iPod Boyfriend : It's Not Just An App


The Mandarin language subject’s teacher was ranting about some Chinese character that you didn’t have any interest to listen. Rather than wasting your tears that you produce with each yawn you made, you rather chat with Minwoo by passing notes to each other.

“Noona! Saranghae <3”. Minwoo wrote it on a piece of paper and sneakily passed it to you. When you read what he wrote, you smiled.

You scribbled something under Minwoo’s note. When you were done, you folded it nicely. You were about to pass the note to him when the final bell rung. The kids started to pack their bag and you did too, putting the note inside your uniform pocket. You stood up and joined Minwoo, Kwangmin and Youngmin who were waiting for you at the door.

“Minwoo-yah” You called him. He turned and looked at you. “Here”. You shoved your hand inside your pocket and took out the note. After that you passed it to him. He took it and read it immediately.

“You’re so cheap! You told me you love me every thirty seconds. Kekee. ;p” He pouted after reading the note. You stuck your tongue out at him and he replied by squinting his eyes.

The four of you walked to the front gate together. When you arrived outside the gate, you saw no Mr. Lee there. You told him this morning not to fetch you since you’re going back home with the boys on your own. He didn’t mind anymore since he saw the boys once and he thought that they looked nice. Instead of delaying the times, the four of you started to walk towards the bus stop.

“Yah! Yedeura! (guys)” They heard a voice called. Instantly their head looked around to search for the source of the voice.

When he looked back, they saw three guys standing in front of the school gate. Girls were looking at them while giggling and shrieking after them.

“Oh! Hyung!” Kwangmin called back.

Donghyun who was standing in the middle of Jeongmin and Hyunseong started to walk towards the four of you with the two following suit behind.

“What are you doing here oppa?” You asked.

“We’re kind of get bored at home so we decided to come and wait for the four of you to get out from school” Jeongmin replied.

“Since when did you wait for us?” Youngmin asked this time.

“A while” Hyunseong replied short.

“Since we’re all here, should we go for a date then?” You suggested.

“All seven of us?” Minwoo asked.

“Wae? You don’t like it?” Donghyun asked. All eyes on him.

“Ani. I just… I just thought it’ll be nice if the hyungs are not here” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yah! You selfish…..” Jeongmin’s word was joined by the honk sound.

“What did you say at the end?” You asked. Kwangmin who heard his vulgar world cupped both of your ears.

“You shouldn’t say that ever again hyung” He mouthed to Jeongmin. Jeongmin grinned stupidly after his comment.



In a big group, all of you walked past the bus stop where you, Kwangmin, Youngmin and Minwoo were supposed to stop. Instead, all of you kept on walking while laughing when Kwangmin tried to tell a joke that was not at all funny but Jeongmin was the one who made it laughable instead. Jeongmin insisted to walk on your right while Donghyun walked on your right. He fought with Minwoo for that spot but he won with ‘you’ve been with her the whole day, why can’t you let your hyung walk with his girlfriend too?’. Ding Dong! Donghyun won over the cute maknae.

Jeongmin would secretly link his pinky with yours. You pretended to not care about it so the boys wouldn’t cut his time with you. It had been a while since you had time alone with him. You felt sorry for not being able to spend more time with him. That was why you thought you should let him at least hold your hand for today.

“Girlfriend, let’s play at the karaoke room. Should we?” The quiet Hyunseong suggested as they walked in front of the Karaoke bar.

“Should we?” You asked the rest of the boys. They smiled and nodded. Nobody wanted to oppose his idea since he rarely give one.

“Kaja! (Let’s go!)” Minwoo punched up his fist with a sing-a-song voice. Jeongmin on the other hand dragged you with his pinky towards the door.

You went to the counter while the boys gathered around you. You asked for the vip room since it was the biggest room around and there were seven of you. A small room would be cramped. You gave your credit card and ordered some drinks. They gave you the room number and all of you went to find the room. When you did, Minwoo was the first one to greet the door. He was so excited that he was running around the room shrieking and flailing arms. You sat down on the chair with Jeongmin and Hyunseong. Kwangmin sat behind the drum set that they had inside the room. Minwoo grabbed the tambourine while Youngmin called the shaker. Donghyun grabbed the remote from the T.V and immediately took a sit beside Hyunseong.

“What should we sing?” Donghyun asked.

“Hyung! That song that we heard earlier!” Minwoo said with a little jump. The bell from the tambourine rung as he jumped.

“What song?” Donghyun asked back.

“Ah! The one that said YALALALALA in the beginning of the song!” Jeongmin said.

“Ah! Messaeji?” You said.

“Neh!! Wah! Noona jjang!” Minwoo put thumbs up.

