Because Minseok's words are to be listened

Of Powers, Insanity and Chaos

It was a lovely day. Minseok and Luhan arrived with their kids just a while ago and it was absolutely pleasant to see the children to play together while the parents sat under the shelter chatting (with the exception of Yifan who ran around trying to keep his kids safe from the ‘dangers’ of the park).

It was just perfect, really.

Until it started raining.

Wait, no, scratch that. It was storming. Heavy rain, bright lightning, loud thunder and all.

It was chaos after that.

“Jongin!!” Luhan yells, covering his head as he runs across the playground to get to the child first before he teleports himself away. But no. Jongin just love torturing his dad.

The four-year-old disappears into the thin air, black smoke replacing the place that he once stood.

Luhan curses under his breath.


“Rain!!” Zitao squeals as Yifan scoops the toddler up in his arms. “Daddy, rain!!”

“Yes, baby, rain.” Yifan pants from all the running and drops Zitao under the shelter. “Stay here, okay? Don’t go out.”

“Rain!!” Zitao giggles and Yifan takes that as a yes, (it makes his life easier so why not?) before leaving to save his children from getting any wetter.

He runs into a crying Chanyeol and immediately pick the boy.

“I don’t like rain, daddy.” The seven-year-old sobs. Yifan pets the boy on the back.

“I know, yeolie.” He coos, running back to the shelter so that the boy need not to be under the rain anymore. Sitting down on the bench next to Zitao, who was mumbling something to himself, Yifan hopes that Junmyeon could handle the other kids while he rocks Chanyeol in his arms.


But since when Junmyeon could handle the other kids. The adult runs after Baekhyun to his best ability with Kyungsoo in his arms and Yixing wrapped around his leg, wailing pathetically.

“Come on, Baek!” He shouts. “You will get sick!”

“No!!” The child screams and Junmyeon could feel himself getting drenched by the second. He whimpers and continues to chase after Baekhyun.

“Why can’t you control the rain or something?!” Minseok yells at him from a distance away, trying to chase after a giggling Sehun who managed to hide himself in the tunnel slide.

“I can only control water, not rain!!” He shouts back when lightning flashes and thunder quickly follows. Junmyeon quicken his pace, finally near enough to grab Baekhyun. The boy whines and wiggles around, hoping to be able to escape but Junmyeon had a surprising strong hold on him.

“Rain, water, the same!!” Minseok scowls, not appreciating how wet he was getting. He lowers himself and peeks through the end of the tunnel slide.

“Sehun,” He calls. “I’ll buy you ice cream if you come out of the slide.”

A moment of silence and Minseok got his arms full with Sehun the next.

“Ice cream!!” The toddler squeals in glee.


“Is everyone here?” Yifan asks. Minseok looks around and spots Luhan with Jongin tuck under his arm and nods.


“Where’s Jongdae?” Luhan’s eyes widen and his eyes sweep the sheltered space. His eyes only grows in size when there’s no sight of Jongdae.


Jongdae likes lightning. No, he loves it. He like how it brightens up the dark sky when it rains, how it creates a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest when it shoots out of his hands. Besides, it made him feel like Elsa from the movie too. But instead, he was the King of Lightning.

So when the sky darkens, and the rain starts pouring down, Jongdae lets the warm fuzzy feeling take over his body as he shoots lightning out of his palm. He giggles along with thunder and dances, shaking his every now and than. He doesn’t care when he’s soaked or when Luhan starts marching towards his direction.


“Jongdae!!” Luhan holler, flinching when the thunder roared. He could hear Jongdae singing ‘Let it go’, bright streaks of lightning shoots out of his palm and Luhan bites his lip, wondering if he should actually approach the child.

“Jongdae, come on, we need to get you out of the rain.”

“No!! Bow down to me!! I’m the king!!” Luhan just sighs as he move forward to grab the child. He feels a sting in his arms and he trembles a little.

Maybe he should have listened to Minseok and not play ‘Frozen’ for movie night.


* * * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: Okay, I agree this isn't the best but I hope you guys liked this. Sorry for the super late update but Merry Christmas!! The christmas chapter should be up soon, maybe later this week. Really sorry for the lack of updates, have been having writer block. Do continue to leave comments, subscribe and upvote! I really appreciate them Also, if you have any prompts or plot in mind that you would want me to write for this AU, just comment below. Once again, thank you for subscribing! and commenting! and upvoting! and supporting me! <3 
((Also, do check out this
Kaisoo oneshot I wrote xD)) 




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just wait for a while more and I promise I'll get a full chapter up :)


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2447 streak #1
cutie Baek teaching Tao how to spell his name tho! SOOOOOO CUTE!

wish there was more of this authornim! still, thank you!
2447 streak #2
kidding, ofc Baek LOVES the rain! even ran freely under it and Dae loves lightning OF COURSE!
Yifan leaving Jun to deal with 3 kids tho lmao, Jun never stood a chance to solve it quickly
2447 streak #3
2447 streak #4
Chapter 1: Minseok ofc can also say the line "the cold never bothered me anyway" HAHAHAHA I LOVE IT
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwww
XiaoShixun #6
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww how cute
I have two childhood stories. One is mine and the other is my brother's. Okay so mine. My parents used to take my brother and I a lot to this restaurant that had a playground right in front, you had to walk by it to get inside. So, that playground had this tunnel slide and when I would go down it, I would scream and the scream got louder as I got closer to the end. There was this really, really old guy walking by. He was so old, he could barely walk and shuffled his feet, walking with a cane. When I was going down the slide, I screamed and the poor guy got terrified. He moved like a puppet, the ones with strings attached and tried to run as fast as he could to the door. He finally made it to the door and got inside the restaurant, my parents dying since they had seen the whole thing.

My brother's: So this kid...*sigh*. We had this shelf and on that shelf, was a candle, like, a really heavy candle. Anyways, my brother liked to build tents with his blankets so he used that candle to hold the blanket in place. The blanket though, was too short so he pulled it so it could reach the floor but smart one, pulled the candle with it. Long story short, the candle fell right on top of his head. And I you not, a few weeks later, my brother and his friend went to a playground and decided to it was a good idea to have a rock war. My brother got a rock to the head...-.-
leeleeloveskpop #9
Chapter 5: Aww these are so cute please update soon
sweetteddybear #10
Chapter 5: pls right more...Right one where either tao or sehun gets lost and their parents get really worried