Mistake [20]

Mistake (by kwon Yuri)

“Yuri, we need to talk”


She knows she’s not sleeping yet

She knows she’s still awake

She knows she’s still thinking about what happened the other day

Because Yuri is not Yuri anymore since she saw what happened

And misunderstood. . . . . . or that’s what she thought.


She went closer ready to pull the tan girls bed sheet that was covering her whole body, but as she step closer Yuri pushed it out and jumped off the bed


“okay let’s talk”


It appeared to be cold, colder than Jessica’s

But Taeyeon just followed Yuri out of the room and guided her to the veranda

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


They both used to be best buddies but now they felt like they were each other’s enemy


The wind was cold

But their hearts are colder

So is the atmosphere between the two


Yuri was staring blankly at the sky trying to think

She’s not the type of a person to judge

But she hates two things

Lying and Hiding  

She wants to know the truth rather than making herself a fool


A couple of silence passed finally Taeyeon had the courage to talk

“Yul, I’m sorry about what you saw. but believe me.  . . . we didn’t do it. . . . I didn’t kiss her“


“I know”


Taeyeon didn’t expect that answer from Yuri, she was expecting a violent one cursing maybe, but she also knows that Yuri is not that kind of a person


“Yu-l  . . . . . ?”


Yuri turned around to face Taeyeon and looked her deep in the eye that made the shorter one nervous, never had she ever saw Yuri that horrifying yet scared


“Tell me, do you like her?”


She said it without any emotions, that only adds up to Taeyeons nervousness even though the name was not specified but they both know who ‘she’ is.

I know what I feel for Jessica. . . . . but is it right to tell Yuri the truth?”

As Taeyeon was still thinking, that was enough for Yuri to know the answer, she saw fear in Taeyeon’s eyes as she asked the question and no words are needed


Taeyeon likes Jessica, but does she (Jessica) feel the same?”  Yuri was in her on thought


“No, I don’t like her Yul, she’s your girlfriend you should trust her”


Taeyeon’s answer caught Yuri’s attention,


‘trust her? I only asked what her feelings towards Jessica why did she mention about trust? Is there something else?’


Yuri decided to play it cool as her mind is filled with questions and worries


“I trust her and I believe you”


With that Yuri walked pass Taeyeon and went to her room leaving the latter in owe.


“do I really trust you now?. . . . . . Mianhe Sica” Yuri said to Jessica’s picture that happens to be her lock screen


She laid her phone back to her side and closed her eyes to sleep


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


All nine girls are inside the CEO’s office


Kim Youngmin sensed an awkward silence


“okay, I had enough of this”


He slightly raised his voice to the nine goddess in front of him, that made them scared except for the ice princess.

“why are you all so quite? What’s the problem?”


But no one dared to speak, they just bit their lips even them doesn’t know what’s going on.


Mr. Kim continued his discussion about the girls’ schedule

The girls on the other hand only nods at everything he says


But they don’t know that Jessica was just holding her tears

Anger and frustration as she continues to steal glances from Yuri


Mr. Kim saw it and he doesn’t know but he doesn’t like this situation


“okay let’s take a break first, the snack is on me” He smiled


“YES! FINALLY!!!” Yoona and Sooyoung shouted in unison and then made a high five.


Mr. Kim called his secretary to ask the girls what they want to eat and order it

as for them they just let Sooyoung and Yoona do the talking.


“Jessica? Can I have a word with you?”

Jessica didn’t say a word and just walk towards Mr. Kim, they both made their way out of the office followed by Sunny, Tiffany, Teayeon and Yuri’s confused yet worried gaze

‘what is it now? Why are you making me confused these days Sica? Why do I feel like you’re hiding something, you promised to tell me anything, right?’  Yuri thought as she was fighting to sneak out and follow the both of them because of her curiosity that is killing her.


Yuri felt a grip in her hand, she looked at the person who held her only to be welcomed with a warm smile

“Yul, don’t worry, maybe he’s just proposing a new project for her”

Tiffany’s eyes made Yuri relaxed and also made her smile, the smile that was missing since she came back to Korea

“am I that obvious?” Yuri asked playfully with a grin

“yes? Maybe? You know you could rip Jessica’s cloths with that intense stare of yours”

Yuri and Tiffany let out a laugh that caused the attention of their other members

“thank you” Yuri said silently but sincerely

“for what?”

Yuri looked into Tiffany’s eyes and she saw purity, she knows that right now, Tiffany is what she needs

“for always picking me up when I’m down” 

Tiffany offered the same smile as Yuri’s, only made her eyes form into a crescent

“No worries, I think I’m already used to it” then she stuck out her tongue out

It appeared cute to Yuri

It was too appealing for Yuri

But she didn’t expect, that it made her heart flutter.

