Midnight Jasmine
Our eyes greeted the high-peaked roof of the library, the tremendous arcs that we all had traced in our minds at least once in our lifetime, and the little movement that surrounded the establishment. We were probably the only ones that sparked life and movement in this building besides the librarians, with our crazy personalities echoing off the fine architecture and walls. 
The three of us exited of his car and began to climb the steep marble steps that would lead us to two ten feet oak doors, from then on it was a bookworm's dream. There were three stories to the building, towers of bookshelves running against the walls and alined throughout the rest of the room appearing as if we were in a maze. 
"Hey, Mrs. Lee," we all greeted the receptionist in unison. 
"Oh, hello," she smiled. Her wrinkles were more prominent when she grinned, she had lived a life of happiness. Though she had informed us more about herself once, we all learned that her husband was abroad on a military case and their squad was ambushed by the enemy, resulting in his death. We all took our turns expelling the sorrow in our hearts, comforting one another until we were exhausted from shedding tears of our own and for others, except Jayceon never sobbed in front of us. 
"There's a new series in the fantasy section," she handed us a bookmarks for the shelves. 
"Thank you," Kou reached over to gather three sticks from Mrs. Lee's bony hand and handed it to us. 
Our herd headed to the fiction side of the library, where anyone would blindly search for us, and began scanning the books from spine to spine until our eyes grazed upon one that we didn't read, or recall reading at least. Within a few minutes of searching, we all gathered our handful of books to the beanbag area and chatted. 
"So," Jay collected both of our attention. "What are you guys planning for summer?" 
Sighs echoed the thick walls of the room- to block out excess noise- for they had no idea what they were going to spend this well-deserved break. 
"Well," I began. "Remember when I told you guys I was saving up for something?" 
They all nodded their heads, two sets of eyes beating in my direction, digging into my mind in curiosity. It was back in the end of last July that I had begun my job at the animal shelter to raise money for this trip, scavenging every penny that my eyes laid on, so I could finally enjoy me, myself, and I. Grandma obviously approved, waving her hands to dismiss my statement that was something along the lines of offering her to tag along and pointing how worn out she was; to convince her to partner me in this vacation. 
"Anyways, I got enough money to go on a cruise!" My squeal was accompanied by screams of exhilaration by the others. We all joined hands and shook each other, except Jayceon was more focused on Kou. 
"We're so happy for you!" Kou exclaimed. "You get on that boat and dance your off." 
"Thank you." 
Jayceon's eyes were still attached to her hands, the ones that made contact with his. It was amusing, seeing his state of embarrassment yet admiration but my heart still ached for him, not being able to confess. He had learned Japanese just so he could converse with her, he also once said to me that he would like to speak fluently with her family as well. 
"What about you guys?" I inquired, also diverting Jay's attention. 
"I'm doing the usual, going to see my grandparents for the first half of break then coming back to just relax or whatever comes to mind." 
Kou glanced to Jay, signaling that he should reply because the question was also directed to him, just as his eyes diverted from her features so swiftly and unknowingly that only I caught him in action. He answered with a simple visiting the parents to avoid her eyes, twiddling his thumbs in a nervous manner. 
"We should all meet when I come back, maybe go to the beach or the movies? Just something we all like." I suggested which was accompanied with two nods and noises of approval, we were always hanging out on the weekends to keep in touch and enjoy ourselves. As Kou was about to open , her ringtone- a chicken clucking in three different octaves, she was strange like that- went off. She began to speak in her native language, the one I was planning to brush up on but was stumped with projects and endless assignment instead, with Jay intently listening to her pronounce the words rolling off her tongue. My father had taught me some Japanese but moving to Korea really dampened the use for it.
"Uh, guys, I have to go meet my mother. She couldn't babysit because of her appointment," she swapped to the common language, raising from her beanbag, waving goodbye as she still conversed with whoever was on the other line. "I'll group chat you guys." 
And with that, she left the both of us in an awkward wave. I wanted to whack Jayceon on the back of the head for procrastinating about not asking her on a date but we were in too much of a public place to carry out the action. 
