it's the beginning

Knights of the Vampire Hunters

it's the beginning


Myungsoo noticed a boy in the small courtyard, bouncing a bright ball in his hands. The ball changed colours every time it hit the ground, shimmering into different hues and lighting up the smile on the boy’s face. Myungsoo guessed the stranger was probably older since the boy was taller, with small eyes and prominent cheeks. Myungsoo had never seen him before, but it didn’t really bother him. Everyone knew who he was anyway, even when Myungsoo didn’t know who they were.

He made his way carefully down the stone steps, his legs not long enough to take each one in stride. After reaching the ground, he confidently walked over and stopped in front of the boy, his face expectant. The boy held the ball still in his hands, the round object a vibrant purple as its owner looked at him oddly.

“I want that.”

Myungsoo stuck his hand out, pointing a chubby finger at the object in the boy’s hands. The boy blinked for a few seconds before furrowing his eyebrows.

“No. It’s mine.”

It was Myungsoo’s turn to scowl. “But I want it.”

Myungsoo didn’t understand. All the children he’d meet would instantly give him their toys, even before he asked, and when he did he was never turned down.

The boy scrunched his nose. “No. You’re not being very nice. And you’re younger than me!”

Myungsoo crossed his arms tightly over his chest and tried to mimic his caretaker when she was mad at him. He stared up at the offending stranger. “So? Do you know who I am?”

“No.” The boy puffed out his cheeks, watching him with stubborn eyes.

Myungsoo didn’t like it at all. “I’m the prince, you have to do what I tell you!”

Surprise flickered in the boy’s face but before Myungsoo could feel good about it, the boy frowned. “You’re mean. I’m not giving it to you.”

Myungsoo’s eyes widened at the rejection and before he knew it, he already walked over to reach for the toy. Myungsoo had to go on his tippy toes, arms stretched and fingers wriggling at a vain attempt to reach the ball being held up and out of his reach. They bickered in loud shouts and wails until the castle guard came over to see what the ruckus was, and the youngest ended everything with a whined order, finger pointing accusingly at the other boy. The ball was snatched from his hands in a split second, leaving the child speechless and unable to protest as the guard handed the toy to the young prince.

The older boy was clearly upset and Myungsoo’s face was smug as he bounced the ball with satisfaction and watched the purple change to neon green. When he finally looked up the boy had disappeared, leaving him alone with the guard in the castle courtyard. Myungsoo looked down as his orbs reflected the green light, but suddenly he wasn’t so happy anymore.




Yeonja took her time as she strolled near the castle garden. Unlike her husband who had the skill flowing through his veins, she was a sorceress and was of a calmer spirit. Although at first glance, the woman’s hair said otherwise and she was often misread as a queen with a temper. Her fire-red locks were neatly pinned, allowing the bottom half to cascade down her shoulders and framing her beautiful face.

A young boy scuffed his foot against the gravel in the middle of the quad, hands balled into fists and lower lip jutting out. He must have been about six or seven, just a few years older than her son.  His black hair was short but messy, unlike the sons of the lords that often came to visit. And unlike them, his clothes were less formal, but not exactly comfortable enough for them to be of servant attire. The boy clearly looked unhappy, and Yeonja turned at the steps and descended into the quad, approaching him with quiet steps.

The child looked up, small eyes with a tinge of pink and jaw set stubbornly. He stopped what he was doing, his hands loosening by his sides and he lowered his gaze to his feet. Yeonja knelt so that they were of eye level and coaxed the boy’s face back up with a gentle hand.

“Child, what is your name?”

The boy sniffed. “Sunggyu.”

“Sunggyu, what is it that has made you sad?”

Sunggyu sniffed again and looked away. “I’m not sad.”

Yeonja suppressed the urge to smirk and continued calmly, “So why are you out here, all by yourself?” The boy shrugged, his hands at the hem of his shirt as he continued to avoid her gaze. Yeonja found it surprisingly endearing, and prodded his plump cheek lightly with a finger. “It’s not good to pretend nothing is wrong, if something is wrong.”

A pause. “Someone took my toy.”


Sunggyu bit his lip. “Father created a ball of colour for me, but someone took it away.”

Yeonja furrowed her brows at his words. She had passed her son earlier, playing quietly with the described toy and he had merely told her that “someone gave it to me”. He had a stubborn look on his face, with his lips set in a pout and eyes glaring daggers at the ball. Yeonja had been quite confused at the time.

“You didn’t give it away?” she inquired gently, hoping that she was wrong.

Sunggyu shook his head. “No.” The boy suddenly scrunched his face. “He wasn’t very nice. He said I had to give it to him because he was the prince.”

“So you gave it to him?”

“No.” Yeonja held back a snort, reminding herself that it was very unladylike. She liked him. “The guard came and took it from me. Because the prince told him to.”

“That’s not very nice,” she replied, holding back laughter as she watched the boy in front of her scowl.

“It’s not nice. He’s supposed to be nice.” Sunggyu made a face. “He’s going to be king when he’s all growed up. A king should be nice.”

“Yes, the prince will become king one day, when he’s all grown up. He should learn some manners,” she agreed, a gentle smile gracing her red lips.

A mage from the court interrupted them, giving her a look that told her she had matters to attend. She said her goodbyes to the child, making a mental note to chide her son about his behavior. And a second note, to keep an eye on this Sunggyu. She had to admit, her son didn’t have many friends other than the children of the lords that came by, and she tended to dislike their behavior- she had a feeling that their attitudes, most likely reinforced by their parents, were the reason why her son was conceited.

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December28th #1
Chapter 5: Aww, love the story so far! Keep up the good work!
soo_aegi #2
Chapter 5: Awwww I need to say that the relationship between myungsoo and sunggyu is so cute!
December28th #3
Chapter 3: LOL, this chapter was funny and pretty good. I feel bad for Sung Jong for having to clean. I look forward to the next chapter and good luck!
December28th #4
Chapter 2: LOL, I'm finding myself liking this. Please update soon and I wish you good luck on the next chapter!
SheWentToJareds #5
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what the update'll bring for me. :)