Taehyung's Revelation

Always Unsuspecting
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       It was nearing three in the morning when Taehyung glanced at his watch, "Holy crap."

      The time had passed quicker than he realized. He yawned as he closed his laptop, he was sure he had enough information to go speak to Namjoon about what he discovered, but he didn't think their leader would appreciate being woken in the middle of the night. He decided to stay up for three more hours to ensure he was awake when Namjoon got up, he just needed to occupy himself so he didn't nod off. He grabbed the laptop and headed out of the library, deciding to kill time with a walk around the castle.

     The hallway was dreary, the radiant beams of the half-moon transformed the ordinary floating dust particles into a forsaken astral doomscape, further amplified by the faint thumps of a punching bag being abused in the distance. He approached the weight room, peeking in with the utmost caution. Seokjin was vigorously pummeling the bag as if lost in a mindless stupor. The sweat beads cascading down his bare chest made it obvious he had been there for quite some time.

     "Hey," He called out and Seokjin stopped momentarily to look at him.

     "What?" Seokjin continued on the bag, as Taehyung joined him.

     "I found some out and I'm kind of freaking a little-"

     "Jungkook?" Seokjin stopped and turned to him, a sort of desperation brimmed up in his expression.

     "No," Taehyung sighed. He watched as Seokjin sulked over to grab a towel and his water, "Jimin's girlfriend Meredith-"

     "The fearless vampire brainbox?" Seokjin rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his water.

     "I don't think they're allies," Taehyung hated admitting that his brother could be mixed up in something dangerous.

     "You think Jimin is the leak?" Seokjin perked up, looking like he might burst into an angry episode if Taehyung worded this wrong.

     "I don't think he meant to, but if he told Meredith some , I don't know," Taehyung set the laptop down on the bench.

     "He has access to all the records," Seokjin returned to the bag, gripping the sides to halt its swaying.

     "He wouldn't purposely give away information-"

     "I swear to all that is good Taehyung, if Jimin is the leak-"    

     "Don't do anything stupid," Taehyung interrupted, "He's a bit naive when it comes to that girl, he doesn't realize what she's about."

     "Then maybe you need to educate him," Seokjin slammed his fist into the bag so hard that it burst, spewing stuffing all over the floor, "Before I do."

     He left the room, leaving Taehyung alone with the innards of the bag surrounding him.

     Maybe Seokjin wasn't the best person to confide in.


     Taehyung knew the most effective way to acquire the information he sought was through personal verification, so he followed Jimin to Meredith's house shortly after noon. For the last five minutes, he had been scoping out the surroundings from his car with a set of binoculars he borrowed from his father, scanning the premises for any cameras.

     "How does a vampire elitist not have security?" His bewilderment turned to hope, maybe that meant that she was harmless and he had exaggerated this whole thing in his mind. Files don't lie. Her family was shady, mixed up in numerous criminal activities, he found it hard to believe she wasn't associated with that. The way Jimin talked about her made her seem like nothing more than a glorified activist, and as much as Taehyung prayed that was the truth, his intuition painted a different story.

     He glared down at the parabolic microphone resting in the passenger seat and sighed. He thought maybe if he could listen in on one of their conversations, he could get a handle on what Jimin was up to. The talk with Namjoon earlier that morning gave him the impression that they all thought Jimin was in on it, and Taehyung knew his brother would never turn on his pack.

    His thoughts were interrupted by a sleek black SUV with tinted windows pulling into the driveway and two well-dressed individuals climbing out. The taller of the two caught his attention, he had recognized the man's face from a mugshot he saw on the supernatural war crimes list, a current member of Jacker's crew. He felt his stomach drop. 

     Please let this be a huge misunderstanding. Taehyung kept repeating the sentiment over and over as he exited his vehicle, going into immediate stealth mode so he could sneak closer to get a better look. Camouflaged by the foliage surrounding the residence, he discreetly peered in a few windows but the rooms were unoccupied.

