The Wicked Witch and A Wish

Tale of the Wicked Witch

A/N: Angst part II. You'd hate me more. 

recommended to listen to Jessica's beautiful ballad, That One Person while reading this ^^


Seulgi checked her Ojinguh bokun (spicy stir fried squid) as Chou Tzuyu, the girl who had stolen Kim Hanbin’s heart, handled the samgyetang (chicken ginseng soup). The kitchen of MinSeul’s household was in a total mess because of the cooking adventure between Seulbear and Tzu-Yoda.


Mino and Hanbin were nowhere to be found. Earlier Mino had mentioned that he would go to the supermarket to grab some stuff for their dinner date. He dragged Hanbin along too since he noticed how his best friend had been pestering Tzuyu so much since the moment the beautiful lady appeared at the house. Because of Hanbin overly too much attention at Tzuyu, the shy lady almost fell down when she accidentally clashed with Seulgi inside the kitchen.


“Seulbear, can you please stay put? Just let me do my job okay. For once, put some trust in my cooking skill.” Tzuyu nagged as she motioned the sick girl to sit down.


Tzuyu noticed how Seulgi was already gasping for air for the third time. She knew that her friend must be tired. Seulgi just got out from the hospital last week. Her chemotherapy didn’t help to improve her condition and her health was deteriorating. Seulgi looked paled as the white snow; her body was so thin till Tzuyu felt as if just the sight of her best friend would stimulate her to go on a crying spree.


“Tzuyu-ah…” Seulgi who was sitting on the chair near the dining table spoke out of the blue. At times, she coughed as she placed her hand on her chest.


“Yes, Seul? Oh god, are you sick? Do you want me to call Mino? Gosh…where is that husband of yours when we need him?” Tzuyu started to panic. Please don’t let Seulgi pass out in front of her. She would definitely freak out and go hysteric if that happens.


“Ani… I’m just tired. Come and sit next to me. I have something to tell you.” Seulgi patted the chair next to her, inviting the agitated girl to sit.


“Just wait a sec, Seulbear… I want to make sure that my samgyetang is well seasoned.” Once again Tzuyu tasted her soup. Her hand reached for the salt and added a little bit into the soup.


“Tzuyu… Do you know what’s my greatest wish right now?” Seulgi questioned as she studied Tzuyu.


Tzuyu, having satisfied with her samgyetang, finally sat besides Seulgi.


“To be honest, I don’t know, Seul.” Tzuyu admitted sincerely.


“My greatest wish would be seeing you in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle. You’d definitely looked stunning, Tzuyu. You’re the famous Chou Tzuyu after all, one of the most sought models in Asia. Everybody’s gonna be dazzled by your beauty on that day.”


 “Don’t be ridiculous, Seul…” Tzuyu shrugged.


Indeed, Chou Tzuyu acknowledged how renowned she was. Yes, she was breathtaking  just like how her fans always complimented her. Yes, she finally had a luxurious life courtesy of her modeling career. She had it all but one thing….


Chou Tzuyu didn’t know what love actually is.


When it comes to love and marriage, she obviously wasn’t thrill about them. Her heart wasn’t ready yet to fall in love with a guy. In fact, her status as an orphan who didn’t even know the identity of her biological parents always restrained her from having any serious relationship with anyone. She was a nobody, only a girl who was left in front of the doorstep of an orphanage with only a piece of letter with her name and asking for kindness to look after her.


“Hanbin likes you. Like really, really likes you, Tzuyu. He told me that he wants to get to know you. Kim Hanbin wants to know who Chou Tzuyu really is.” Seulgi teased Tzuyu excitedly, especially when she saw how Tzuyu was in red because of her teases.


Gosh…. Chou Tzuyu, you look so cute when you’re blushing!