And they both didn’t notice that their hands are still in each other’s

. .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Jessica and Mr. Kim are just outside of the office

Leaning at the corner so the members won’t see them, but they both can

They still can hear Yoona and Sooyoung’s voice ordering food


“okay, I’ll go straight to the point, is Yuri and you fighting? Or did you already broke up with her”


“we just had a misunderstanding, well, she saw me and Taeyeon in an odd position and she thought we were kissing” Jessica said in monotone staring at the glass wall, her eyes didn’t left Yuri

“oh? You didn’t talk to her? You know try to explain things?”

This time Jessica looked at her boss “no, I’m afraid she might not want to hear me out, that maybe she might lose it and jump to conclusions, that maybe she might be covered with anger and, that maybe?. . .  . she’ll break up with me”

“full of maybes, but I don’t think Yuri is that kind of a person”

They both are distracted with a loud laughter so they looked at the direction of where the noise is coming from

As Jessica looked at the scene

She doesn’t know if she will be happy or not

She saw the smile and she heard the laughter

 She witnessed the old Yuri that she missed

But the thing is

Tiffany was the one who brought her back

Not her.


“Okay, I’ll handle this, and whatever I say just go with the flow okay? Uhm? wipe your tears first” Mr. Kim offered his handkerchief and went back in

Jessica wiped her tears and fixed herself before following Mr. Kim


As Jessica entered she saw Tiffany’s hand was on top of Yuri’s


Her heart clenched, but she can’t do anything


Mr. Kim and Jessica took their seats


“okay, so I think we still have to wait for our order, as we are waiting, I have an announcement, I would like Yuri and Jessica to compose a song together, since Yuri has the experience in composing and Jessica will have a solo debut soon, it will give a good impression”


Jessica was taken aback ‘solo debut? He’s really crazy, but I have to thank him later’

“so is it fine for the both of you?”

Youngmin looked at Jessica and Yuri asking for an approval

“it’s fine with me” Jessica said while Yuri just nodded her head

And again that small action hurt Jessica

It’s like Yuri lost some interest when it comes to her 


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


09:43 P.M. back at the dorm


“okay guys lets sleep!” Hyoyeon shouted as she was so tired more than anyone

Well she needs to focus on her dancing more for she is the dancing queen of SM and she has to maintain her image.

Everyone is doing their businesses

No one spoke

They just ignored each other


Yuri was about to enter her room when she saw Tiffany who was about to enter her own room

“Tiff!” Yuri called out, she honestly doesn’t know why she did that

 Tiffany turned around only to find Yuri looking at her, her gaze was different

“what is it Yul?” Tiffany walked closer

But as Tiffany was walking towards Yuri

Yuri felt different and everything went into a slow motion

“Yul? Hey? YUWREEE”

Yuri was spacing out that she didn’t notice Tiffany was already in front of her

“oh! Uhhm”

“so what is it?”  

Yuri’s gaze traveled down to Tiffany’s exposed legs, she was only wearing a pink short shorts and a loose plane white shirt

Tiffany smacked Yuri’s head as she saw where the tan girls eyes are looking


Yuri caressed her sore head

“yah! I’m not”

Tiffany decided to tease Yuri more, so she smirked at Yuri, only made the latter gulp

“really? You’re not?” Tiffany playfully encircled her arms around Yuri’s neck and took another step, they are now just inches apart

Yuri’s face is now red and her eyes are bigger than usual

 Tiffany then burst out laughing

“HAHAHA yo-you should HAHAHAH seen your f-face” Tiffany just continued laughing while Yuri was pouting she was totally embarrassed

“are you done?” Yuri asked in as serious tone

Tiffany stopped laughing but she’s still smiling

“okay, okay I’m done, so what is it?”  

“can you stop smiling first? Its creeping me out”

“okay, now I’m ready, what is it?”

“uhhm? Don’t think of anything just uhmm, can you sleep with me? I mean I need someone to talk to, but if you’re already tired it’s okay I c. . . . .”

Yuri was talking really fast but Tiffany caught everything she said

Of course it made her smile

It gives a different feeling when the person you want needed you

So Tiffany let out a giggle because of Yuri’s cute antiques

“Hey, it’s fine, I’m not yet tiered anyways, I wi. . . . . . .”

Tiffany was cut off with a cold voice

“let me just remind you that you have a girlfriend and if you have any problem she’s willing to listen, she’s willing to comfort you and that she misses you so much”

Jessica stormed out from their sight with tears rolling out her eyes

Tiffany and Yuri was left in a shock

Yuri doesn’t know why she felt guilty, she just watched Jessica’s door closed

Tiffany put her hand on Yuri’s shoulder and gave her a smile “go, you don’t want her to get mad right?”