     "Where did you go?" he murmured to himself, exasperated. This is not how he wanted to spend his day, crouching in Meredith's bushes to try to catch a glimpse of what his brother was up to. Not that he could actually see... anything. Ugh. 

     "Dexter, come here boy," a voice rang out somewhere behind him and he was startled by the crunching of underbrush underfoot, he quickly turned to witness a cocker spaniel urinating in the flowers just next to his shoes.

     "Dexter!" a passerby called the dog over, stopping in front of the house, trying to spot their canine companion amongst the flora.

     Taehyung ducked down out of sight, blending into the shrubbery. He held his breath as the animal sniffed his armpit.

     "Dexter, come here you silly animal."

     "Go on Dexter, go," Taehyung whispered, trying to shoo him away.

     The dog gave a quick arf at Taehyung before running over to join his owner. He watched as they continued off down the street out of sight, letting out a puff of air, sake, you're going to be arrested for voyeurism. He proceeded to the next window, about to peek up over the ledge, when he lost his footing and stumbled. He caught himself just in time to avoid being entangled in a rose bush. I can see the headlines now, ' peeping tom discovered ensnared by thorns while trying to peer into window'.

     Nature was in overdrive today; he nearly collided with several pollinating bees, and a colony of fire ants scaling the ivy that clung to the siding. He tried his best not to swat at them as he crept along the foundation, heading towards the back gate. He jiggled the handle, but it was locked. "This is pointless." 

     He decided to just go back to his car, but less than thirty seconds later, Meredith and Jimin came sauntering out of the house, followed by the two men who were now carrying briefcases. Taehyung stashed himself in the bushes in the neighbor's yard to avoid being caught, he suddenly felt like that Homer Simpson meme. He doubled back to his car, watching as they all climbed into the SUV together. Taehyung knew he had to follow, if these men were on the way to see Jacker, then maybe he could rescue Jungkook, but... he had to be careful, Jimin knew what his car looked like and if he tipped them off, Taehyung would be in big trouble.


     They pulled into an empty lot that led to a series of run-down factories, at least five desolate buildings stood side by side, all long abandoned by the companies that built them. Taehyung noticed that armed guards were patrolling on the roof of the middle building, five men were visible, he had no clue how many others could be hiding. This had to be Jacker's hideout or one of his places of operation, and since it was guarded, he figured there was a good chance that Jungkook was inside. Taehyung drove past and parked down another road, he needed to get a closer look and somehow not be spotted.

     He entered a rather ragged hotel that sat diagonally across the street, the clerk wasn't behind the desk, so he just slipped upstairs, listened against a few doors to find an empty room, and picked the lock. Once inside, he zipped to the window where he had a clear view of the middle building and the car they had arrived in. The curtains were practically falling off the rod, infested with holes from various-sized insects, that by no coincidence now lined the sill with their rotting carcasses. The fabric reeked of urine and he had to wonder why people would be pissing on curtains, but people had weird es, and he knew they didn't come to this place for the accommodations. He grabbed the hem of the fabric and carefully drew them back to have a better view, cringing at how greasy they felt.

     He noticed Jimin and Meredith were leaning against the car, smoking. Since when do you smoke? Taehyung shook his head, there were some things about Jimin he seemed to be out of touch with. He took out his phone and snapped off a few pictures as two different men approached them, Jimin flicked his cigarette down and stepped on it, then turned to the men and did a 'bro' shake.

     "No Jimin, what are you doing?" Taehyung shuddered. There was no way Jimin didn't know who these men were. He couldn't protect his brother if he was involved with this...  No, no way... Jimin would not do that. This had to be something else... maybe Jimin was undercover. Yeah, undercover. He ran his fingers through his hair frustrated. He could feel a panic attack coming on and he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself. It didn't help. "Jimin is loyal, he would never purposely hurt the pack..."

