Chapter 44

Sweep Me off My Feet
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I wait for Seulgi seated inside her car while she’s at the gym with the basketball team, the coach doesn’t make her sit throughout every practice but he still expects her to show up at least for a bit to check things out and bond with the team, today is one of those days.


The girl had turned down my request to accompanying her saying it’d only take a minute, she didn’t seem so pleased about going in today so I didn’t push it, she kept muttering under her breath about how she’s not the coach and how she shouldn’t be up all night making up plays when she’s not even going to participate at the game.


Which I found weird because before she started going back to classes she was making plays and saying how she could do this for the team to pass the time and support them, I can only take a guess and say once she sat down back on her very first practice she felt pretty impotent and the desire disappeared.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a pinch so don’t go, ok? I’ll take you home.”


And so half an hour has passed already.


Yeri must be really angry by now.


I decide to change the radio station looking for something more upbeat to fight the sleep off my body, Seulgi wasn't the only one being up all night, after another short driving lesson I was left with a running heart that didn’t seem to calm even when I was back into bed and I ended up in the living room watching some lame movie waiting for my mother to come home.


Shamefully I remember how I only started the car then failed to move it a little bit past the driveway before stepping on the break causing both of our necks suffer for the rest of the night.


So embarrassing.


Seulgi still called it a success, she’s so surprisingly nice and patient, it helps a lot, I smile recalling how proud she was I remembered how to turn on her manual car all by myself, apparently, that’s the hardest part! At least according to her. I hate to admit it but it does make me want to be better despite the anxiety it causes me.


I give up on my quest halfway and settle for some chill and slow tune while looking out the window very consciously searching for the newly put up poster on the school’s entrance.


“A Very Fairy Tale Night.” It reads in big bold words.


I kept glancing at them all day on the hallways and every time I felt my stomach flutter.


Every year I used to say it’s still too early to put up the prom posters all over school, I know they do it this way in hopes of getting enough funds to do everything whatever the prom committee is planning on doing for each occasion but I never felt any sort of way about the big event, if anything, the hype around it was always bothersome.


Damn, I was one bitter girl, huh? Quite embarrassing now that I think back on it, but to be fair to myself, I was an all around bitter person.


Not that it makes it any better.


This year it doesn’t bother me though, the opposite really, I didn’t complain to Joy once and I even chipped in some money when asked by some of the committee members, they gave me a shiny metal button for it, for being a high contributor.


Joy wanted to make fun of me for it but after also choosing to contribute herself she lost any ground to do so.


I wonder how is it possible for things to change so fast without any of us noticing.


Fairy tale, I caress the object with care.


How appropriate.


I sigh while my mind wanders to beautiful dresses and slow music.


Seulgi and I should go matching for sure, what theme should we choose?


The thought of the girl and I slow dancing in pretty costumes makes me giddy inside.


It’s the first time I’ve felt excitement looking at those posters, the prospect of going with Seulgi to one, and not any prom, but my prom, is certainly very exciting, I wonder if she’s going to ask me, if I should do it, or if it’s a given we’re going together and we won’t do any of that, I’d be happy either way.


Although it doesn’t seem like Seulgi at all to just leave it as a given thing, she for sure would come up with a plan to ask me even though we’re dating already, she would want to make it a memorable thing.


I giggle at the thought.


To think last year around this time Joy and I were making plans on how exactly we’d ditch ours and all of the things we’d do instead, yet here we are, both with girlfriends and more than ready for this once in a lifetime event.


This year sure has changed me.


Seulgi sure has changed my perception of things.


“What are you smiling about?” Seulgi’s muffled voice causes me to yelp scared, my head almost hit the roof of the car, I glance at the girl standing outside the car watching me with a mocking expression with a hand on my over my chest hiding the prom button. “Interesting.” She then says out loud while making her way to the driver's seat.


The fact I was caught in the act thinking about the girl, for what? More than half an hour maybe? it’s enough to make my whole face, chest and ears turn crimson red, Seulgi can't possibly know I was daydreaming about dresses and dancing below dim lights, she isn’t a mind reader, but I know, I know I was thinking about this girl from the moment she disappeared from my sight.


I thought the longer you were in a relationship these types of feelings would become less frequent or maybe less overwhelming as you become more comfortable with them, as it happens with people with long lasting relationships and marriages but lately I’ve become worse, how is that even possible? I don’t understand, it must be the extra time we’re spending together, yeah, that must be it.


The first thing she does when she’s in the driver’s seat is attack my lips with repeated pecks making me giggle and giving me a chance to hide the button better.


The girl pulls back wearing a very amused expression, she sure loves catching me off guard, she takes her backward cap off and throws her to the backseat while smirking at me, then she fixes her team’s hoodie while glancing at me from time to time, taking her time waiting for an answer to her previous question.


“You took longer than I expected, everything went well?” I say instead while avoiding eye contact.


“Yeah, yeah, great.” She mumbles while shaking her head, hard to miss she’s not exactly pleased.


“Doesn’t sound like it.”


“It’s just…I might need to go in there more often or they’ll mess up the stats, what would they ever do if I ever quit again? Is not like I’m the coach...I shouldn’t be in charge of things like this… It’s way too much… I swear…” She mutters frustrated. “Anyway, it’s not important.”


“Are you sure?” I ask feeling worried at the sudden mumbling outburst.


“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She sighs. “Anyway...I’m more interested in knowing what got you so smiley and jumpy today.” Seulgi grins teasingly completely turning her mood around, it never fails to surprise me. “Caught you thinking about something interesting?”