"Before you start antagonizing me, I have to explain myself." He placed his hands out to block any of my attacks. 
"What is it this time, you had math homework to catch up on? Listen, I think this is more important than that," I lightly scolded him. "It's only a matter of time before she meets someone else, and you know how that goes. Typical bad boy when the good guy is right here." I motioned him with my hand. 
"Hey, hey, what about you? What are you talking about bad boy when the last guy you dated-"
"Yeah, we're not talking about me right now. This is more important than my past mistakes, just talk to her. She'll understand, I almost guarantee she will open up. You have plenty to offer, you're smart, charming, nice." I rambled off. 
"Nice? She likes men who treat her like a rag doll." 
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at how oblivious he truly was. "That's because she hasn't met her prince yet but," I made trumpet noises, holding my hands up as if I was pulling a curtain to reveal Jay. "In actuality, the prince is shy to confront the beautiful princess." 
"That's a bunch of baloney." 
Jayceon stood, dusting off nonexistent particles from his clothing, striding past me in disbelief. He patiently waited by the entrance- in between the pillars that were established before the towering doors- for me to catch up, then continuing to pace ahead of me then halting every now and then to allow me to meet him. 
"Just trust me for once, she'll fall for you," I placed my hand on his shoulder to consult his beating heart that was diminishing in hope by ticking second. 
"I'll try when it's the right time." 
I messaged his shoulders like a manager would do to a wrestler before the big match to strike some encouragement in them, confidence even; stating that he at least attempting was a way to display his true motives to Kou. She will appreciate the sincerity even if the wording comes off uncanny or if he results in embarrassing himself during his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What was it, seventh or eighth grade that he began to admire her? Every Valentine's Day from then on, was him sending chocolates that would melt in her locker and an anonymous letter expressing himself and exposing just a bit of that sensitive side of him. It was kind of disappointing that she hadn't glued the pieces together by now, with such huge clues basically painting his silhouette.  
Jayceon opened the passenger door for me, closing after I sat in the seat and strapped myself in. He did the same but on the driver's side, reveling the ignition of his precious vehicle which was the other person he fell in love with. 
"I don't get it," I pondered with my finger on my chin. "You say 'I love you' to your own car but you're afraid to say it to a human?" 
"It's that I know my car will love me back." By the way he had stated his remark, my heart ached with guilt and yearning for the two just open their hearts to one another. What if Kou never turns around to witness that Jayceon was waiting for her with arms open to an embrace, or worse, rejects him? My eyes began to sting, knowing I would tear up, I blankly pointed in a direction where I knew too well; the ice cream shop. 
I remembered why I used to always go out of my way to purchase only from that shop and no other, for a boy I was deeply head over heels over. His name repeating in my head was still a stab in the heart by a golden dagger, twisting and snapping arteries in their place; Woojin. He was definitely a knight and shining armor to anyone but me, but I still found myself like a lost puppy trailing after him, swooning over him when he passed me down the halls in school. He was always raving in my head, his sandy-brown hair along with his odd emerald orbs that shone with innocence but I acknowledged that his genuine act was only a show of entertainment to others, and his particular scent of sharp cologne that seemed to cut ice. But I knew off the bat my mistake when I eventually confronted him at the ice cream shop, how he was exceedingly heartless and brain-dead. I recall his arms on my shoulders, releasing a small sigh that signaled that he was not at all impressed, while he said these exact words: "Oh, what a pity. You even knew that this wouldn't work out, didn't you? Why would you continue thinking that I was going to accept you? I wouldn't date you even if you were the last girl on earth. Now, will it be cone or cup?" Still to this day, I regret not punching him in the face but the fact was that sudden pain would only be temporary so instead I just sprinted out of the store in humiliation, utterly shattered. 
"Sorry," Jay muttered under his breath. "That I said that."
"You're fine." I went to rub my face to snap myself from those hideous, painful flashbacks but then came to wipe tears I was absent-mindingly shedding. 
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