Good Enough (ii/ii)

Cat-astrophe • drabble collection
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[CONTENTID1]Cat-astrophe [/CONTENTID1]


A whole week passed. No Baekhyun. There were no good morning kisses, no nagging, no slight nudges in the bed, no soft humming while occupied with something - nothing.

Yet Chanyeol felt like the catboy was always somehow there - his clothes were there exactly where he left him, his toothbrush too, the chair he was sitting on haven't been moved even once and a place on the couch where he usually sat was always empty, but it wasn’t enough to fill the emptiness Baekhyun left.


Chanyeol couldn't bring himself to throw the clothes away nor to delete their pictures and messages. It hurt seeing the pictures of them together and happy - when they were so far from each other and broken.

Every single night the tears would start flowing when he glanced at the empty side of the bed; the pillow Baekhyun slept on still had his scent and it was Chanyeol's drug; he knew he was addicted.


He was staying on his job overtime just so he wouldn't have to go home where he had no one to greet him there. Every single time he would set a foot over the doorstep, he hoped to see Baekhyun running to him to kiss him and hug him, but he got nothing but a disappointment every time.


He haven't seen his precious catboy, yet every time he would see a brown tail or ears of a cat hybrid on the streets, Chanyeol would instantly think it was Baekhyun.

 It was never him, no matter how hard the human wished to see him on accident.


It was painful yet funny how a teenager managed to break Chanyeol's heart. He could barely function normally, knowing that he was left alone; that he wasn't good enough.


Chanyeol didn't blame Baekhyun for anything, but he just wanted a chance to hear what he did wrong and why he left him. He wanted to make up for his mistakes, but didn't know how when he didn't know where he wronged.


It was Saturday morning, 3 am sharp on the clock when Chanyeol heard someone ringing on his doorbell. He wasn't asleep and he run down to open the door instantly, hoping it would be Baekhyun. He knew it was ridiculous to hope on that, since the catboy would probably never come back, but Chanyeol could at least hope.


He took a deep breath as he held the doorknob, hearing how someone rang the bell again. He opened the door, letting the cool air to hit his body as he faced two people, holding an obviously drunk catboy the human was hoping to see for too long.

He was about to grin as he saw the younger one, but the other things had to be settled first.


"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun grinned and laughed, throwing an arm to catch a human.


"What have you done to him?" He asked, extending his arms to grab the drunken catboy from them. He glared at one boy - the same one Baekhyun kissed a week ago - while holding the catboy possessively.


"Nothing, he's just drunk." The boy answered, looking at Baekhyun concerned. Too late now, Chanyeol thought.


"Am not." Baekhyun slurred, "Chan you … I love - no! I hate you! Yeah. You're a bad… You're not. I thought you weren't a liar."


Chanyeol listened to Baekhyun carefully; trying his best to ignore the way his heart broke when he heard his precious Baek hated him, he just focused on the feeling of having the younger one near himself again. The catboy swayed drunkenly on his feet, but Chanyeol just held him tighter, pulling him into a hug. He had Baekhyun's face pressed against his chest, just like before, but the catboy didn't wrap his arms around the human and Chanyeol's thought for a moment that things could never be the same again, but then Baekhyun clinched on his shirt, sighing loudly.


Chanyeol looked at the Baekhyun's friend again completely ignoring the other shorter boy that helped the catboy to come here. "You made him drink?"


"No," the boy answered, his black bangs covering his face for a moment before he moved them away with a finger, "He ordered himself vodka. We were just as surprised, trust me. He probably wanted to forget you, but you are all he talked about the whole night. The whole week actually."


Chanyeol didn't know if he should be worried or glad that Baekhyun was talking about him, because he was the reason he was drinking alcohol; he was relieved that Baekhyun didn't forget him, but the human never wanted to cause Baekhyun such pain to start drinking, especially since the younger one was repulsed by alcohol. "He stayed at your place this all time?"


The boy nodded, glancing at Baekhyun who moved his head away to look at Chanyeol. The catboy swayed his tail in an angry way, frowning, "I did not speak about you." He murmured, "You look hot. No, no, I don't care 'bout you."


It hurt even though Baekhyun was in his arms, but he tried not to show it. Baekhyun was just drunk, that was all. He didn't really mean what he said, he cared. Right? It was just alcohol speaking. Baekhyun tried to move Chanyeol's hands away from him, but only managed to stumble over his own feet.


"Do you want me to carry you?" Chanyeol murmured, not caring that Baekhyun's friends were there. It only mattered that Baekhyun nodded and raised his hands up to be lifted. Chanyeol smiled and whispered, “Kitty goes up."


Baekhyun chuckled at that as usual and let Chanyeol to put a hand under his and around his waist as he was being lifted; he felt protected and sleepy, and he leaned his head on Chanyeol's shoulder right away, mumbling softly, "Nice."


"There was nothing between him and I." The boy spoke again, holding the other person from stumbling. "Except that kiss, we did nothing. We are just friends."


"I see. Who else would bring their drunk boyfriend to their ex?" Chanyeol chuckled, but hissed right after when he felt Baekhyun sinking his teeth in his neck. "Why did you do that?"


