Midnight Jasmine

It was after every passenger boarded the ship that my luggage was perched outside my cabin, also I could discover where my room was as well. I hadn't purchased the luxurious cabin set with an ocean view or suite service for there wasn't enough money in my bank account for that, so the settling price was hundreds cheaper; I didn't mind, my goal wasn't to stay cooped up in here anyways. I scanned my room key into the keycard lock until the light illuminated an emerald green then slightly yanked the knob. Between the two bags, I was struggling to retain the door ajar and dragging the suitcase into the room without my carry-on tumbling off from my shoulder. 
"Hey, wait up!" I heard the voice I have grown accustomed to. "Let me help you." 
I turned my head to the right- where the voice was emitted- to study the sight of Carter jogging down the hall from his room, he was coming to assist me with my bags. He snatched the handle from my fingers, protesting that I should be relaxing but I was about to say the same for him. I pressed my carry-on close to my chest, hopefully that would halt the excessive pounding in my chest and trailed behind him. 
"Thank you," I muttered, embarrassed that I didn't just move my own things. "You didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to." He grinned down at me, a bit out of breath, then traveled out of the room to hold the door open once I placed the bag in my hands down. 
"Thank you." 
"You don't have to thank me for these little things," he replied as he allowed the door to close behind us. "Like holding the door for you, that's nothing big." 
"I feel like I'm burdening, sorry." 
I began to stride towards the lobby, to get a sense of orientation, before he caught up and was walking alongside with me. He suggested that we should consume something to be energized and that they offered lunch on the top floor for an hour more which I gladly agreed to. Being a food junkie and all. 
He attempted to converse with small talk on our way to the elevators, which I didn't mind at the least, to learn more about each other or whatever the purpose for senseless conversations were. We inquired about each other, what we were majoring in college in which I realized that he was striving for the stars and even the moon; psychologist. Anyone could note that he was a walking, talking brain. 
"So what are you majoring in?" He questioned before he mashed his thumb into the upward arrow. 
I hoped for the elevator to arrive in which I wouldn't be obligated to answer the question, he was one hundred and ten percent professional while my mine could be considered a hobby. Unfortunately, luck leaped from my shoulder to accompany someone else so I had to reply to him to not seem impertinent. 
Video gaming design, was what I meant to say.
"I-I'm not really sure yet," I lied. 
It hasn't been more than twenty-four hours into this relationship- friendship- and I was already spitting white lies to shield myself, my own pride and dignity. Selfish, insensitive. 
His hum was what threw me off guard, he had believed me, and the way he sympathized by saying he was there when he first began school. I mentally pounded the living hell out of my forehead, such an move.
"After you," he gestured to the doors that just pried open and vomited a family of six. 
I had another urge to say thank you but his scolding a few minutes ago told me not to even dare, I entered the elevator without muttering anything after me. 
"See? You don't have to say it all the time." He mocked, shaking his head in laughter. 
"It was burning my throat." Earning a chuckle from me too. 
The giggling between us dissipated when the doors exposed us both to a crowd. Each one of them squeezed in, which was dumbfounding due to the amount of people, but I promptly regretted to stick near Carter. They had unintentionally pinned me against him, thinking that we were together since we weren't complaining but the fact was that I couldn't breathe let alone file a complaint; with his warmth and cologne forming around me, and this sudden claustrophobic feeling stuffing my insides. He was gazing into my eyes, it was like he was searching for a hidden riddle that I had retained from the world, but he wasn't pondering deeply, more of an open stare that allowed thoughts to be uncontrolled and wander. 
I involuntarily placed my hands on his chest to somehow put some distance between us, his facial expression altering to a softened one, a small, humiliated smile spreading across his lips while he glanced at my hands. The desire to remove them was gradually strengthening yet it would've been awkward to just stand there after already gazing intently into his eyes. 
The bodies flooded out, allowing me to breathe comfortably again, as he urged forward along with them which my reflexes kicked in faster than ever; removing my hands and dangling them at my sides where they belonged.

Definitely not awkward. 


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