    "Meredith thinks just because Jacker is bad, that we shouldn't dismiss all his beliefs..." Jimin's words echoed in his head. No, he isn't going to let some girl convince him to be Jacker's . There is a good explanation for this. Taehyung was willing to give his brother the benefit of the doubt, until he saw him hand off a folder to one of them. Their father's secret folders were a special green color, it had been a whole ordeal to find different folders to distinguish them from Namjoon's, he knew because he accompanied his father to the office supply store and picked them out himself.


     Taehyung dialed Seokjin, almost immediately regretting it when he answered. Taehyung couldn't speak, he just stood there frozen, contemplating what he should tell Seokjin, he knew that the cranky hybrid wouldn't hesitate to kill his brother.

     "Taehyung?" Seokjin's voice came through the receiver, "Where are you?"

     "Seokjin, I need you to promise me something first-" Taehyung started to hyperventilate.

     "I can't promise you anything," Seokjin answered honestly, but Taehyung already figured he wouldn't.

     Taehyung sent a picture of Jimin with the two men at the car. The green folders were laid out on the hood and they were going through the contents.

     "Don't hurt him," He pleaded, but he knew that was in vain.

     "Where are you?" The anger in his voice was vibrating through the phone and Taehyung started to sweat.

     "Hotel on Grande Street," Taehyung whispered, closing his eyes. This was about to set off a chain of events that could lead to some very bad for Jimin, for them all. Taehyung heard the line click and he knew Seokjin would be here within twenty minutes. He leaned against the wall and covered his mouth, trying to calm his breathing. Please let this be a big misunderstanding.

     When he peered back out the window, Jimin was alone, leaning against the car door and staring up at the hotel windows like he was studying something. Taehyung ducked behind the curtain, he swore that his brother spotted him.

     "." He exhaled, alarmed. He counted to ten and then chanced a peek. Jimin's attention was now on fixing his hair in the side-view mirror of the car. 


     Seventeen short minutes later, Seokjin pulled up at the curb in front of the hotel on his motorcycle, revving his engine a little too loud for someone who was supposed to be inconspicuous. He lifted off his helmet and stared right at the middle building as he turned his bike off. Taehyung hurried to the hotel door, peeking his head out, panicked at his lack of discretion.

     "Are you crazy, do you want them to see you?" Taehyung knew Seokjin was not this dense.

     Seokjin just smirked.

     "You're gonna get us both shot," Taehyung joined him at the curb.

     "Maybe you should go back home now," His gaze was murderous. Taehyung felt chills, this expression meant chaos was incoming.

     "Wh-what are you gonna do?" Taehyung was about to lose his mind, "You can't hurt him-"

     Seokjin looked down at the ground, cracking his neck. When he raised his head back up, his eyes were blackened and his fangs extended beyond his lips.

     "Trust me, you're gonna want to go back to your car and get the hell out of here."

     Taehyung couldn't speak, he was terrified of Seokjin right now. His body tensed up, paralyzing him.

     "N-no, you ca-can't hurt him," Taehyung stammered, yanking Seokjin's arm. Seokjin pushed him off and he stumbled backward to catch himself from falling.

     "Go now," Seokjin growled and Taehyung jumped, backing away from the elder, "GO!"

     Taehyung took off running, as fast as his wobbly legs could carry him, back down the block toward his car. He turned the corner and stopped, trying to catch his breath. His attention snapped immediately to the grotesque-looking man standing next to his car, his hands in his pockets like he was waiting for someone, and next to him... was Jimin, leaning against the door with his arms crossed, staring right at him with a look in his eyes Taehyung had never seen from his brother. Contempt. 

     Taehyung's heart dropped.

     "You son of a -" Taehyung spat, rushing forward, he decked Jimin, who fell to the ground with a hard thump, "You've been leaking information about our pack-"

     "Not about our pack, about Seokjin-" Jimin wiped his mouth as he stood.

     "Why?" Taehyung yelled, angrier than he had ever been before, he wanted to throttle Jimin.

     "The Onyx are dangerous, Taehyung, you know that," Jimin tried to explain, but Taehyung shook his head.