Okay, that liking part was a total bluff. Hanbin didn’t actually admit directly to her that he liked Tzuyu but Seulgi got the hint clearly. She knew Hanbin was in love with her best friend just by a glance. However, the part where Hanbin told her that he wanted to know Tzuyu wasn’t a lie. He did tell her that and Seulgi came to a conclusion that she really wanted to see Hanbin taking care of Tzuyu before the grim reaper sought for her life.


“Ha. Ha. Ha. See how I’m faking my laughs, Seul?” Tzuyu rolled her eyes. “Don’t fabricate story that doesn’t have any single truth in it. I’ve been in the showbiz world too long to know that you’re just making this up.” Quickly Tzuyu tried to drop the topic about Kim Hanbin. If she let Seulgi loose, who knows what else those small lips of hers will blabber.


“Fine… You’re no fun, Yoda!” Seulgi pouted. “But about getting to know you part, I wasn’t lying, okay. It’s the truth.”


“Yeah, right…” Tzuyu ignored her, walking straight to the fridge and took out a jug of orange juice. 


Seulgi stood up from the chair and went to Tzuyu’s side, who busied herself by pouring the juice into a glass. She grabbed her arms and locked it with hers.


Dragging her to the chairs and ushered her to sit once more, Seulgi said, “Are you still mad at me? About how I hide about my sickness from you??”


“Yup. I’m still mad.” Tzuyu answered without any hesitation whatsoever, agreeing with Seulgi’s conjecture.


“Yoda, you really don’t know how to comfort a friend, don’t you?” Cutely, Seulgi pursed her lips, making Tzuyu to burst out laughing.


“Seul, you’re my friend, my best friend. My anger for you would die sooner or later despite my intention to ignore you for one hell of a long time.”


Kang Seulgi was her best friend, her soul mate, and her sister through thick and thin since they attended Seoul National University together. All their course mates would say bad things about Seulgi, how arrogant she was or how she always used her wealth as an advantage to bully others. But Tzuyu never sees Seulgi as the wicked witch that people always mocked her. For Tzuyu, Seulgi wasn’t the witch that she had portrayed herself to be. Seulgi was sweet as an angel. She donated a handsome amount of money to the charity and orphanage every month. How did she know about it? Well, it was because she saw Seulgi handed the check to the manager of the orphanage that she had stayed before she received a scholarship to SNU herself.


And that was when she came to realize that Kang Seulgi wasn’t a bad person after all.


And because of Seulgi, Tzuyu knew what it was like to have a family. When they became friend, Seulgi considered her as more than just a friend. She was family. In fact, Seulgi’s father, Mr. Kang Dohyuk also treated her well, like she was his own daughter.


That was why she couldn’t accept the fact that Seulgi had the heart to hide the truth about her sickness from her.


Tzuyu’s heart shattered into thousands of tiny pieces when she saw Seulgi’s fragile figure, lying on the bed at the hospital with all sort of wires connected to her body a few months ago. She remembered how her knees weakened, how she fell flat down on the floor right in front of her wardroom. She remembered how she cried her heart out, something she never did in her life before. She cried a river because of Seulgi’s suffering. Even more when Doctor Im Jaebum, the doctor who had treated Seulgi since her early stage of cancer told them that Seulgi had a small percentage of surviving even if she were to undergo surgery, Tzuyu felt like half of her had withered away.


Undoubtedly, it had been hard on Tzuyu to accept the fact that her best friend was going to die.


Ah… Chou Tzuyu! Snap out of it. It’s not like Doctor Im was a unicorn with the power of healing. He was just a normal human being like you!


Before, Tzuyu always convinced herself countless of times that Seulgi would survive, that she’d pull through from her sickness. But when she saw Seulgi’s condition as of now, Tzuyu wondered maybe she might have to eat her words sooner or later.


“Tzuyu, you know I don’t have the slightest intention to hide my sickness from you. I just… I just don’t want you to be worried.” Seulgi played with her fingers.


Seriously when the news about her sickness was revealed, her world turned upside down. Appa asked her to move back to the Kang’s mansion. Her in-laws pushed Mino to bring her to USA for treatment. Fortunately, Mino was calm enough to handle the situation.


