The Wicked Witch and the Prince

Tale of the Wicked Witch


The lines of wedding gowns indulged Mino’s eyes. He felt sick to the bottomless pit of his stomach. He wished there’d be an escape from the harsh reality in front of him, but all in all, he came to a realization that he won’t get the chance to do so. Not if he wanted to keep Juhyun away from the clutch of the wicked witch.


Mino told himself to be patience and accepted everything as it was despite the turmoil of emotion in his heart. Plastering a boring expression on his face, Mino stared blankly at the wicked witch, who was smiling gleefully, totally oblivious towards his misery.


His hatred piled up a mountain. He hated the fact that she was in joy while he on the other hand had fallen deep into the abyss of sorrow.


The prince loathed the wicked witch.


That was the reality not just in fairy tale.


“Why are you doing this, Seul?” Mino’s abrupt question stopped Seulgi from flipping through the bridal magazine. “What’s your motive?” He asked icily.


It puzzled Mino so much on why Seulgi chose to do what she did. It wasn’t a secret that he only regarded her as a sister, never once looked at her as a love interest. In his opinion, Seulgi was a smart woman. She’d definitely get the hint that he wouldn’t be able to love her just like she wanted him to. In fact, he’d hated her for separating him with Juhyun. So why bother doing something so meaningless? Didn’t she realize at the end of the day, it’d be them who bore the affliction?


Seulgi placed the magazine lightly on the sofa. She let out a sigh before locking her beautiful set of brown eyes at Mino, a smile then curved on her red lips. She put on a brave front, acted excellently as if Mino’s question didn’t cut any wound inside her heart.


“Because I love you to the moon and back.” She answered earnestly.


But Mino didn’t feel her affection. Instead he wanted to puke at her response. Love? Seulgi can just throw her love into the trash, for he was too disgusted with it. How dared Seulgi say she love him when it was her own doing that stole his happy ever after with Juhyun?


“Well, congratulation Seul. I hate you to the moon and back.” Mino said in a bitter tone.


“I don’t mind, Mino. I couldn’t care less. Hate me all you want. You can curse me, you can damn me straight to hell, you can even kill me right here and now. I won’t back down from this marriage.” Seulgi confidently replied. “But like I said, I meant every word of it when I said I love you to the moon and back.” Crossing her arms together, she purposely flashed their engagement ring at Mino.


Mino rolled his eyes, annoyed with Seulgi’s gesture. “You really like to show off, don’t you?” His eyes landed at the platinum ring with an emerald stone on its center. How he’d wished he could take the ring off her finger and destroy it. The ring was like an abomination to him, mocking him, jeering him to the damnation.


Nevertheless, Seulgi was like an open book for Mino. He understood what was playing inside her mind. And right now, Kang Seulgi was deliberately provoking his anger and if he were to get mad, he’d be the laughing stock of the year in front of her. He wasn’t dumb to not notice her act.


The beautiful young lady smiled cynically. “Glad you notice. Just wanna show how fond I am of this ring.” Seulgi continued playing with her ring, showing it of to her fiancé.


“Like hell I care. It wasn’t like I chose the ring for you.” He retorted.


Again, her sarcastic smile played on her lips. Seulgi found herself taking pleasure in pissing Mino off. She thought he looked cute with his face burning red with anger.


“Oh… It’s okay. I’ll make sure you’ll pick our wedding rings yourself.”


“In your dream! Seriously, I don’t get it why you’re so keen in marrying me.”


“Simple. I love you to the moon and back.”


“Enough! You make me sick, Kang Seulgi.” Mino stood up; his anger hit its maximum level. “I swear to god I’ll make you regret your decision in marrying me. Mark my word, Seul. You’ll never taste what happiness is.”


Without wasting any more time, Mino left for the exit, didn’t have the heart to continue his futile argument with Seulgi.


“Don’t worry, Mino. I won’t have time to even regret my decision in marrying you.” She smiled bitterly as her eyes hooked at Mino’s figure that was walking away from her. Her tears came rushing down onto her cheeks but she didn’t bother to wipe them away.


Her heart was breaking and her tears were the solid proof.


Just let me love you, Mino. Even if it was for a little while, Seulgi thought to herself.


Perhaps, the wicked witch didn't deserve a happy ending after all. The prince transparently manifested his hatred towards her and the wicked witch knew not even a love potion or spell would work on her prince.










Again, silence.


“Yah!!! Song Minho!” Seulgi’s scream echoed for the third time, shattering the silent ambience inside the big mansion.


