
Always Unsuspecting
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     The next day, Jungkook was practicing in the courtyard a full half hour early, polishing some moves before Seokjin arrived. He was surprised at how natural he felt while fighting, like an instinct ingrained in him. He wanted to do more, to show Seokjin how serious he was about training. He decided he would have to train harder and longer... and hey, if that meant he had to spend more time with the elder, then so be it. Maybe he could break through Seokjin's defenses somehow, gaining his trust would be the ultimate reward. He smiled at the thought.

     Seokjin came around the corner of the building and stopped short, surprised at the sight before his eyes. He watched for a few moments as Jungkook went through some stances, fighting off a bevy of invisible villains from his imagination. Jungkook was always immersed in his own world. Seokjin grinned, the kid was learning fast, he was sure before long Jungkook would be up to his level. Maybe he'll even surpass you...

     Jungkook removed his shirt and Seokjin's heart skipped a beat; the younger's well-defined chest and sculpted abs were a sight to behold. What the hell does this kid bench press, tractors? He cracked his neck and cleared his throat, shaking off the thought, continuing on toward Jungkook, who stopped as he saw him approach.

     "You're late," Jungkook kidded and Seokjin smirked.

     "Surprised to see you here already," Seokjin removed his own shirt and grabbed some fighting gloves.

     "I want to get serious, I want to actually fight people," Jungkook announced, trying not to stare.

     "Oh really?" Seokjin was not convinced, he slipped on a glove.

     "Those places you go in the city,"  Jungkook stopped and turned to him, "I wanna go."

     "Those guys train years before they go there, you're not ready," Seokjin advised, "Not a good idea."

     "Then let me go and watch a fight," Jungkook practically pleaded. The look in the younger's eyes was enough to tell Seokjin that he wasn't playing around.

     "Why the sudden interest-" 

     "I knew you'd ask that," Jungkook interrupted, "I'm tired of feeling like I have no power, I want to be able to fend off anything that comes at me."

     Seokjin was impressed, which confused him a bit because it seemed like nothing impressed him anymore. He looked off into the distance, pondering. Jungkook was sure he was coming up with excuses as to why he shouldn't and he was ready with a counter argument.

     "Okay," He said flatly and put on his other glove.

     "Okay? Really?" Jungkook was excited.

     "What better way for you to see what you are up against, right?" Seokjin stood in front of him, "Plus, this guy I'm fighting is pretty bad , I could use someone in my corner."

     Jungkook's face was contorted in shock, it was like Seokjin had practically admitted a vulnerability. Forty-five minutes later, he took that thought back, Seokjin worked him hard and his muscles ached more than usual, there was nothing vulnerable about this guy.

     "Be ready at 8, I'm leaving with or without you," Seokjin told him as he threw the gloves to Jungkook.

     Jungkook nodded, watching Seokjin slip on his shirt as he walked back towards the house. He wondered what the elder did all day, he knew he spent at least a few hours in the morning training and ate dinner at seven every night, but what he did in those other hours was a mystery. Jungkook also knew Seokjin didn't sleep much, he saw him on several occasions walking around the castle grounds late at night. He attempted to follow one night last week but lost him in the cemetery that sat on the far end of the grounds.


     Namjoon was standing at the window in his office, peering out at the sun as it began to set over the horizon, he had to squint a bit from the rays reflecting off the tempered glass, shining in on him at just the right angle to align with his pupils. It was a beautiful sight, nonetheless. Sunset was always his favorite time of day.

     Seokjin walked in, shutting the door behind him, wondering why he had been summoned.

     "Sit," Namjoon ordered.

     Seokjin hesitated for a moment, but then took a seat on the couch, next to the window.

     "You're taking the kid with you tonight?" Namjoon started and then turned to him, "Is that safe?"

     "They wouldn't dare to try anything with the other packs there," Seokjin shifted in his seat. "He needs to see what Jacker's goons are like."

     "Two halflings in one place is a risk, he's not like you."

     "Not yet," Seokjin assured him, a slight smile formed on his mouth.

     Namjoon looked a bit surprised at the statement, Seokjin exuded pride sitting there thinking about Jungkook, and he was never one to dote on anyone. "Half the reason he is down there training is because of you."

     "How so?" Seokjin leaned back.

     "He likes you, he wants to get close to you," Namjoon explained, "You seem to have a soft spot for him."

     "He reminds me of myself. Nothing else." Seokjin assumed he was talking about Jungkook having a 'crush' on him, he had been informed on several occasions by Noni.

     "So you're aware of-" Namjoon started.

     "I'm aware of everything," Seokjin stated and looked away, "You mistake his enthusiasm for lust."

     "Just be careful, you may know a lot of things when it comes to fighting, but your ability to understand basic human emotions is questionable."

     Seokjin heard it all before, he was well aware that his drive for revenge often made him seem cold and uncaring. He didn't trust people easily and found it hard to let anyone 'in', he knew that too. He probably was a bit closer to Jungkook than he wanted to be, than he should be, if the way he acted towards Jungkook could even be considered close according to normal classification, he didn't even let Jungkook in like normal people did with each other.

     "Just don't let him get hurt," Namjoon stated.

     "I won't." Seokjin looked him in the eye.

     "I'm not just talking about tonight at the fight," Namjoon was serious, his eyes glowed red.

      It was a fact that most people got frightened when Namjoon looked them in the eyes, especially when they glowed, but Seokjin did not. Namjoon worried that was what would get him killed, he was an adept warrior, one of his best 'soldiers', but he didn't fear anything, not even Jacker.