Mino told their parents that Seulgi was the one who was sick. So, just let Seulgi chose for herself what she wanted to do. Mino also said that don’t ever treat Seulgi like she was a sick person. Psychologically, it won’t do Seulgi any good if they kept reminding her about her sickness. And thank goodness their parents took Mino’s words pretty well. Everything went back to normal. But she knew that life wasn’t always going to be colored with rainbows and unicorns. Her body was dying slowly because of the cancer cells. She herself realized that she hadn’t had much time left. Her time was running short and she wanted to make the best out of it.


“I know.” Shortly Tzuyu replied.


But still I can’t accept the fact that you’re leaving me, Seul.


Using her fingers, Tzuyu wiped the liquid that flooded down her cheeks. She realized how her tears had become so cheap lately. And it was all because of Kang Seulgi.


“Tzuyu, don’t cry. You have to be strong, like always. You’re my Tzu-Yoda, the she-hulk who would always prevail no matter what kind of challenge appears into your life. When I’m gone, please take care of appa for me. If you’re being a crybaby like this, how can I leave appa to you in a peaceful mind?” Seulgi patted Tzuyu’s shoulder, trying to comfort the crying girl.


“He’s your appa. You take care of him yourself. Why put the burden on me?” Tzuyu said in a crack voice.


Tzuyu didn’t like it even one bit when Seulgi told her that. It was as if Seulgi was professing her final will, getting herself ready to leave all of them for good. Yes, Tzuyu knew that every living soul will taste death but she just wasn’t ready yet to let Seulgi go.


“If I’m still alive, I’ll take care of appa myself. But what if death comes and takes me away?” Seulgi asked. She too was drown in sadness.


“Nobody will come and take you away, Seul. We’ll take care of your appa together. In fact I’m not even married yet. If you want to go anywhere, at the very least, you have to see me in my wedding gown and say I do to one guy.”


“Tzuyu-ah…” Seulgi tried to into her rants.


“Then you have to wait for me to get pregnant. You have to choose the name of my kids with me. Help me to take care of the little minions… They’re gonna be handful and I’m gonna need all the help I can get.” Tzuyu tried to hold back her tears. Her heart was in so much pain right now.


“Tzuyu-ah…” Again, Seulgi tried to in. This time she even held Tzuyu’s hands.


“And then… you have to read all the fairy tales that you’ve liked to my kids… You have… to see… my kids…” Tzuyu wasn’t strong enough to choke back her tears. Once again, wet liquid rained down on her parade, dampening her cheeks. She hid her crying face on her knees, her cries echoed.


“Tzuyu-ah…” Seulgi finally bowed down to her sadness when she heard Tzuyu’s words. Her heart ached… bled… destroyed with every Tzuyu’s sob. Slowly, she pulled the girl into her arms. “Okay… I’ll wait… I’ll wait as long as I can… but don’t let it be too long…” Seulgi also burst into tears, crying her heart out together with Tzuyu.


Chou Tzuyu, death is inevitable. Accept that fact, swallow it, stomach it and digest it.


Because everybody will die in the end. It’s just a matter of when, where and how it’d happen.




“Are you cold?” Mino questioned went he saw Seulgi was crossing her arms together.


The starry night was breezed with the cold air. Not far from where Mino and Seulgi were sitting, Hanbin was helping Tzuyu to wash the dishes. They could see how Tzuyu was fuming red because Hanbin was teasing her, splashing water from the tap all over her. Mino knew that Hanbin did it purposely because the girl who had shot arrow into Hanbin’s heart hadn’t shown any interest in playing the love game with him.


“A little bit…” Seulgi crooked a smile, her head landed on Mino’s shoulder.


“Come closer.” Mino slowly pulled her fragile body into his embrace.


He gently her thin arm, trying to give some heat to prevent her from shivering. Needless to say, Mino was worried. Dead worried! Worried about Seulgi’s health that was severely going down the hill these days.