     "No... Jacker is the enemy... why the would you side with them?" 

     "Someone has to protect our pack, you're all too blind to see it," Jimin reasoned, "I've seen what the Onyx can do."

     "What are you talking about?" Taehyung was incredulous, he could not believe this was his brother, his blood.

     "Meredith opened my eyes," Jimin didn't blink as he stared through Taehyung.

     "She's corrupted you," Taehyung corrected him, "You can't believe what she's saying-"

     "Seokjin's grandfather single-handedly wiped out 23 packs. He murdered them for no other reason than them being werewolves," Jimin uttered, "Not to mention, what Jungkook's father was..."

     "That doesn't mean they-"

     "Don't be ignorant Taehyung," Jimin leaned against the car, his voice vehement, "I can't protect you from what's going to happen if you choose their side."

     "What the hell does that mean?" Taehyung felt like he was about to throw up.

     "You don't want to be on the wrong side of this," Jimin's tone was too calm, he looked down at the sidewalk, "You're my brother, but if you choose them..." Jimin looked back at Taehyung, his gaze blank, "Then you're the enemy."

     "Jimin?" Taehyung pleaded, he now knew why Jimin was here waiting for him.

     "Leave with me Tae," Jimin begged, "Pledge your allegiance to the right side-"

     "Don't do this, please," A tear rolled down Taehyung's cheek.

     The man who had been standing there the whole time motionless, pulled out a silver dagger from his pocket. Taehyung's eyes darted to him then back to Jimin.

     "Last chance," Jimin informed him, his face remorseful, "Come with me."

     "Let me help you," Taehyung took a step towards him, but Jimin backed away, "Jimin, please."

     Jimin scrunched up his face, defiant. "I'm done talking about this with you-"

     "Jimin-" Taehyung's heart broke in two, "Don't do this!"

     Jimin backed up several feet and glared at the man hesitant, as if he was mulling an important decision around in his mind. He slowly nodded, then looked away.

     The man lunged forward and Taehyung dodged the daggered hand that swung at him, "Jimin..." He yelled, but Jimin did not respond, he just stood there with

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Love when your writing and AFF decides to freeze, thus not displaying all of what you just wrote...


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Chapter 50: Yeah, I really enjoyed to read your story.

To me, it seems like the work of a professional writer and if you change the name of the characters, maybe you could be published for real ! Thanks again for your amazing work, I'm obviously going to read the bonus parts.
Chapter 34: You're a really great writter author-nim, I haven't finished reading your story yet but I have to say it, this is incredibly good. Wow ! Thank you for sharing your great work with us =)
irenii #3
Chapter 50: I have just finished reading your story. Well i still have to read the bonus chapters but still... i read it in 3 days. I seriously love it. I am a superfan of supernatural things (including the TV show with that name lol) so this was so fun for me. I really really want the story to continue!! I have seen there is a second part and i am sure i will like it as much as this one =)
Haaru1 #4
Chapter 64: That was great . I went through rollercoaster of emotions and to think that I just happen to share same story(Yoongi was the reason I got into bts and Jinkook are just my life) I feel glad. Thankyou for the story.💜
Trngmy #5
Chapter 5: Finally, a side of Jin that is more different than the rest of the fanfiction I have read so far....not vulnerable and shy, but mysterious and manly. So far I love it!
Chapter 64: I realized that I never showed how much I appreciate you and this story this brings a lot of beautiful memories.. On of the best jinkook fan fiction I have ever read..i was introduced to this masterpiece in tenth grade.. I was so obsessed I cried, felt happy, sad and every emotion you could describe.. I bendg reading this as if it was a tv series.. I love the way you write and how you give the story life as if we are living this amazing story.. You are the best and keep on going and continue your thing.. Stay happy ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 29: This chapter made me sad and cry like a river ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 27: TaeGi ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 7: This is so damn exciting ?
Chapter 1: niiiiice.