
A little bit of love

A/N: The second chapter is up! I know it's a little slow so far but it will pick up once the introductions and such get out of the way. Please stay with me !


No one's POV

Jaemi's eyes fluttered open when the sound of her alarm . She flung her arm off the bed, turning the alarm off and rolled to her side to see her friend of 4 years, Taehee, asleep next to her. Taehee often came over to Jaemi's apartment because she didn't like being alone in her own apartment.

It was a Saturday and Jaemi had practice she had to get ready for. She sat up slowly clutching her head as she remembered the party from last night that left her hungover. After a mental debate, she decided to skip today's practice; which rarely happened. She knew the consequences that would occur the next day, but at this point in her life she didn't care.

The 20 year-old girl has been through a lot and has had a troubled lifetime with the abandonment of her parents and the disappearance of her brother. He wasn't abducted, he just ran away and left Jaemi in a house by herself. When she was 18, she got a job at a music store and got herself a small apartment and has been working there since.

The music shop is where she met one of her other best friend, Lee Geon. Every weekend, she goes to practice at a rich dance academy that she got a scholarship for.

Jaemi crawled out of bed and went into the kitchen to make something to eat and get rid of her pounding headache. All the cabinets were empty except for some bread and the fridge had milk and expire yogurt. Whining, she put her shoes on and went outside her apartment to buy some food for her and Taehee.

She knew where to go to get cheap food; the convenience store at the end of her street that she passes every weekend to go to practice.

The blonde girl walked into the store with her hair in a ponytail and her pajamas on when she noticed a boy sitting at the window looking at her. She sees the black haired boy in the window every time she walks by the store to get to the academy.

She went to the ramen aisle and got as many packages as she can afford and went to checkout.

"Would you like to eat it here?" the cashier asked.

"No, thank you."

With that said, she left the store after taking another glance at the boy in the window. "Cute." she thought.

She arrived at her apartment to find Taehee on the couch watching Saturday cartoons. "You got food, right?" Taehee asked.

"Why else would I be holding a bag of ramen?" Jaemi handed the bag to her brown haired friend. "Here. I can't make it." Taehee whined and grabbed the bag from her friends hand and went to the kitchen. Jaemi could never make ramen; it always cane out too crunchy, too soggy, too watered down.

Once Taehee made the ramen, she put the out the bowls on the table and her and Jaemi sat down.

"Are you not going to practice?"

"No. I feel like ."

"You're gonna get in trouble again."

"I've gotten into trouble with the teacher so many times it's almost impossible for me to care anymore."

Taehee looked at her friend and rolled her eyes. "You're going to get kicked out, Jaemi."

"It's not like a paid to get in the school. Why should I care if I get kicked out? The people there are snobs anyway."

"Sometimes you're impossible." Taehee said under her breath. Her friend has been stubborn since they met and she always picks fights. Even when they were in school Jaemi got suspended many times and had detention every week.

After they ate, Taehee went back to her apartment and Jaemi went back to her bed. She was texting her friend, Geon, asking her to take over his shift since she needed money but Jaemi said no, not wanting to deal with people today; especially loud customers.


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dizzybun #1
looking forward to this :)