“How about now? Still cold?” He took off his sweater, placing it on her shoulders.


If he could control the wind, he would stop it from blowing. Seulgi can’t be exposed to the cold. If she were exposed to the cold, she subsequently developed fever. When she was down with fever, Mino’s heart sank like the titanic. He couldn’t dismiss the fact that she was in coma for a week due to her fever a month ago. And he had hoped to god that the event wouldn’t ever happen again.


“Hurm… I’m okay…. I’m not cold.” Seulgi lifted her head from the shoulder and curved a faint smile. Her hand found his hand and wrapped their fingers together before placing his hand on her cheek.


“Thank you…” Again her pale lips formed a smile. At times, she felt Mino’s hand her cheek, pushing her to the edge of bliss.


“For what?” Mino asked as she stared deep into Seulgi’s eyes and noticed that the twinkle inside those beautiful brown orbs was dimmed.


“For loving me…” Seulgi placed her head back on Mino’s shoulder, hadn’t had the courage to look into his eyes anymore. She felt guilty, knowing she was the reason why Mino was in misery.


The prince was going through a period of intense sorrow but there was no spell the wicked witch could cast to ease it.


“Hey… I love you to the moon and back. You know that right?” Mino wrapped his arm on her shoulder.


“I know.” Seulgi nodded.


“What did you talk about with Tzuyu?”


“Lots of stuffs. You know how Tzuyu is. She’s a chatterbox. From marriage issue until having kids in the future.” Seulgi laughed but only for a short time. Her laughter was then replaced her cough. Lately even if she laughed a little, it can cause her to have dyspnea.


“Are you alright, Seul?”


Seulgi could sense Mino was worried. Slowly Mino caressed her back, trying to sooth her cough.


“I’m fine. Just a slight cough.” Seulgi smiled, her hand massaged her tightening chest.


“Wait here. I’ll go inside and grab you a glass of water.” Mino stood up, but his steps stopped when Seulgi grabbed his arm.


“No need. Just give me a sec. The cough will stop.” She gripped his hand stronger, pulling him to sit again next to her.


“Seriously you don’t want any water?” Mino hesitated to take a seat but still he followed her wish.


“Yup, I just want you and you alone, Song Minho.” She smirked cheekily.


“Ai… Ai… Ai.. Madam. Your wish is my command. Song Minho at your service.” He playfully pinched her nose, causing his wife to giggle softly.


Seulgi took out her iPhone and scrolled down to find her favorite song, Jessica Jung’s That One Person You. Hearing the song echoed, filling the surrounding between them, Mino glanced to his side. Seeing how Seulgi was humming the song with her eyes closed, it triggered something inside his heart.


Is this what love is?

Does it hurt the more you do it?

The more I get closer to you

My feelings grow bigger

It scares me


The more I got closer to you, Kang Seulgi, the more my feelings grew. It scared me, Seul. It scared the daylights out of me to think that I might lose you one day.


Such a precious person to me

That person, who won’t ever come again

That’s it for me, that’s enough

Just the fact that I love you


Mino, you’re the most precious person to me. Just hearing you said that you love me to the moon and back had flown me straight to heaven. I’m blessed because I have the chance to spend the little time that I’ve left with you.


The one person who can’t see me though I am looking

The one person who can’t hear me though I am calling

Do you even remember me?

Do you even think of me?

Just once, please


You, that one person who I can’t see, though you were looking at me before. You, that one person who I didn’t hear though you were calling me before. You, that one person who I didn’t even remember or even think about before. What made you so keen in loving me despite how cruel I was to you before, Seul?


The only thing I can do is cry but

Like a fool, I am waiting

Please come to me now

Come to me just like this

My last wish is that one person, you


I used to cry a river when I knew that you were dating Juhyun. I waited, I waited like a fool for you to finally come to me and now you’re here by my side. My last wish to have that one person, you, Song Minho, had finally come true.