Feeling irritated, Mino was watching Unpretty Rapstar Season 2 buried his scream on the pillow beside him. He despised his marriage life wholeheartedly, down to every single cell in his body. Kang Seulgi was like a virus, killing his softly, bit by bit and he felt like he was thrown straight into hellfire ever since he tied the knot with her two weeks ago.


Mino felt as if he was at his lowest point in life. He was helpless, beyond saving. Divorcing Seulgi did come across his mind but doing so would implicate Juhyun in the process. He remembered the day when he last saw Juhyun. He remembered how terrified she was when she told him about Seulgi’s threats. He remembered the horror portrayed inside her eyes. He remembered how she cried her heart out, her tears soaking his shirt. He remembered everything vividly, like it happened only yesterday.


For the umpteenth time, Mino wondered about that one million dollar question.


Why on earth was Seulgi so persistent in marrying him despite there was no love between them?


Over the years, it wasn’t like Mino didn’t notice how Seulgi had change. At first Mino thought Seulgi was having a hard time dealing with her mother’s death and he did his very best to support her. Even if Seulgi was acting spoilt, cold or even heartless, Mino stayed by her side, believing it was his responsibility to look after her since he regarded her as his family.


But they were separated when his father sent him to further his study oversea while Seulgi chose to stay in Seoul. After he came back, he felt as if there was a wall between them and they became distance. Things took the worst turn when Seulgi knew he was in relationship with Juhyun, courtesy to the blabbermouth, Kim Hanbin. Seulgi became more and more bitter and Mino found himself no longer able to recognize the person she had become.


Kang Seulgi had changed and Song Minho had to accept that fact.


Regardless how hard it was for him to swallow it.


“Yah, ajusshi! Are you deaf?!” Appearing from the kitchen with her cute pink apron, Seulgi exploded like a volcano eruption. Her eyes were fiery red, fume literally seen coming out from her ears.


“What do you want?!” Annoyingly, Mino muttered.  He wasn’t in the mood for a fight.


“I’m asking if you’re deaf.” She jerked her eyebrows, arms clasped together.


Seulgi’s erratic behavior exasperated him. “Not really. But on second thought, maybe I’m on the brink of being deaf. Thanks to the ajumma screams that have been booming inside this house for the past two weeks.”


“Is that sarcasm I heard from you?”


“Oh, maybe.” He said nonchalantly.


“Ah… Whatever. Like I give a damn about it.” She smirked, feeling triumphant at the sight of an angry Mino.


“Like I give a damn about it.” Mino imitated her, complete with a fake y attitude.


Pulling Mino up from the sofa, Seulgi dragged him to the kitchen. With no desire whatsoever to go against her forceful action, Mino walked lazily, following her steps. Stealing a glance at the pot on the stove, he smelled something delicious, making his stomach to orchestrate a hungry song.


The sight of hot and spicy ddeobokki and bibimpap made him drool. He cleared his throat as Seulgi checked her ddbeobokki on the stove.


“I need your help.” Seulgi said softly, having decided to put an end to their argument.


Certainly, Seulgi appreciated her fights with Mino. How could she not when it was the only time where he would talk to her.  Be that as it may she knew if they were to argue again, they could kiss their dinner goodbye, as the showdown between them would continue like there was no end to it.  For now, her main aim was she wanted him to enjoy the food she’d cooked.


“What? I’m busy.” Mino asked, pulling the chair out for him to sit.


“Busy my . Like I didn’t notice that you were ogling at how badass Yezi was during her performance...” Seulgi commented as she walked to the fridge to take out a jug of lemonade.


“Ah…you noticed how fond I was to her. So, why can’t you let me fan boy at her in peace? Why do you have to disturb my moment with her?” Mino sounded sarcastic but Seulgi had gotten used to his sarcasm.


Sassily, she said, “Read my lips. I. Don’t. Give. A. Damn.” She took a glass and poured the lemonade for Mino. “Help me take the plate from the shelf. I can’t reach it.” She pointed at the white ceramic plate at the highest shelf.


“Shortie, you see this chair?” Mino motioned with the corner of his eyes. Seulgi nodded but still she looked at him blankly. “How about you use your intellectual brain for good and step on this chair to take the plate?”


“What’s the point of having you in the house if you would just end up being a useless piece of junk?” She countered cynically.


“Whatever, wicked witch.” Mino stood up, waving the white flag in his war of words with Seulgi. Taking the ceramic plate that Seulgi had asked him to, he placed the plate on her hand. And that was when he saw that her hands were shaking like crazy.


Was it cold inside the house or was she too hungry until she shivered?


