Mistake [12]

Mistake (by kwon Yuri)

Knock! Knock!


“come in” with the given que the door opened and reviled a brunette carrying a familiar Mickey Mouse bag which she assumed was filled with her clothes and other stuff, on the other hand the woman was wearing a small-worried-smile in her face


“hey” Yuri returned the smile she was happy that Jessica was there but her heart clenched a bit because of her girlfriends worried look/expression


“Hi seobang, how are you feeling?” That was the words that came out as she made her way towards the hospital bed with a tan girl on it


“Of course I’m fine, this is nothing, the doctors was just over acting, in fact I can even perform a dance if he likes” Yuri then made a silly but energetic dance that caused Jessica to giggle the sight of Yuri wiggling her body with her hands in the air was cute at the same time disturbing  


“Yah! Kkab Yul, hehehe but seriously baby it’s disturbing and stop dancing you need to rest” Yuri stopped dancing and just stared at Jessica as the latter slowly came closer and placed a peak on her lips “I love you, and just recover quickly, okay?” Yuri can only hum in response as she was mesmerized by Jessica’s genuine smile.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Sica?”  her voice appeared to be softer


Jessica slowly turned her attention to Yuri as she was unpacking her girlfriend’s clothes earlier


“What is it Seobang? Is your head hurting again?” She just stared at Yuri and vise versa, the staring game goes on for about a minute, within that time no one dared to speak, Jessica was just waiting for Yuri to say something on the other hand Yuri was full of questions as she just looked and memorized her precious girlfriends face, she sure is luck, many boys and girls are chasing after her, she looks cold to some people but she is as delicate as a cotton, her eyes sparkle when she’s happy, it glooms when she’s sad, and it brings tears when she feels down she’s not as tough as she looks, her princess is all she wanted but the question that brought Yuri stuck was, Does she deserve Jessica Jung? She can’t give her a family, she remembered the day when they were still trainees Jessica always talks about having a perfect family with her prince charming a family like what she had or even more, as Jessica was talking about her future goals a smile that was plastered in her beautiful face was priceless that even the world can’t pay, her eyes sparkle as diamond she blooms like a flower, but now how can she even give it to her, she’s afraid to ask this because maybe Jessica will come to her senses and leave her, she might not even take it.


“Seobang, I know I’m beautiful but this staring competition is taking so long” Jessica’s voice brought her back to reality


“ummh. . . I, just . . .”


“okay you’re making me worried” Jessica stood up from her seat and walked closer to Yuri as soon as she reached the hospital bed she settled herself, laying beside Yuri with her head on the latter’s chest as her arm are wrapped on Yuri’s body “care to tell me about your thoughts?”


Yuri looked down to meet with her girlfriends gaze and again she was stuck “i. . Uhmm, just. . . . I wanna ask you something”


Jessica curved both her eyebrow upward in a cute way “what is it Seobang?”


“ar- are you. . . . happ-py? Are you happy being with me?”


“really? Do you even need to ask that? I’m not just happy Seobang I’m blessed! Blessed to be with you and being with you is the only thing that I want, I love you remember that, that made you my happiness” that smile again hit Yuri, indeed she also felt blessed


“I’m such a lucky monkey” that was the last word that was spoken before both of them drifted to dream land.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


“ummm, Ms. Kwon can be discharge today, I think her body recovered fast, maybe she had a peaceful night” the doctor spoke as she was checking Yuri’s record


“Thank you so much Dr. Kim”


“No problem just doing my job” They both bowed to each other, doctor Kim was about to get out of the room when she spoke again “and oh! Please send my regards to Taengoo, I hope she’s doing fine”


“she is, and of course we will tell her”  Then doctor Kim left the room, and SNSD’s manager turned to Yuri “okay Yul since you can be discharge today, can you handle flying to back to America this afternoon? Hawk Entertainments is expecting you, Taeyeon told you that already right?”


“Neh Oppa, it’s fine I guess”


“No you’re not going” Jessica middle their conversation that made the two look at her with confusion


“and why is that?” Their manager question Jessica’s sudden statement


“she just recovered and she was OVER FATIGUE that’s why she collapsed and now your booking her a flight without giving her a break even just for a day? From all of SNSD’s member Yuri was the only one that has this kind of schedule, incase you didn’t know she has been working 3 weeks straight without having a free day, she will go to her photoshoots, interview, meetings and many more early in the morning and return at night, her tiered face is only covered with make up, that’s why the people doesn’t notice, so please just let her rest even for a day” Jessica never begged for anything that’s why their manager was taken aback of Jessica’s behavior, her eyes was pleading and it looks like she was about to cry, that’s why he diverted his gaze and walked straight to the door but before he can completely disappear from the room he spoke “See you later Yuri, this is the CEO’s order believe me I also wanted you to rest” Then he was gone


“! Really!!! That’s it?! Why didn’t you say something? You’re not their puppet Kwon Yuri! Why the hell would you say YES to every order that they will give you?! I know you’re tired! Why can’t you just say NO?!” Jessica was furious she had enough of their new CEO giving Yuri orders


Yuri was taken aback Jessica was beyond mad so she just stared at her


Jessica saw Yuri’s facial expression like she was lost and scared so she soften her gaze and decided to let her anger down “sorry for shouting, I just don’t want anyone treating you like trash”


Yuri was sitting on the hospital bed her dextrose was no longer attached to her hand, she walked to Jessica and kneeled in front of her and cupped her face ”now I know how much you love me” Yuri gave her sweetest smile “don’t be mad okay? I just don’t want any conflicts, I choose this path to become an Idol, and if this was the price that I have to pay then so be it, I always say Yes because every photoshoot, interview, film-shooting, meeting, concerts and many more those things can give happiness to our fans, that’s why even thou it’s hard sometimes I continue doing it with a smile because it’s the only way to thank them, so please don’t be mad okay? Thank you for your undying concern, I LOVE YOU”   Then she placed a sweet kiss on her forehead


Unexpectedly Jessica’s face went red, not because of anger but because of the sweetest person who is kneeling in front of her


“omo! You look so cute Sooyeon-ah!” Yuri pinched her nose and wiggled it


Jessica tried to pray from Yuri’s pinch but it was a strong one “ah! Seobang-ah! It hurts! Stop that!”


Yuri in the other hand was just giggling, the sight of her girlfriend was too cute “nope, I wont until you say the magic word”


Jessica got confused they never talked about any magic word “what magic word?” her voice sounded funny because of her nose being pinched, that caused Yuri giggle even more


“don’t ask, just say it” Yuri continued to giggling


While Jessica was getting pissed “Uhhm? Please?”




“abra kadabra?”




“open sesami?”


“not that”


“Mickey Mouse?”


“could be, but no”


“ugghh! You’re so irritating”


“but you love me” Yuri smiled proudly


“yeah! Good thing that I Love You” with that Yuri let go of Jessica’s nose, which is now colored red


“I Love You more” She leaned closer and kissed the nose that she pinched maybe harder than she thought


Jessica crossed her arms and pouted “if you just wanted to hear me say that I LOVE YOU! Then you should’ve asked, not by pinching my pitiful nose and torturing me”


“but it’s more fun that way” Yuri fought back by pouting and crossing her arm it’s like she was imitating Jessica


“stop copying me” Jessica pouted even more


“stop copying me” Yuri also pouted more


Jessica lost her mind and was throwing a tantrum, kicking and slapping Yuri’s arm “eiyhh!!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU~~~~”


Yuri managed to hold both Jessica’s hand that was slapping her and it made her stop her tantrum again Yuri leaned closer and kissed Jessica’s Forehead ”I Love You” then she went down and kissed her nose “I Love You” then her Lips, Jessica cant help but to close her eyes as she can feel the heat rising, Yuri let go of Jessica’s hand and placed it on her neck as she encircled her own hands on Jessica’s waist their kiss became passionate and passionate until they are out of breath and connected their foreheads “and I LOVE YOU” Yuri managed to say while catching her own breath.


“okay~ , Soo did you managed to count how many I Love You’s was given by the time that we are here?” The voice startled the couple, and they were shock to see their seven sisters standing close to the door while looking at them.


Sooyoung looked at her hand and started counting “uhhmm it’s more than 5 Hyo”


“oh! You need more days here at the hospital Yul I think you are LOVE SICK!” everyone laughed and of course Tiffany and Taeyeon’s laugh was just fake


“Yah! Unnie, who uses magic words today?” Yoona butted in adding more laughter


“Yah! Stop it! I was confined and you are all giving me a head ache” Yuri stood up and reached for Jessica’s hand, the latter accepted it and followed Yuri


The couple went to the hospital bed and finished packing Yuri’s things.


“so? Why are you here?” Yuri asked the group of people who are silently sitting on the couch watching both her and Jessica


“To tease you” Sooyoung answered that made Hyo giggle


“Good one” then both of them made a high five Yuri just rolled her eyes to her best friends


“okay enough of that, we are just here to pick you up, are you ready?” Taeyeon asked as she stood up from her seat


“Yeah, let’s go” Yuri said while slinging her Mickey Mouse bag to her right shoulder and then reached for Jessica’s hand


Everyone stood up and followed the couple, they used the back gate of the hospital to avoid paparazzi


At the Dorm. . . . . .