To you, I’m a small person

Just someone you know

That’s it for me, that’s enough

Just the reason of love



“Why are you doing this, Seul. What’s your motive?”


 “Because I love you to the moon and back.”


“Well, congratulation Seul. I hate you to the moon and back.”


Argh! Remembering how he was a jerk to her made Mino wanted to kill himself. Seulgi didn’t deserve to be treated like that. She never deserved any of that. Ever! How I wish I could turn back time, Kang Seulgi…


The one person who can’t see me though I am looking

The one person who can’t hear me though I am calling

Do you even remember me?

Do you even think of me?

Just once, please


That one person finally sees me when I’m looking. That one person finally hears me when I’m calling. When I’m gone, I know that he’ll remember me. I know that he’ll think of me. Song Minho…my very own prince…


That one person, you

You are my only love

My heart can’t let you go

Just as much as I love you

Each minute and each second hurts so much


That one person, you, Kang Seulgi. You’re my only love. My heart can’t let you go. Just as much as I love you, each minute and each second hurts so much. What will I do when you’re gone? My wicked witch….


The one person who appears even when I close my eyes

The person who is next to me even in my dreams

Do you even remember me?

Do you even think of me?

I miss you, please


How I wish that the hand of time would stop ticking. I don’t need to close my eyes so that one person will appear. I don’t need to dream just to have that one person next to me. I don’t have to miss that one person, because that one person, Song Minho is here with me.


The only thing I can do is cry but

Like a fool, I am waiting

Please come to me now

Come to me just like this


The only thing that I can do is cry. I don’t have the magic to cure you. I’m not a unicorn that has the power to heal everything. I’m not a prince that can kiss his witch so that she would be awakened from the death. I’m Song Minho, merely a mortal human. And there’s nothing that I can do to save you, Kang Seulgi…


My last wish is that one person, you


My last wish had been granted. I have you, that one person, Song Minho…


“Mino….” Seulgi broke the silence after the song ended.


“Hurm….” Mino mumbled softly.


“Do you like the sky?”




“Do you love the sky?”




“Really, really love the sky?”


“Yup… But….”


“But what?” She lifted her head, their eyes met.


“But I love my wicked witch more… I love you to the moon and back, Seulbear….” And slowly his lips planted a kiss on her forehead.


Seulgi was flabbergasted, but despite that, she still curved a smile on her lips.


“I love you too, my prince. I love you to the moon and back, Mino…” Seulgi clutched Mino’s hand and kiss it before intertwining their fingers together. She then landed her head back on his shoulder.


Dear God, the only thing I ask of you is to hold him when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away…


Mino was taken by surprise when he felt his shoulder dampened. He realized his wife was crying but he just let her cried. He still fixated his gaze towards the starry sky, staring deep into the night. Slowly he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his embrace, kissing her on the forehead.


Dear God, as much as you granted her the strength to withstand her sickness, grant me the same strength so that I could be with her all the way through until the end of her life.




A week after their dinner date with Tzuyu and Hanbin, Seulgi was admitted to the hospital once again. She lost her consciousness after she threw up in the bathroom. That morning, Seulgi was having a high fever; she coughed so much even her sputum had blood. Her headache so excruciating until she felt her eyes can bulge out from the socket any moment soon. Her nose bled and she couldn’t balance herself when she was walking, her whole body felt numbed. Those were Seulgi’s words before she collapsed into Mino’s arms.




Mino who was tilting his head down, shutting his eyes from reality lifted his head. His mom and dad were standing in front of him. Seulgi’s father was behind his parents. He noticed that their faces were written with uneasiness.


“How’s Seul? What had happened, Mino? Everything’s fine, right?” His mom bombarded him with questions. But Mino didn’t answer anything. He just stayed mum.


“Mino, what’s wrong, son? Where’s Seul? Is she okay?” This time the questions came from his father in law. Luckily his father was not as anxious as his mother or father in law. His father was the one who had been keeping everybody together. Without him, they all would have fallen apart and be thrown deep into the abyss of despair.