Yuri nod and ran towards Jessica’s room


(‘knock! Knock’)

“baby? Sica? Please open the door” 

(knock, knock)

“baby? Let’s talk please, please let’s talk I mi. . . . . ”

The door opened reviled the puffed eyed princess, Yuri didn’t waste any time and hugged the girl

“. . . . I miss you too, so much” she continued

Jessica buried her face on the crook of Yuri’s neck

“Seobang-ah, I’m sorry, w-we didn’t do what you thought we did, I just slipped on the floor and Taeyeon caught me at the right moment, but that’s just it, I’m really sorry, if I ever hurt you at some ways, I’m really sorry Seobang, just don’t ignore me again, trust me I didn’t do anything”

“I know, I’m also sorry if I got jealous over some silly stuff”

“no, it’s my fault any ways”

Jessica doesn’t want to waste another time

‘I only have 26 days and 2 hours to be with her, I’m not wasting it’

Jessica let go of the hug but keeping her eyes on Yuri’s

“Seobang? C-can I sleep with you?”

Jessica’s eyes are pleading

Yuri pinched Jessica’s nose playfully

“you don’t need to use that aegyo baby, of course you can, pabbo!”

“I love you too”

Jessica sticks her tongue   

“I didn’t said I LOVE YOU”

“well you’re saying it now”

“but I didn’t said that before you said I LOVE YOU TOO”

“I love you more”

“I cant understand you” Yuri is a bit irritated but enjoying it. . . . . but she’s more irritated

“you said I LOVE YOU TOO so I said I LOVE YOU MORE”

“I just copied what you said, you’re the one who said I LOVE YOU TOO”

“okay stop saying I LOVE YOU so I won’t say I LOVE YOU”

“but you’re the one who started this I LOVE YOU thing”

“uhhhg I’m being sarcastic” now is Jessica’s turn to get irritated

“so you’re saying you don’t love me?”

“of course I LOVE YOU”

“but you said you’re being sarcastic, so it’s just a joke, you don’t really love me”

Both of them just stared at each other’s eyes

Silenced occupied the two

Moments later . . . . . . . .

They burst out laughing


“okay, okay lets go to my room”

Yuri guided Jessica out

The two were smiling from ear to ear

It’s only been 4 days since they fight

But it only took three words to bring everything back to normal


Jessica is already asleep on Yuri’s chest

Yuri on the other hand can’t hide her smile

All the anger, the doubts, the jealousy and the questions are gone

Just staring at her princess   

That’s what all she wants


Yuri picked up her phone from her pocket and dialed a number


“. . . . . . “

“yes it’s me Yuri”

“.. . . . . . . “

“yes, I’m going to continue the plan”

“. . . . . . . . “

“next week , exactly seven days from tomorrow”

“. . . . . . . . .”

“yes, I’m already sure”

Yuri looked at Jessica’s sleeping face

All she can feel is love

Her heart surely belongs to the girl beside her

Maybe she is really her world

“I’m very sure I already saw my FOREVER”

“. . . . . . . . . “

“okay, I’ll call you again if I wanted to add something”

“. . . . . . . . . .”

“okay thank you, I can always count on you Appa, good night, oh! I mean good morning”

“. . . . . . . . . .”

Yuri put her phone back in her pocket with a smile

Then she turned her head to look at her one and only princess


Then she kissed Jessica’s crown lovingly

Scooped her in a protective hug

Like her life depends on her

Before drifting to sleep




Yo! still remember me?


okay it's fine -_-

I'ts been a while I think

sorry about my long absence I was just bothered because I'm about to enter college

and I had some misunderstanding with my bestest, best of best of friend :D

remember the conversation in this chapter that has many I LOVE YOU's?

yes that's my bestfriend and mine's REAL conversation and now we're fine

I just decided to put that there, becaus I think it's a pretty good conversation to fix a misuderstanding.




so :D



#NothingLastForever :P :P :P




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forgotme #1
Chapter 27: Reread this again..hoping for your comeback... This story is really interesting...
Chapter 27: will you ever comeback someday...?
forgotme #3
Chapter 27: ..update soon...waiting
pinklady91 #4
when u will back?:(
ForeverSones #5
Chapter 27: Author , Update soon please !
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Chapter 27: Should i kill tyler for yulsic? Hahahaha!
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Chapter 27: please make yulsic here coz i miss them..
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Chapter 27: ohh.. i see
Chapter 27: Ah that's the reason of Tyler kekeke
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Chapter 27: It's going down for realll~
Yeah! College really! Hahaha.