Chapter 10

Sweep Me off My Feet
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Hiding behind a wall watching the drunk people slowly leave the place I find some time to judge myself for my lack of self control, both my mind and body are so ready to give in to Seulgi's insistence, it's not even funny. I mean, why can't I at least pretend I have some dignity left in me… Not even to myself.


I'm still embarrassed from telling my family and Joy I was going to stay behind and they should go without me, Joy's squeal and my mom's glimmer eyes made me regret saying it immediately and Yeri's. “Are you going to hang out with Seulgi?” Surely didn't help. Neither the remember sweetie, Jesus is watching you from my mom as I hurriedly walked away from them.


Seulgi's parents are in the parking lot where we are suppose to meet waiting for her as well and I really, really don't want to face her mother so I'm going to stay behind this brick wall and wait for my date to come out like the coward that I am.


“I'll be there.” I mock myself jumping up and down my feet feeling cold since Yeri took my sweater with her. “Could I have sounded more pathetic?” It's like my brain stops functioning when Seulgi's heavy stare is on me... Which just reaffirms my crush on her.


It's already night and it's getting even colder outside by the second, stupid Seulgi, she said she would be quick. I rub my hands together to find some comforting warmth. “I'm really doing this.” I say shutting my eyes down, I'm really going on a date with her...because I want to.


I'm actually excited about it wondering what she has in mind, if she had this planned or if it's really her frustration leading her actions. I hope it's the latter, the way she talked to me when we almost kissed back at the lab still makes me flustered, she sounded so needy.


But with her you never know, knowing her she had all of this planned from what happened this morning to asking me out after the game, she's ridiculous like that. I smile at the thought of the mischievous Seulgi maybe planning all of this, I don't mind if she did.


I spot the cheerleaders exciting the building by the front door, I froze seeing Krystal for some reason. Seulgi's parents are still around the corner waiting for her daughter near her car so I can't escape in that direction. “Wait why am I trying to escape?” I think looking again towards the group of pretty girls, all this Seulgi situation is making me turn stupid.


Is unfair really, I have never been the insecure type but Krystal and I are almost wearing the same outfit the only difference between us is her darker jeans and still she looks like a model strolling outside school like if the world was a photo shoot, she's only wearing a white shirt and jeans for crying out loud.


And why isn't she shivering from the cold like I am?


I almost yelp when our eyes meet and I feel the need to run away when she changes the directions of her steps facing me after saying something to her friends, I look to my sides and see there's no one else but me here, then back to the head cheerleader who's piercing eyes are most definitely intimidating me.


“Hi.” She says stopping a few meters away from me. “You're waiting for Seulgi, right?” Somehow she doesn't come off as friendly as she probably thinks she's being, there's something in her eyes that makes me raise my guard up.


“Maybe.” I say shrugging, I don't even know her but I just don't like her even one bit.


It's definitely not a jealousy thing.


She smiles hearing my answer, she looks away and waves to some people saying goodbye to her and returns her focus on me. “When are you fangirls going to get you're all making her uncomfortable doing this?” She asks rolling her eyes. “She doesn't like you, she doesn't want to go out with you, go home.” Despite the smile playing on her lips, the statement comes out threatening.


“Oh, you're mistaking.” I return the smile, who've thought I could be catty. “You see, she asked me to wait for her.”


“You?” Her eyebrows shot up in disbelief, she takes a step back and looks at me up and down. “Yeah right.” There's a mock in her tone of voice that is really offensive, she chuckles meeting my eyes again. “You're lying.”


“I'm not, we have a date tonight but if it's so hard for you to believe you're more than welcome to wait with me and ask her yourself.” I blurt out feeling anger increasing in the pit of my stomach. “And I'm not her fangirl.” I correct her also offended by that statement.


“'re the girl who was seated next to her at the game.” She furrows her brows and crosses her arms, clearly, she believes me now and it's bothering her. “Who are you?”


“I'm-” The air is so thick and the atmosphere so hostile we both get startled by the sound of my phone ringing in my pocket, I smile when I see her name on the screen, looking back into Krystal's eyes I answer the call glad to have this interruption. “Seulgi where are you?” The girl in front of me looks taken aback hearing her ex's name, yeah take that.


“Are you waiting for me? If you aren't can you back really fast and pretend you weren't trying to escape?” I turn my back on Krystal, I don't want her to see the blush forming on my cheeks just by hearing Seulgi's nervous voice, she sounded so confident asking me to wait for her and now she sounds like this.


“I'm right outside the entrance actually.” I reply shyly. “What's taking you so long?”


“Oh...good...” She exhales relieved. “Oh yeah the principal decided to have a nice chat with me not long after you left, it's like the world doesn't want me to date you.” She sounds annoyed, I find it cute. “Luckily that's over now and I'm on my way, are you alone?” I look over my shoulder and find Krystal's already gone, I look around to make sure and see her going over the parking lot.


