Exam and Result

iPod Boyfriend : It's Not Just An App


The day had come. It was finally your Mid Term Examination. After some revision that you did with Kwangmin. You felt confidence with it. Of course, you were still darn right nervous about it. The boys had to take the exam too. You knew that Kwangmin would do well, but you were worried about Youngmin and Minwoo.

“You guys ready?” You asked the three.

“Of course I am!” Kwangmin said cheerfully. He looked like he had been studying.

“We just hope we don’t fail” Minwoo pouted.

“Neh. We’re not as smart as Kwangmin but we hope we’ll do well” Youngmin smiled.

“Fighting! Let’s do well!” You cheered for them.

The teacher came in with a stack of papers in her hand. The first paper was Mathematics. Most of them did well. You thought it was easy. So easy that it only take you half an hour to finish the paper. Kwangmin followed after that. The next paper was Korean language. You didn’t have problem on it since Korean is your first language. The boys seemed fine with it too.

The final paper of the day was the paper that you scared the most. History. You couldn’t shake it out of your body. While you were having a break with the boys, you couldn’t keep your head straight.

“Relax girlfriend, it’ll be okay. You’ll do great” Kwangmin said.

“Yeah! You studied with Kwangmin didn’t you?” Minwoo held on your hand.

“Neh! You’re a smart girl” He ruffled on your hair. You fixed your hair as you replied to them.

“But I’m still worried”

“Nothing to worry about. C is not that hard to get” Kwangmin rooted for you.

“Yeah! Easy if you never fail it!” You replied.

“Yah! Think positive will you?” Youngmin glared at you.

“Arasso arasso” You pouted.

The four of you went back to your class after recess. You pull out your pencil case and arranged your pen, pencil and eraser on your desk. You were getting ready for the exam. This test will determine your result. The boys shout fighting to you before the teacher came in. The teacher passed out the test papers to each and every one of you. You starred at the paper in front of you. It was such a horrific scene.

“You may begin your test” The teacher announced.

You took a deep breath and flipped to the first page. When you saw the first question, you smiled.

Thank you God for giving me six boyfriends. Thank You God for Kwangmin’s smartness. Thank You God!



A few days after that, the results were up. You and the boys rushed to the board where people were gathering to check their marks. After a few minutes waiting, you finally had your chance to see the board when people started to walk away after seeing their results.

“I’m nervous!” You voiced out.

“I’m sure you passed!” Minwoo put his arm around you.

“Let’s go and see for yourself then” Kwangmin suggested. You nodded as you followed them.

On the board, there were a lot of names. You checked on the section where your homeroom was placed.

“I passed every subject! C in everything!” Minwoo cheered.

“I didn’t fail any of it! 3 B’s and 3 C’s! Oh my gad!” Youngmin said as he hugged Minwoo.

“I ace everything! WOHOO!” Kwangmin cheered.

“Congratulation!” You hugged him. The boys congratulated him too. “My turn!”

You searched for your name. You found it after a while. You pointed your finger under your name and brought it to the right. First subject, A, second, A+, Third, A, forth, A, fifth, B. You checked the name of the subject. History.

“Oh my god! Guys! I got B in my history!!” You jumped on Kwangmin. “Thank you Kwangmin-nie!” You got tears in your eyes. The boys were cheering too. But then, they suddenly fell silent.

“Noona” Minwoo called. His tone sounded disappointed.

“You got D for your Mathematics” You broke the hug and dashed to the result board.

Sixth subject, Mathematics, D.

You broke into tears instantly. 



OTL.. she failed! SHE FAILEDD!! T.T..

p/s : I barely wanted to post this chapter up because not many people commented on the previous chapters.. you know, when i dont get many responds, i feel like people don't wanna read it anymore.. i feel sad.. and one of my subbers even unsub me just now.. do you noe how hurt i am??!! DO YOU NOE??!! OTL.. its okay.. *le sobs* 

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Chapter 4: ah, i'm only up to the first few chapters, but i'm loving this so far! it's an interesting concept~
Chapter 65: this is.... ㅡ beautifully written. heehaw. ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 40: I'm happy it's kwangmin <3
Chapter 61: if ths was really an app i would make kwangmin lol
Chapter 61: Ok, I'm crying... T__T
Joomin #7
Chapter 61: Omg It made me cryyyyyyyyyyyy QwQ