“Thanks hubby.” She smiled.


“Don’t you dare call me hubby!”


“My mouth, so I can say whatever I want.”


“Whatever floats your boat, witch.”


 “Are you hungry?” She asked.




“Do you want to eat?” Again she asked.


“Yup.” Same answer escaped from Mino’s lips.


“Do you like ddbeobokki?”


“Yup.” Mino walked towards the living room; B.A.P’s Young Wild and Free was howling asking to be picked up.


“Do you love me?” Seulgi followed him closely behind.




Eh…. Wait a sec? What the hell did Seulgi ask him just now? Oh, ! Stupid Mino! He looked to his side and he noticed how Seulgi was smiling widely, her lips stretched from one end to another, as if she just hit the jackpot.


“Really? Awww…. I love you to the moon and back too, Song Minho.” Her laughter echoed.


Serve you right, Mino! Next time, use your ears attentively, Seulgi mentally said.


“Read my lips. In. Your. Dream!” Mino took his phone and went upstairs. Seulgi’s laughter just hit his nerve badly.


Like bad meaning bad and not bad meaning good, you know.




“Mino, my bro. How’s life as a married man? Bet Seul treats you like a king.” Kim Hanbin patted his friend’s shoulder continuously, making the tan lad to shoot daggers from his eyes.


“Look, Binnie, I’m not in the mood to entertain your sarcasm.”


“Woah!! Seems like I just ticked you off.” Hanbin took a step back away from Mino before he slumped himself on the sofa in front of Mino.


“Glad you get hint.” Mino continued to read his file but the sound of an unknown ringtone rang. His eyes landed on his iPhone. That One Person sang by Jessica Jung made him cursed Seulgi mentally. When did she change his ringtone?


“How’s Seul?” Hanbin eyed Mino’s ringing phone and he spotted the caller ID. Still haven’t make peace, he guessed. But he fathomed that it was hard for Mino to accept the fact that he had to marry Seulgi instead of Juhyun.


He still remembered the day when he accompanied Mino and Seulgi for their wedding photo-shoot. Seulgi was being her fun dorky self, an unusual sight even for Hanbin to see. They were friends since they were kids but after Auntie Kang passed away, Hanbin never had the chance to witness Seulgi’s fun side ever again aside for that day.


In his heart, he was glad Seulgi could finally smile again but when his attention took notice of Mino, he was thrown deep into a hole of disappointment. If Seulgi was ecstatic, his best friend, Mino was totally the opposite of it. He was sullen, no charming smile whatsoever. Even Chou Tzuyu, one of South Korea’s most famous reigning top models and also Seulgi’s best friend felt like banging herself against the wall when Mino was acting like a spoil brat. When Tzuyu asked Mino to smile, he pouted. When she told him to hug Seulgi, he hid himself behind her veil. And that was when the 'Tzu-Yoda' like Seulgi had called her mutated into an incredible hulk.


“Still alive and kicking. She isn’t dead yet. So don’t worry, Hanbin.” Harsh words leaked from between Mino’s rude lips.


Hanbin heaved a sigh of irritation. “Mino, that’s just cruel even if it’s coming from you.” He reprimanded, his head shook a few times. No doubt Mino’s attitude disappointed him.


“What? It’s the truth.” Mino frowned as he peeped once again at his phone.


What the hell did Seulgi want from him? She’d been calling him for the nth time already. Isn’t she just plain stupid? If people didn’t pick up your phone call, it was damn obvious that he or she didn’t want to talk to you. Argh! Bloody mess!


“Answer the phone, Mino. Have pity on Seul. She’s your wife, for god sake.” Hanbin was enraged to see how indifferent Mino was regarding Seulgi. He figured out from the very beginning that their marriage was forced because of Seulgi’s stubbornness but come on. How long was he going to act like a jerk? What's done is done and Mino should accept Seulgi as his wife. Didn’t he see how madly in love Seulgi was with him?


Mino ignored Hanbin as he continued skimming through his file. And the phone kept ringing, making Hanbin’s annoyance level raised even higher than it was before. “Maybe it’s an emergency. Just pick the damn phone up.” Hanbin cocked his eyebrows. For him, even if it wasn’t an emergency, Mino shouldn’t ignore Seulgi. That was just so wrong in so many different levels.


“No, it’s not. She’s just being a brat. Let’s drop this topic. I don’t want to talk about it.” Mino flatly replied.


“Fine.” Hanbin raised his hands in defeat. There was no point for him to engage this topic anymore. When Mino was persistent about something, he won’t budge even for a bit. “But can I ask for your help?”