“Yeah, I'm alone.” I say watching how Seulgi's parents look at her displeased while she quickly passes by them with her head ducked down, seriously what exactly did she do?


“I'm sorry, I'll be right there.” And just as she hangs up I see her emerging from the entrance in a hurry looking everywhere trying to spot me, when she finally does her movements come to a halt and a huge grin forms on her face.


Her hair is damped and I can see droplets of water falling down her face and neck, she must have done everything in a hurry, she didn't even dry herself properly, she looks cute. She adjusts her gym bag walking toward where I'm standing bitting her lower lip looking really excited, I can't fault her for that since I'm feeling the same, the closer she gets the more interesting I seem to find the floor until her shoes are on my line of sight.


“Sorry for the wait.” Her usual demeanor is back, now that she knows I'm actually here her usual tone is back to overconfident. “Are you ready for this?” She says taking a hold of my hand pulling me from the brick wall.


“No.” She shows me one of those big smiles that got me where I am right now and pulls me harder to walk with her. “Absolutely not.”


“You're cold.” She says rubbing her thumb on my hand. “Want my jacket?” I'm very tempted to say yes since I'm feeling my bones freezing but I get reminded of something preventing me from accepting.


“Wait.” I pull her hand to make her stop before she starts walking. “Your parents are waiting for you by your car.” Her brows shot up and she peaks through the wall to confirm my words.


“You were hiding?” She asks watching her parents, she takes off her jacket and carefully puts it around my shoulders, her hands lingering on me. “Good call.” She says approving my actions, she pats my shoulder a couple of times and returns her attention to the couple. “How about this? Go and wait for me around the corner and I'll be there in five.” She winks and sprints towards the parking lot leaving me alone again.


“This is ridiculous.” I say walking to our new meeting spot properly putting on her still warm jacket, I take the collar and place it on my nose catching her smell on it. “Get it together, Bae.” I scold myself letting go of the collar and crossing my arms while awkwardly standing alone on the sidewalk waiting for my supposed date.


While waiting for her I get reminded of my short exchange with Krystal, I look down at my appearance scrunching my nose. I know Seulgi isn't also dressed up but it still bothers me, my ex wasn't the head of the cheerleaders, after all, just a normal geeky girl. I take off the hat she bought for me and comb my hair with my hands, with her jacket I already look like a fanatic, I don't need the hat as well.


I wonder what are we going to do, where are we going.


What's going to happen between us.


I wonder if once she gets what she wants she's going to keep on wanting this, us.


“This is just a crush." I remind myself stopping from thinking so ahead. “Go with the flow.” I take a deep breath calming my mind seeing Seulgi's car approaching, I try to open the door and find it's locked. I tap the window and watch it roll down. “Unlock the door?”


“Stand back.” She commands getting down the car afterward and going over my side. “I'll open it for you.” She grins unlocking the door and opening it for me. “Let me be a good date.” I roll my eyes and enter the vehicle fighting to hide the small smile threatening to appear on my lips.


She jogs back to the driver's seat and I get a flashback to the first time I accepted to go out and do something with her, to think the determined and sincere Seulgi is getting her way right now. But to be fair since the moment we met she has always gotten her way.


From getting my phone number to me accepting going out with her. I realize I had no chance since the very beginning.


“Where are we going?” I ask my date, she shifts her eyes a couple of times before showing a strained grin.


“I have no Idea...Um, let's figure it out as we go.” She puts on her seatbelt and drives the car away, so she didn't plan any of this. Somehow that makes me feel fluttery inside, she really wants that kiss, is this really just to make out with me?


“What did you say to your parents?”


“That I was going to hang out with Wendy.” She laughs. “We're in hiding mode, isn't that thrilling and exciting?” She jokes, it works, I snicker and turn my head to the window.


“You're such a rebel.” I joke back receiving a playful push from her.


We drive in the night in comfortable silence. I think we are both filled with too many emotions to talk properly, instead, we share looks and shy smiles. Seulgi decides to put some slow tempo songs to build the mood as she said and it works to fill the silence in the car, which is a pleasant mood.


At some point of the drive, she takes my hand and places it on the shifting gear and puts her hand on top softly squeezing it. “It's a date humor me.” She says not taking her eyes from the road, she's excited, her hands are cold and she can't stop randomly grinning.


She's so much more charming when she isn't trying really hard, when she isn't acting like this over confident girl.


But I'm excited too, from the moment she asked me to wait for her to this moment right now my heart hasn't stopped its fast beating as if I was running a marathon, even if I wanted to deny it my body tells another story, I'm excited for whatever we're going to d

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agentprincess 0 points #1
Going to rread this story again ☺️ It’s been a few years already and still, this is one of the best fanfics of aseul. I hope that you’re doing well author! I hope that there will be another time where it feels alright for you to come back and maybe continue this story. Take care!
1052 streak #2
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #4
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #5
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #8
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #10