Jimin POV

Miss U

I'm waiting for Tae at living room and when I heard the  click sound at the main door  before it open and close back I run quickly and hug the person who open the door. It was Tae my best friend.His body is a little bit cold.Maybe the weather outside had changing somehow."Ughhh..what are you doing Jimin? you jump on me like that I might get hurt by falling or getting heart attack duh!".Tae said that while trying to balance my weight on him but at the same time he is trying to get me off from him.Mabe he tired to deal with my childlike act for now...yeah maybe."I said I MISS U so i want a hug~"." Fine, come on lets sit first and cuddle okay?"."Yup,hurry!" I said exitedly."Were the weather changing outside because your cheek is slightly or did you catch the cold?"."Yeah it become a little cold..maybe the snow will fall"."Owh I see..wait here I will make your favourite hot chocolate"."Thanks Minnie"."No needs for that you are my best friend Tae" I said while smiling at him and he did the same as a reply.

After I finished making two hot chocolate , I go to living room and give the mug to Tae."Here we go..taste it and tell me how is it"."Hmm..it taste amazing"."T-tha..."."Afterall it just instant chocolate drink the taste always same"Tae continues."Oh my god I really want to choke you with this mug Tae!"."Hahaha looks at your face no your lips ...pouting like a child who their lolly got taken"."Shut up Tae just drink it before I shove this mug into your mouth hmphh".

"So Minnie.." said Tae while he puts the mug on the table."What did you want to ask actually?".Damn it I'm totally forgot about it."Ermm..well...actually it just silly question but ..yeah..it is important too"."Well okay I'm ready now spit out"."Tae..d-did urmm you okay? do you feel sad somehow?and..."."Wait..this is so silly question Minnie I'm fine okay just..urghh just straight to the point Minnie..what exactly happened?".I take the deep breathing and star to talk about it."So that is why I'm asking you ..because..I-I d-don't know w-ha..."."Okay..okay just let me think first,..fine honestly you did some ".The tears start wanting to flow from my eyes whwn I heard Tae said it."Goshh Minnie no-n-no crying..its fine it was the past now"."s-sor-sorry I'm not a good friend I'm re-real.."."Come here Minnie let me hug you and listen...its normal okay,because of that I kow now that actually instead of goofing around always there is a lot i can do such as writing music or helping Jin hyung cleaning the house..so don't be sorry little Minnie you always be my bestfriend" Tae tries to soothe me to stop crying.Gosh my face must be ugly..and heck when did Tae become so mature?."Hic-hic if you said so, but please promise me Tae,tell me if I did hurting you please.I-I don't want to be bad friend Tae..you are my best friend ever Tae"."Owh look here the cutie pie is crying again..okay Minnie I will so you too..now stop crying"said Tae while pinching my cheek softly."I was being serious TaeTae~~"."Stop whinning..I'm hungry"."Fine ..let's go to the kitchen and make our own ramyun..ll-like when we trainee"I can't believe actually I can feel myself blushing right now."Let's go..by the way you're cute when you are blushing".I hit him playfully then holding his hand while walking towards the kitchen."I'm always cute in your eyes"

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Chapter 2: Aw. This is nice and sweet too .
Chapter 1: Sooo cute when Chimchim pouting...^^
Nurul_amalia12 #3
Awwww.. Cute tho, please update soon!! ^^