I drop the subject only because I’m too busy feeling embarrassed.


“It’s nothing.” I mutter avoiding seeing the poster outside.


“Nothing? Ok then.” The girl turns on the car no pressing any further.


I sigh.


This is a first.


“Let’s go, Yeri is going to be mad we’re taking so long.” I tell her as the girl diligently puts on her seat belt without me telling her to do it.


“Ah, right, our kid is waiting, might have to get her something to cheer her up.” Seulgi grimaces while we exit the parking lot and leave the school behind. “Oh, by the way.” The girl slows down the vehicle while rummaging through her jeans pocket looking for something. “I got one too…” She takes out a shiny silver object from her pocket and places it on top of my lap.


The button with the words A Very Fairy Tale Night with the couple dancing in the background stares at me.


“I didn’t know you were excited for the prom, seriously, I thought you’d be too cool for it and I’d need to do some serious convincing in order to take you so this a very pleasant surprise. I was even practicing my puppy eyes preparing for it.”




I was being too obvious.


“To tell you the truth…I didn’t know either.” I sigh giving her back the button. “Thinking of going with you has me feeling some type of way.”


“What way?” I glance at her feeling my cheeks burning up.


“…Excited.” Seulgi smiles brightly and seeing her do that makes my ears turn pink.


“That’s very adorable, kitten, but technically I haven’t ask you to go with me yet.” She jokes sounding very content by my sincere confession.


I knew it.


“Right.” I too smile looking down at my lap.


“Maybe someone else will ask you before I do? Someone you might like better.” She takes a hold of my hand like we always do since we started dating.


“Sure, that’s a possibility.” I scoff.


“It could happen.”


“Seulgi, that’s never going to happen.”


“Why do you say it like that? I’ve seen how others look at you, sometimes they don’t even care I’m next to you.” The girl scoffs never enjoying when I go against her you’re so hot narrative. “I’m not saying this to be cute, it’s a subject that sometimes keeps me up at night.”


“I was actually talking about the part where you said I could find someone I might like better.”






“Then forget what I said.” She chuckles.


“Keeps you up at night? Really now?”


“It’s an expression.”


“Right...but let’s go with your line of thought, you think someone would risk upsetting you like that? As if anyone would dare to upset big shot Seulgi.” I playfully roll my eyes, even picturing something like that happening is hard, she must be joking bringing this up.


“Well.” Seulgi laughs in a fake manner, like she’s a villain in a movie. “If they do, tell me, so I can have…A friendly chat with whoever does it.”


“What’s this, a mob movie? Am I supposed to laugh?”


I can easily picture Seulgi sending someone to do her dirty job of revenge though, I’ll give her that.


“Don’t worry, I’ll make it look like an accident.” I roll my eyes.


“You’re so lame.” My comment only makes Seulgi laugh harder. “I’m not entirely sure this possessiveness of yours is attractive, others might even say it’ is it? Toxic? Problematic?” I joke back giving her hand a quick peck.


“As if you’re any better.”


“Yeah well…” I try hard to find anything that serves as a rebuttal. “…Whatever.” Seulgi laughs feeling triumphant as always.


“What would you do if someone asked me?”


I glare at the girl not finding the scenario funny at all.


It's so not the same thing, that could actually happen!


“See? If anything you’re worse.” She doubles down. “Way worse.”


“I don’t have a stupid fan club.” I mumble under my breath.


“Yeah, you do.”


“… Just ask me first, it’d save us a lot of trouble.”


“We’ll see, princess, we still got plenty of time.”


My eyes downcast to the button resting on my lap, even if the prom night is far away from now I can feel my excitement for it growing the more I think about it, I already knew Seulgi would be the kind to be into this sort of thing but hearing it out loud still makes my stomach filled with this warn sensation.


I yawn escapes my body before I can fight it in prompting Seulgi to hum while glancing at me.




“Yeah I didn’t sleep too much last night.” I confess while stretching my body. “Nothing bad, I was waiting for mom to get home, it took a while.” I add after noticing another questioning glance.


“Ah, of course you did.” She smiles bringing the back of my hand to her lips. “Well, first lets pick the little monster up then we can take care of your problem.”


“As if I can do that.”


“Ah, come on, I’ll take care of the kiddo.”


“She kinda has a project due tomorrow.” I grimace.


“So? Kids homework? I can handle it, don’t worry”


“What about food?”


“I’ll make her a sandwich or something easy.” She shakes her hand dismissing my worries. “Come on, rely on me a little, Yeri is easy, plus, we get along very well…” Seulgi presses her index and middle finger together and shows them to me. “we’re this close, I don’t want to brag but she might even like me more than you.” She grins my way not taking her eyes off the road.


“Now you’re talking nonsense.” I sigh feeling a wave of relaxation go through my body. “Ok, thank you.”


“Hey, I’m at your place all the time, might as well make myself useful.”


“Dummy, you help a lot already.” Even when you really don’t have to. I add in my mind.


“Sure, Sure.” She once again dismisses my comment while grabbing my hand and returning it to its place on the car’s shift.


I’m guessing she means she’s always assisting me and wants to take full charge of everything today? That doesn’t sound so bad actually, I am awfully sleepy and tired...I doubt they will burn the house down if I take a nap.


I stare at the girl’s side profile signing contently to myself.


The way her messy hair falling on her face, the perfect curve of her nose, her plump lips, the line her jaw draws from when it meets her neck to her chin.


She’s so beautiful,



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1052 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back