Donghyun browsed through the list of songs and found the song from the rookie group. He tapped on the touch screen remote and the song started to play. Donghyun decided to join the boys and grabbed the microphone from the table. You were too tired to join so you decided to just stay beside Jeongmin. You rested your head on his shoulder. He smiled when you did that. You watched as Donghyun, Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo jumped in front of the screen singing. They were so dorky. Hyunseong stood up when the song was ending. He grabbed the microphone and did the adlibs. He was shouting for Gunwoo’s part but his voice didn’t crack at all. It was awesome how he managed to do so.

The drinks came after the song ended. Hyunseong got the hang of it so he called the song. He grabbed the remote and picked a mellow song. Everybody boo-ed him for that but he decided to ignore them and sang to Hogak ‘Hello’ with all his might. It was beautiful.

“Girlfriend, drink this” Jeongmin twisted the cap of a vitamin drink bottle. He waved the bottle in front of you. You shook your head. You were worn off but you didn’t like the taste of the drink. “Andwae. You have too. You looked like you’re going to pass out anytime soon” He raised his shoulder a little to annoy you since you were leaning on his shoulder. You sighed and straightened up your body. You took the drink and took a sip of it.

“Yuck!” You stuck out your tongue after drinking it. The boys had a good laugh with your expression. Hyunseong stopped singing and approached you.

“Here. Eat this after you drink half of the bottle. It’ll wash away the taste” He gave you a bottle of Clorex mints. You scrunched up your nose and do as what he told. You drank half of the bottle in one go and quickly popped five Clorex in your mouths.

“Yeay!!!!!! Girlfriend did it!!!” The boys cheered.

You smiled and got on your feet. You told them that it was your turn to sing since you finished half of the vitamin drinks. You took the remote and choose a girl group song. You kind of like Girl’s Day song ‘Hug Me Once’ so you decided to play that. In the beginning of the song, the boys started to cheer out loud for you. You turned to face them and the chorus came. You danced vigorously to the song. The boys just couldn’t take their eyes of you.

The playful Minwoo even stood up and gave you a hug when each time the line “Hug me once” came up. You couldn’t help but to laugh after his action. The other boys got jealous so all of them started to hug you each time the line came. When I said all of them, the supposed to be a cute and romantic hug turned out to be a group flies hugging a lump of poop. You know what I mean. The song ended after a while. You took a sit on the sofa and closed your eyes trying to catch on your breath.

“Guys” You called. But there was no answer. “Guys?” You opened your eyes. There was nobody inside the room anymore. “Where did you go?” You called but you were talking to yourself.

Awh? They were here ten seconds ago? What happened? They left me? You pouted.

You decided to check your iPod to find if they were inside their ‘world’. You took out your iPod and slid the screen but there was no light. You tapped on the screen a few times, pressing on the lock button a few times but nothing worked. You smacked your forehead after realizing that your iPod actually died running out of batteries. You forgot to charge them last night before you passed out after an exhausting day with No Minwoo.

“Babo! (Stupid). Why didn’t you charge the iPod Shin ______?” You chanted that to yourself a few times. “So they live with the iPod batteries? No battery no jumping around? So they’re trap inside this iPod?” You pouted. “Hurmm” You sighed. “This is no fun anymore”

You grabbed your bag and started to walk out from the karaoke room alone. You came with a bunch of noisy boys and now you’re walking out alone. You were shocked that the boys disappeared on all of the sudden. You were hoping that they would be fine but you felt more sad than worries. Your chest hurt all of a sudden. So that was how you would feel when you’re being left alone like that. As you tried to imagine the picture of you without the boys, tears started to form.

Ani! Don’t think about it! They’re my boyfriend till the end. You said wiping away the bids of tears. 



I'm SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE!!!!! OTL.. Here's a long chapter for you all! T.T.. I sleptover at my friend's place last night. She was my bestfriend from my previous place. Before I move to this place *referring to my new place* lol.. xD.. So she's staying at her sister's place which was a few blocks away from my place.. It's been a while.. And when I was writing this chapter, my head hurts like crazy.. Laptop light didn't do any good to somebody who's suffering from migraine.. how do you spell tht? idk.. ima go sleep now.. okaybye.. T.T


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Chapter 4: ah, i'm only up to the first few chapters, but i'm loving this so far! it's an interesting concept~
Chapter 65: this is.... ㅡ beautifully written. heehaw. ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 40: I'm happy it's kwangmin <3
Chapter 61: if ths was really an app i would make kwangmin lol
Chapter 61: Ok, I'm crying... T__T
Joomin #7
Chapter 61: Omg It made me cryyyyyyyyyyyy QwQ