Jimin *flashback*

Miss U

After breakfast everyone seperated to do their own works.Jin hyung went out with Kidoh hyung.Namjoon hyung,Yoongi hyung and Tae went to recording room today to create new song for our next album.While Hoseok hyung and Jungkook went to shopping malls and here I am in the dorm olone because I am too lazy to enjoy myself outside under this good weather.First, it's fun to have all space in the quiet house then it bacame boring.So I took out my phone from the nightstand and watch the so hot topic of BTS nowdays while lie down on the comfy bed.Mostly Army were talk about the yesterday event.t was about Tae and me kissing on the Vapp.Well I was not really kissing him..it just a peck on cheeks tch Army and their imagination.Well if they happy I don't have problems.Thankfull even after that punishment Tae and me never been avoid each other...but slightly awkard when our face near or too close..But we did talked about this yesterday before sleeping and promise never avoid each other and stay bestfriend if this happen again.Someone might thing its just stupid promise but to us it was something important.I was watch the video  on my phone and read the comments thar our fans leave .Some was funny and sometold about their fantasy about all Vmin couple or about Yoongi hyung would punish me as  they stand for Yoonmin couple..sigh why did I become the girl among all shippers I had...well it still boy but my characters always be...bottom???Omg I remember the one i had read ,it was the fanfic that our Army wrote and the hot ehem scene that's so ....arghh I'm too ashamed about it but still it's good.I keep scroll down the comment and somehow one of  this comment makes me  feeling anxious

"Owhh,poor V after this friendship will be in awkward state...afterall those two don't seem close anymore.

I'm feel sorry for V 'cause he seem lonely for many times. I don't intend to bash out the bad thing about Jimin it's just  from what I see,

there is the time when we need our bestfriend besides us. I don't think V ever tell all his problem to Jimin anymore"

 I felt want to cry badly because it's true .Nowdays Tae never talk about any his problem even the tiny problem such as he feeling tired after practice,he want to secretly out from dorm to eat because he hungry every night or talk about how to put a prank on our hyung or maknae.He did that when we still trainee untill we promoted war of hormone and after that I'm rarely play with Tae  because Hoseok hyung and Kookie always attract me to play with them.Oh my...what a jerk I had be towards my bestfriend.

"I thought it's only me and yes I'm notice that too.You know there is the video where Jimin and V were talking on the couch

and somehow Hoseok come cut V words to Jimin?After that Jimin play with JHope and forget about V at his side.

Taehyung face seem sad and then he quickly smiled to camera before  walk towards his stylish noona  .I can say it's not a real smile ."

I keep scrolled down the conversation and mostly talk about the  each scene that seem like I hurt my bestfriend.I'm shocked?Hell yes...because I thought we were close and never realize this until now.Mostly the reply on that comment were about agree with that statement.I'm so idiot .If I pretend this never happen our friendship will be over and maybe Tae willl found new bff to replace me.No...I ..don't want that.I need to fix this now.I closed the video and open the Kakoatalk apps and start the chat with Tae.Because he din't reply immediaely make me want to cry.After he reply I'm start to feel a bit guilty because Tae joke abot me being such as clingy lover.I waited for Tae at the living room patiently before hearing the click sound from the main entrance door.


Hello my readers I'm sorry for the late update...

I need to post this secretly from my family because I'm scared they will ask me a lot of question about

what I'm doing infront of notebook in the room all the time.I'm only can update when my all my family

include the annoying younger sister and brother out from house. 

Well my family don't supported me to so in love with Kpop.....T.T

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Chapter 2: Aw. This is nice and sweet too .
Chapter 1: Sooo cute when Chimchim pouting...^^
Nurul_amalia12 #3
Awwww.. Cute tho, please update soon!! ^^