As soon as they reached the dorm Yuri went to her room but before she can reach the door someone called her




Yuri turned her head and saw Tiffany standing behind her “hhmm?”

“are you going somewhere?”


“Yeah, I’m flying to America this afternoon”


“uh! Aren’t you going to have a rest first”


“I’m fine Tiff thank you” Yuri gave her, her best smile but all of a sudden Tiffany hugged her tight


“I’m glad you’re fine” Yuri hugged her back


“I’m Yuri, I’m always fine” with that Tiffany let go of their hug, they exchange smiles and then Yuri entered her room leaving Tiffany outside


“I don’t know why but until now, I still love you, even if it hurts to see you every day, but at least one of us is happy, at least you’re happy” Tiffany whispered at Yuri’s closed door before leaving with tears in her eyes.


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Yuri went out of her room with two luggage and a back pack she saw her sisters gathered in the living room doing some random stuff a figure caught her attention, Jessica was reading a fashion magazine while her feet was resting at the table, she was wearing a short shorts that exposed her milky soft legs that made Yuri crazy


“uhh! Yul! Where are you going?” Sunny’s question brought her back to reality


“uhhm, going to fly back to America, Hawk entertainments wants to talk about another up coming project”


“you don’t want to rest first unnie? You just came out from the hospital” Seohyun spoke


“It must be hard to become a superstar” Sooyoung walked in from the kitchen while holding a bowl of pop corn


“but you can easily get girls” Hyoyeon spoke that made S.H.Y. giggle but Jessica heard it and shoot them her deadly glair, both Hyo and Soo gulped “sorry” then they lowered their heads to avoid Jessica    


Then Jessica’s deadly glare was now at Yuri “don’t look at me babe, I was just laughing at the joke” Yuri surely was scared as she waved her hands gesturing that she is not getting any girls


“well it’s not funny” Jessica’s reply was cold as ice so Yuri came to her and sit beside her sulking girlfriend


“sorry baby, but don’t worry you’re still the most prettiest girl in the world, okay?” Then she kissed Jessica and it became hotter and hotter until they needed to breath


“take care of yourself, okay? And call me every night, or day it doesn’t matter as long as you will call me”


“I will baby, and text me your schedules I will also text you mine”


Jessica hummed in reply and Yuri stood up from the couch “bye baby, see you in a week?”


Jessica stood up and hugged Yuri “hmmm, see you” then she broke their hug


“bye guys, take care of Jessica for me okay?”


“yes unnie! bye”


“bye yul”


Then Yuri was gone out of their sight


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


“A reported Plane crash happened about an hour ago . . . .  . . ”


“A flight from Korea to California had came in a bad landing . . . . . . ”


“. . .  . . . one of the passengers was Kwon Yuri a Korean superstar who debuted in America”


“it was confirmed that Kwon Yuri is one of the dead bodies found . . . .  . . ”



“SH!T!!!” Jessica was panting and sweating hard as she bolted up from her bed, her dream was a nightmare and it’s not helping that her girlfriend is at the plane right now, she rushed to find her phone and call a certain person but she can’t contact her “she’s in the Plane Jess she maybe switched her phone off” she talked to herself as she walked to the door down stairs to get some water


She was currently at the kitchen when the lights went on “can’t sleep?” Jessica was not startled anymore as earlier she can hear some foot steps


“yup” She answer shortly as she put the empty glass to the sink and was about to head to her room


“Jess can we talk?” Jessica turned around to face the owner of the voice


“what is it all about Tae?”


“I just need you to listen to me please?” Taeyeon pleaded


“Tae it’s still 2 in the morning we can talk about it later” Jessica wants to go to sleep badly but unfortunately Taeyeon was persistent, she thought this would be the perfect timing since it’s only her and Jessica are awake


“please just this once, I promise this will be quick”


Jessica gave up and nodded in response “okay”



TBC . . . . . . . . . .  







And BOB concert is tonight!!! Go cheer the Girls PH SONEs <3



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forgotme #1
Chapter 27: Reread this again..hoping for your comeback... This story is really interesting...
Chapter 27: will you ever comeback someday...?
forgotme #3
Chapter 27: ..update soon...waiting
pinklady91 #4
when u will back?:(
ForeverSones #5
Chapter 27: Author , Update soon please !
ynylsc30518 #6
Chapter 27: Should i kill tyler for yulsic? Hahahaha!
sone_marg14 #7
Chapter 27: please make yulsic here coz i miss them..
vhelzzz #8
Chapter 27: ohh.. i see
Chapter 27: Ah that's the reason of Tyler kekeke
jessture22 #10
Chapter 27: It's going down for realll~
Yeah! College really! Hahaha.