watch your language! You too, Jongdae. Apologise to Jongin."

Mumbles of apologies were heard and the slience returned. But not for long.

Sniffles filled the air and Minseok frowned, turning his head to see big fat droplets rolling down Luhan's cheeks.

"Are you crying, Lu?"

Luhan turned to face his husband in shock, quickly wiping at his face.

"W-what? No, I'm j-just sweating." Minseok rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the televison.


Luhan and his 'manly pride'.


It was at least another ten more minutes before the movie finally ended and the room was instantly filled with cheers and screams.

"Papa!!" Jongdae shouted. "Look! I'm Elsa!!" Tiny snowflakes shot out of his fingers and Jongdae burst out in giggles.

"Me too! Me too!" Jongin jumped on to the couch, shooting out snowflakes like his brother.

Sehun raised his chubby hands, grabbing at the snowflakes but only for them to melt in his palm.

"Snowman!!" Sehun squealed in glee. “Papa, snowman!”

“Yeah, Papa!! Build a snowman!!” Jongin added, jumping up and down.

“Do you want to build a snowman?” Jongdae sang. Luhan looked at Minseok expectantly, a glint flashing in his eyes.

“Please?” His lower lip started to extend past his upper lip, successfully forming a pout. With his sparkling doe eyes, it was a combination to get what he wanted. But Minseok had been through this so many times.

“Fine.” And he hated himself for not being able to say no.

Standing up, Minseok pushed the coffee table away before whisking up the same snowman that was shown in the movie. He even sprinkled snowflakes on the top for effect.

“Olaf!!” Sehun yelled, giggling as he climbed off Luhan’s lap and straight into the snowman.

“Papa!! Papa!! Make it snow!” Jongdae screamed as he ran round the makeshift Olaf with now Sehun’s blanket tied around his neck. Snow fell from the ceiling and it only increase the laughter in the room. Announcing that he was Elsa, Jongdae began his dramatic version of ‘Let It Go’. Jongin belatedly joined in, teleporting himself to every corner of the room as he sang each line.

Snow were stuck in between their hair as the karaoke session continued. Sehun was poking the snowman, then putting his pudgy finger into his mouth to the ice. Luhan was spinning in circles as he tried to catch snowflakes in his mouth.


Right now, Minseok doesn’t really care that they were too loud and that the neighbours may complain. He doesn’t care that the snow were melting, wetting the carpet. He doesn’t care that his family might be insane. Their delighted expressions were all he cared.


Because the cold never bother him anyway.


* * * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: Hey hey!! ohmigosh! Thank you so much for your love even though there wasn't even a single chapter uploaded. Such an emo poster above but I thought that it 'brought' out the love between Minseok and Luhan, in a way? This chapter isn't my best work but I hoped you liked it :) Anyway, continue to leave comments (and upvote) and I'll really appreciate them! Also, if you have any prompts or plot in mind that you would want me to write for this AU, just comment below. Once again, thank you for subscribing! <3

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just wait for a while more and I promise I'll get a full chapter up :)


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2447 streak #1
cutie Baek teaching Tao how to spell his name tho! SOOOOOO CUTE!

wish there was more of this authornim! still, thank you!
2447 streak #2
kidding, ofc Baek LOVES the rain! even ran freely under it and Dae loves lightning OF COURSE!
Yifan leaving Jun to deal with 3 kids tho lmao, Jun never stood a chance to solve it quickly
2447 streak #3
2447 streak #4
Chapter 1: Minseok ofc can also say the line "the cold never bothered me anyway" HAHAHAHA I LOVE IT
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwww
XiaoShixun #6
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww how cute
I have two childhood stories. One is mine and the other is my brother's. Okay so mine. My parents used to take my brother and I a lot to this restaurant that had a playground right in front, you had to walk by it to get inside. So, that playground had this tunnel slide and when I would go down it, I would scream and the scream got louder as I got closer to the end. There was this really, really old guy walking by. He was so old, he could barely walk and shuffled his feet, walking with a cane. When I was going down the slide, I screamed and the poor guy got terrified. He moved like a puppet, the ones with strings attached and tried to run as fast as he could to the door. He finally made it to the door and got inside the restaurant, my parents dying since they had seen the whole thing.

My brother's: So this kid...*sigh*. We had this shelf and on that shelf, was a candle, like, a really heavy candle. Anyways, my brother liked to build tents with his blankets so he used that candle to hold the blanket in place. The blanket though, was too short so he pulled it so it could reach the floor but smart one, pulled the candle with it. Long story short, the candle fell right on top of his head. And I you not, a few weeks later, my brother and his friend went to a playground and decided to it was a good idea to have a rock war. My brother got a rock to the head...-.-
leeleeloveskpop #9
Chapter 5: Aww these are so cute please update soon
sweetteddybear #10
Chapter 5: pls right more...Right one where either tao or sehun gets lost and their parents get really worried