     "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," Seokjin assured him, "Anything else?"

     "No, but kick tonight." Namjoon wished him luck.

     "I always do," Seokjin smirked.

     Namjoon watched Seokjin amble out of his office, almost bumping into Jungkook as the younger was walking in. Jungkook stared after him as he shut the door.

     "Stick with him, don't leave his side tonight," Namjoon's voice projected urgency, "This place you're going to is dangerous."

     Jungkook sat down, curiosity furrowing his brow.

     "Don't wander off and don't engage anyone."

     "Okay." Jungkook's voice cracked, "Why?"

     "You know that halflings aren't accepted everywhere, with every pack?" Namjoon sat down next to him. Jungkook nodded. "Seokjin is a bit reckless when it comes to these fights, he is good, probably one of the best, and that angers a lot of them."

     "I figured," Jungkook spoke softly.

     "Two halflings in one place is a big invitation for trouble, be prepared." Namjoon put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "Even if you see him hurt, don't engage anyone."

     Jungkook nodded, but he wasn't sure that he could keep that promise, if Seokjin was hurt, he wouldn't be able to hold back. He suddenly shuddered at the thought of seeing Seokjin fighting, he knew the elder could handle himself, but he also knew that if this other guy was as badass as Seokjin said, that he was bound to draw blood. He didn't know how he would handle seeing the elder hurt, he hoped he could keep it together.


     Later that night at eight on the dot, Seokjin pulled out of his parking spot, checking his rear-view for any sign of the younger. He sighed as he adjusted the mirror and gave a quick glance towards the closed door. Five more seconds and I'm out of here, Jungkook.

     Jungkook peered out his bedroom window, noticing Seokjin was out of his spot. . He tore out of his room and booked it down the stairs, busting out the front door like he was escaping a murderous monster, running straight towards the car as it was pulling away. He caught up in a matter of seconds, tumbling off to the side to avoid the car's bumper as Seokjin stopped quick.

      "," Jungkook chided as he climbed in the passenger seat and buckled his belt.

     "Thought you changed your mind," Seokjin laughed to himself.

     "I told you I was serious," Jungkook was pumped, bouncing between excited and nervous, it was like a right of passage to finally be able to see one of these fights.

     "Hang on," Seokjin threw it in drive and gunned it down to the gates. Once they were on the open road, he used his wolf-like reflexes to navigate through traffic with ease, not slowing up until he reached the city limits. Jungkook didn't utter a word the whole ride, not that he had any clue what to talk about, he felt it better to save his energy for later.


     The city was bustling with activity, the flashing lights of the strip were both distracting and awe-inspiring at the same time, Jungkook couldn't look away as he read the signs - everything from pawn shops to liquor stores to street vendors peddling their wares. He had to do a double take as they passed a line of hookers with thigh-high boots and short skirts leaning into cars with hopes of finding their trick for the night. He'd read about such sights, but seeing it all in person was a whole new experience...


    Seokjin parked in a lot next to a three-story building, affixed to the building was the sign 'Allied Waste Services'. Jungkook assumed because advertising supernatural fights was a little too exposed and not likely to go over well with the general population. Inside was much cleaner than he would have expected, but it smelled exactly like he thought it would - of sweat and blood. He noticed the envious stares as Seokjin walked past the rows of people in the audience, some stared back with disgust and hatred and Jungkook swore some of them sneered at him too. He fidgeted with the zipper on his hoodie, contemplating if he should try to blend into the background or stand up straight and walk with authority like Seokjin did, he felt the latter would just cause people to pay attention to him and cause the elder problems.

     Seokjin pushed Jungkook into a seat and took the seat next to him, setting his duffel bag down in front of him.

     "You okay?" Seokjin glanced at Jungkook, then fumbled through the bag, checking to make sure his wraps and mouthpiece were in there.

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Love when your writing and AFF decides to freeze, thus not displaying all of what you just wrote...


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Chapter 50: Yeah, I really enjoyed to read your story.

To me, it seems like the work of a professional writer and if you change the name of the characters, maybe you could be published for real ! Thanks again for your amazing work, I'm obviously going to read the bonus parts.
Chapter 34: You're a really great writter author-nim, I haven't finished reading your story yet but I have to say it, this is incredibly good. Wow ! Thank you for sharing your great work with us =)
irenii #3
Chapter 50: I have just finished reading your story. Well i still have to read the bonus chapters but still... i read it in 3 days. I seriously love it. I am a superfan of supernatural things (including the TV show with that name lol) so this was so fun for me. I really really want the story to continue!! I have seen there is a second part and i am sure i will like it as much as this one =)
Haaru1 #4
Chapter 64: That was great . I went through rollercoaster of emotions and to think that I just happen to share same story(Yoongi was the reason I got into bts and Jinkook are just my life) I feel glad. Thankyou for the story.💜
Trngmy #5
Chapter 5: Finally, a side of Jin that is more different than the rest of the fanfiction I have read so far....not vulnerable and shy, but mysterious and manly. So far I love it!
Chapter 64: I realized that I never showed how much I appreciate you and this story this brings a lot of beautiful memories.. On of the best jinkook fan fiction I have ever read..i was introduced to this masterpiece in tenth grade.. I was so obsessed I cried, felt happy, sad and every emotion you could describe.. I bendg reading this as if it was a tv series.. I love the way you write and how you give the story life as if we are living this amazing story.. You are the best and keep on going and continue your thing.. Stay happy ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 29: This chapter made me sad and cry like a river ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 27: TaeGi ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 7: This is so damn exciting ?
Chapter 1: niiiiice.