“Mom….” Mino sounded calm. He tried his damn hardest to prevent his tears from flowing out. He will not cry in front of his family; that was something he had promised to Seulgi and to himself too.


“Why, Mino? What’s wrong with Seul?” Mrs. Song, who was in her husband’s embrace questioned. Why was Mino looking so sad? Why did Mino sounded so down?


“Doctor Im said that we have to prepare for the worst…” Mino inhaled deeply and exhaled, hoping to tone down his sadness.


“What… What are you trying to imply, Mino?” Mrs. Song cried even harder than before. She stopped wiping the liquid that stained her face. She felt herself weakening, her grip loosened up from her husband’s arms.


“Seul..Seul… is in a critical state, mom. She might be leaving us soon…”


“Oh my god… Seul….” His mother couldn’t choke back her sob anymore as she collapsed inside his father’s embrace.


Mino saw that even his father was tearing up but he still comforted his grieving wife. He her back gently, hugging her, sharing the same pain and sorrow that she was feeling at that moment.


Mino stayed fix on his seat; he didn’t know what he should do. Whether he should console his crying mother or perhaps he should share the feeling of grief with his father in law that was kneeling down flat on the floor.  Or maybe he should head towards, Tzuyu, the girl with the grey foil sweater, black jeans and sneakers who was standing at the corridor, crying her heart out watching the whole scene from afar.


But in the end, Mino did nothing. He just froze.


Chou Tzuyu, your beloved Kang Seulgi might not have much time left. She might not be able to see you in your wedding dress and saying I do to one guy. She might not have the chance to pick names for your kids with you, let alone reading her favorite fairy tales to your minions.


Seul, my dearest wicked witch, mom, dad, appa, Tzuyu and even I have to accept that you, Kang Seulgi, will be leaving us.




The wicked witch was slowly dying yet there was no means available for the prince to save her.



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Chapter 7: This made me cry. Such a sad but beautiful story. Thanks a lot.
ohpearl #2
Chapter 4: *didn't sick
Sorry for typo
ohpearl #3
Chapter 4: I wondering, what if seulgi didn't at all mino will be realize that he love her? Or will mino love seulgi early?
Chapter 4: I fcking love this!
Chapter 7: I thoroughly enjoy reading, laughing and crying all at the same time.

Thank you Author-nim
Chapter 7: At first, I have no idea that this is angst. Seriously, I have no idea. I haven't had the time to prepare for the sudden heartbreaking scenes. No boxes of tissue, no chocolate or ice cream or sweets, just me and my plain blanket.

This has been a good read. The characters' emotions have been brought out well. Those emotions have reached the readers, touching thy hearts. When I was reading the first chapter, I had that feeling of sadness. I felt sad for Seulgi. When the next chapters came, I felt like a water dam broke. I cried so much.

The ending is beautiful, although I expected that Mino will go back to Joohyun. I'm glad for Joohyun, too! Who knew that she married Jaebum? Hooray!

Thank you for writing this wonderful piece. I enjoyed reading it. Teehee. ♡
rna_cl #8
Chapter 7: you make me cried a river T . T
Even thought this story didn't have an happy ending but when i read the last part i can't stop smilling (while i cried too)... a great end for a great story thank you ....
AnneXue #9
Chapter 6: p.s upvoting this story because you deserved it. ten out of ten for me!
AnneXue #10
Chapter 6: firstly i want to apologise because i'm going to curse. i ing cried every chapters! i literally crying out loud in my room because i know that feeling so well. the feeling of being rejected and unrequited love. guess what i finished reading your story whole night and i slep around 1 in the morning and i have class at 8, my eyes is red and swollen. not to forget my turns red. because i cried so hard.

p.s this story is very beautifully written, i really hope you to continue writing on Mino and Seulgi.

(finally i have time to give a comment/feedback. i am sorry for that.)