“Sure. Just shoot.”


“Can you ask Seul about Tzuyu. I wanna know her.” Hanbin exclaimed nervously.


“Tzuyu? The Tzuyu? That she-hulk from my wedding photo shoot?” Mino irked, displeased with the word wedding that slipped from his mouth.




That word tasted so bitter for him. And the last thing Mino wanted was a verification of Seulgi’s evil deed.


She finally claimed her ownership on him.


The prince had now belonged to the wicked witch, something that surely never had happened in any fairy tale. It would be outrages if it did happened though.


“Yup. Who else? Just ask about the basic stuff. Especially if she’s single or not.” Hanbin beamed.


“Seriously, dude? Why all of the sudden?” Mino gave Hanbin a weird look.


Did Kim Hanbin, a self-pronounced man of steel; who declared love was something irrelevant in his life’s dictionary had finally fallen in love?


“Hurm… I think… I think I wanna get married.” Again Hanbin gleamed with a smile.


That did it. Mino almost dropped his pen when he heard Hanbin’s abrupt confession. Married? Oh hell…Did Hanbin lose his mind?


“Huh? You wanna get married, Hanbin ? With who? Want me to tell your parents?”


“Oppss…” Before Mino even had time to respond to Hanbin’s statement, his father butted into their conversation. Immediately he diverted his attention towards the file in front of him, didn’t want to be involved in the interrogation that his father was going to start.


Hanbinnie, good luck in explaining yourself at my father, Mino laughed mentally.


“Ah… Urm… No… Urm.. Nothing, Mr. Song. I was just joking around. I have a meeting with a client. I think, urm.. I should go now.”


Zuppp! As fast as lightning, Hanbin made his greatest escape, avoiding any further investigation from Mino’s father.


That was close, Hanbin mumbled to himself. If words got out and his parents knew that he had someone in his mind for marriage, his mum would be in cloud nine. Since Seugi’s and Mino’s marriage, his mother was so eager in pushing him to find his own wife. If she heard about Tzuyu, he would be banished straight to the jewelry shop and buy an engagement ring this instance just so that he can propose to Tzuyu.


Simply out of the world if that ever happen. He barely even knew anything about her.


But come to think of it, if Chou Tzuyu was indeed single, Kim Hanbin wouldn’t mind proposing her at this moment.


Because, believe it or not, it was love at first sight.


A/N: first of all, thank you for the upvotes. really appreciated it.

to all the subscribers and even silent readers, do follow the story till the very end.

your comments cheered me up. ^^

btw, english is not my main language. i apologized in case of any grammatical error.



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Chapter 7: This made me cry. Such a sad but beautiful story. Thanks a lot.
ohpearl #2
Chapter 4: *didn't sick
Sorry for typo
ohpearl #3
Chapter 4: I wondering, what if seulgi didn't at all mino will be realize that he love her? Or will mino love seulgi early?
Chapter 4: I fcking love this!
Chapter 7: I thoroughly enjoy reading, laughing and crying all at the same time.

Thank you Author-nim
Chapter 7: At first, I have no idea that this is angst. Seriously, I have no idea. I haven't had the time to prepare for the sudden heartbreaking scenes. No boxes of tissue, no chocolate or ice cream or sweets, just me and my plain blanket.

This has been a good read. The characters' emotions have been brought out well. Those emotions have reached the readers, touching thy hearts. When I was reading the first chapter, I had that feeling of sadness. I felt sad for Seulgi. When the next chapters came, I felt like a water dam broke. I cried so much.

The ending is beautiful, although I expected that Mino will go back to Joohyun. I'm glad for Joohyun, too! Who knew that she married Jaebum? Hooray!

Thank you for writing this wonderful piece. I enjoyed reading it. Teehee. ♡
rna_cl #8
Chapter 7: you make me cried a river T . T
Even thought this story didn't have an happy ending but when i read the last part i can't stop smilling (while i cried too)... a great end for a great story thank you ....
AnneXue #9
Chapter 6: p.s upvoting this story because you deserved it. ten out of ten for me!
AnneXue #10
Chapter 6: firstly i want to apologise because i'm going to curse. i ing cried every chapters! i literally crying out loud in my room because i know that feeling so well. the feeling of being rejected and unrequited love. guess what i finished reading your story whole night and i slep around 1 in the morning and i have class at 8, my eyes is red and swollen. not to forget my turns red. because i cried so hard.

p.s this story is very beautifully written, i really hope you to continue writing on Mino and Seulgi.

(finally i have time to give a comment/feedback. i am sorry for that.)