"I'm not drunk." Baekhyun answered, leaning his head back on the shoulder right after. Such a whiner, even though he's drunk, Chanyeol thought, chuckling as he rolled his eyes. He missed that.


"Did he…tell you why he left?" Chanyeol murmured, even though Baekhyun could still hear him. However, the catboy started snoring lightly all of the sudden, making the human to caress his back slowly.


The boy shook his head again, "No. Every time he would start telling me about you or why he broke up, he would start crying, saying he was so stupid. He would cry himself to sleep even when he thought I couldn't hear him. When we kissed,” the boy shifted nervously in his place, "as soon as we walked around the corner, he broke down. I couldn't calm him down all the way to my house. I know he can be an idiot sometimes, but please don't hurt him. I hate seeing him broken."


"Don't worry, I won't. I meant it when I said I love him." Chanyeol answered smiling, "Thank you for bringing him here."


"I knew he would never get the courage to come back himself, so I had to help him out. What are friends for, anyway?" The boy smiled, waving to Chanyeol before he turned around and left, holding his friend by the waist.


Chanyeol went inside, carefully closing the door so he wouldn't wake the catboy up. He placed him in the bed and took of his shoes and pants before he covered him. Just like before.


Baekhyun was back; in his house, in his bed, in his life. At least Chanyeol hoped that the catboy wouldn't run away in the morning.


There were no goodnight kisses. It was tempting, but as Chanyeol slipped back in the sheets next to his dear catboy, he realized that maybe Baekhyun didn't want it. Maybe he was just feeling lonely and that is why he talked about him and cried. The human just pressed his lips gently against the catboy's cheek, whispering, "Good night, Baek."


He fell asleep shortly after, sighing with relief that his bed finally wasn't empty anymore.






Chanyeol was woken up by the sound of his alarm and he quickly turned it off; he looked at Baekhyun, finding that the catboy was still sound asleep.

It was his day off, so Chanyeol could spend it with Baekhyun just as usual, if the catboy would like stay.


Baekhyun was softly snoring, lying on his back with the mouth half open, yet Chanyeol found it adorable, like always.

He human wanted to touch him, to kiss him and hold him, but he was afraid to do that. They were separated for only ten days, yet it felt like eternity - Chanyeol wouldn't know what to do with his life if Baekhyun would decide to run away from his life forever. It was funny how he dated Jessica for two years, yet he didn't shed a single tear when they broke up, but he couldn't stop crying when Baekhyun left him.

It hurt - every bad word Baekhyun said to him, the kiss he witnessed, the fact that his precious catboy was there in his bed but he couldn't touch him - Chanyeol didn't know how he was managing not to cry right there in the spot. What if he leaves me again? He probably doesn't want me anymore, he wouldn’t leave if he did. What if I would never be able to kiss him again? Chanyeol sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. He's here. Baekhyun is here. I shouldn't worry. We'll talk and we'll we'll be together again. He still loves me, just as I love him. He wouldn't talk about me and cry because of me after he left me if he doesn't care anymore.


He brought his hand towards Baekhyun's face, gently caressing his cheek with the back of his fingers. Baekhyun steered in his sleep and Chanyeol instantly retreated his hand away, hoping that Baekhyun didn't wake up.

After few seconds of holding his breath, the human breathed out in relief when he realized the catboy was still asleep. He slowly slipped out if the bed as the urge to go to the bathroom was stronger than his wish to stare at his sleeping darling. 


He washed his teeth quickly while he was there too, just wanting to check if Baekhyun was still sleeping. He was so afraid that the catboy would disappear he went out of the bathroom three times in five minutes every time he would think that he heard the bedroom's door opening.


It was ridiculous, since he couldn't hold Baekhyun imprisoned in his house, yet he prayed like a monk to heavens for Baekhyun to stay.


As soon as he finished he went to the bedroom, finding Baekhyun still sleep. Assuming that the catboy would have a headache when he wakes up, Chanyeol went to the kitchen to bring him some mineral water. It would help him a little bit, especially since he would be thirsty after a night of drinking.


He tried his best to be as quiet as possible, but as he was leaving a glass on the nightstand, Baekhyun steered awake from his sleep from the sudden noise of glass hitting the wood. Since there was no way out from it, Chanyeol greeted Baekhyun'

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174 streak #1
Chapter 7: What a really nice chanbaek drabbles❤️❤️❤️
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: They’re sooo cute together... specially in real life 😊
174 streak #3
Chapter 2: Chanyeol was a gentleman indeed. ❤️
Chapter 2: Thank you for blessing us with these drabbles.
Chapter 1: Thats the best one shot I've ever read. I'm squealing!!!! Pls write more author-nim!!!
Chapter 7: 2018 and no update
Oww soow cutiee ive been craving for baekyeol drabble and got such great stories evenmore packs of fluffy kittyboy baek :3
Chapter 7: This is so cute >~<
mistystorm8 #9
Chapter 7: Awww. Theyre completely in love with each other. I was so upset when they broke up because of the misunderstanding but they just got even sweeter once they made up.
audbear #10