Chapter 2

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Later that day when Yukwon was lazing around, as they had taken the day off from doing anything, he was thinking about how everything had gone wrong the day before. Normally he would just sleep if he got the chance as Jiho usually pushed them a lot to get even better than before, but now he just couldn’t, despite being exhausted. He hadn’t slept that well on the bed in their leader’s studio, and then just a few more hours together with Minhyuk, but his mind just couldn’t stop overworking itself.

The morning had been fun though, with the not waking Jaehyo up as he had been told, because the visual had been devastated when he had woken on his own and discovered that they had all eaten already. Perhaps it had been slightly mean to do it like that but the expression on the older’s face had been so worth it.

Now though, as the others were busy talking about how it could have happened that Yukwon got locked in inside the building, the blond felt that he was too tired to join them and that’s how he found himself lying in bed without being able to sleep.

Stretching out his aching body, the youngster soon shed his clothes and shifted from human in to his cat shape. As he was a hybrid, his cat form never grew up from the kitten shape even though he grew older, so he still looked like the ordinary orange tabby kitten he had been when he was born. That was also something that he didn’t know how but it was something that just was. He had learned to live with it and so had s as well. And he was much more at home in his kitten shape as that was his original body to begin with. Only one out of a million kittens were gifted with a human shape and he was one of them. That was why he was no ordinary kitten or human, and not only that but he had also been gifted with the ability to dance and sing and that was how he had ended up in Block B.


Being as he was, the kitten Yukwon trotted out on silent paws, located the other members in the living room and took course straight for Minhyuk. Sure he could choose any member he wanted to get attention from, but Minhyuk was always the one to scratch him in all the right places and just cuddle him. So with a soft meow to tell everyone that he was there, he took the leap up on the couch and then padded over to his hyung’s lap. There he pawed a bit on the older’s thigh before laying down and curling himself up in a small ball. And just like in the morning, there was a small chuckle leaving the dancer and then a warm hand was on Yukwon’s small body, petting him gently and scratching him behind one ear. As a reward for the treatment, the kitten purred softly to show the older that he liked it. And then there wasn’t many moments before he was sleeping, completely unaware of the jealous eyes directed in his hyung’s way.


When Yukwon finally woke up, he stretched his light body and let out a small yawn. He was still laying on a warm lap with a gentle hand on his body. Fingers started tickling his white belly as the kitten rolled over on his back to stretch even more. He slowly opened his eyes, expecting to find Minhyuk there, but instead he was laying in Jaehyo’s lap and getting a belly rub. Apparently the older wasn’t angry at him anymore for not having woken him up this morning.

With a soft meow, Yukwon called for his hyung’s attention as he was curious of what kind of expression he would

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Chapter 4: I wonder who is the jealous person.... hahaha
Chapter 2: I got confused but then i realized he is a hybrid. So cute *cries* Now i want a cat and named it Kwonnie *cries more*
Chapter 1: The lost kitty hahahah
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update♥♥
I totally imagine Jiho being jealous haha
bdz357998 #5
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update!! I put my money down on Zico being the jealous person!.....maybe?? Lol
bdz357998 #6
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update! !! Cute kwonnie as a cat!!
bdz357998 #7
Chapter 2: love it!!!! lol wonder who is the jealous person please update soon~
zeldapotter1998 #8
Chapter 1: this is gonna be amazing, i just know it $$ please update soon